Blade, Starky, and GR are outdated champs in need of updates that are below top 15 in their class.

Before you flood my first thread with disagrees... allow me to explain my highly controversial but somewhat intriguing view. So the Holy Trinity themselves. I'm going for the Big Game here. In 2017, these three were used in so many teams out there to clear the final quests of act 5 and the mystic wars it wasn't even funny. The Blade hype was an unexplainable, but truly joyous event where everyone came together to save their hard-earned 5* shards to pull these champions. Man those were good times.
Fast forward to the year 2021. Everyone has much different demands now. Blade is sitting in their rosters, collecting dust... along with their Ghost Riders and Stark Enhanced Spidermans. Ever wondered why? Well let me explain. With the changing times, it became clear what Kabam wanted to focus their shift on: Champions with their own bundles of utility or damage and kits unique to them in some way. While these three may have kits unique to them, their utilities definitely have not held up. Let me break down each one of their flaws...
Stark-Enhanced Spiderman:
This guy has some really nice damage even to this day, with one of the highest possible crit rates in the game still. He has a pretty fast and practical ramp up and additionally has some other tricks up his sleeve such as a decent taunt mechanic and a power drain on the heavy attack with a long cooldown. Starky also can evade special attacks with a 63% chance. While all of this is nice and all, that's really where it ends. Stark suffers from a severe lack of actual utility other than him evading specials and "power control" He just needs more... and since he does have a vast amount of features in his suit during the movie, he could honestly use some of those or something inspired by those. And let's not bother with the ensnare from the sp3 because that's just a joke in itself. Seeing as to how they made Stealthy with his different webbing types, I'd like to see some sort of modes for this guy having to do with his stark tech passive. His ensare debuff needs at least double the AAR and should be able to be refreshed in some way for the build-up required for the sp3. He is a glass cannon tech after all so I'd love for him to have more utility. Now here's the techs I'd rank over him: Ghost, Warlock, Guilly, Guardian, HB, Sentinel, Darkhawk, IMIW, Nebula, Mysterio, Doc Ock, Punisher 2099, and maybe even Psycho Man, and the Visions (bit of a stretch, not the point though).
Ghost Rider:
Let me start with this guy's very unreliable and synergy-reliant ability accuracy. Why does Ghost Rider even need a randomized chance for his judgements when CGR can get them on-the-dot? This ability seriously needs to be scrapped and just made so he can have a guaranteed chance to place judgements with his synergies being adjusted accordingly to match his fresh kit. Now his damage is laughably low. This can simply be fixed with a tune-up in potency to his sig ability fury as well as giving him the ability to stack his bleeds and furies once a damnation is active. His sp2 should also be able to inflict a heavy incinerate on the opponent considering he literally breathes fire onto the opponent. His utilities are already solid, just his main issue is his impracticality and his very low damage output. The 15 mystics I would rank over him are: Claire, Doom, Sorcerer, Dragon Man, Sassy, Tigra, SS, MS, Mojo, Longshot, Voodoo, Magik, Mephisto, Man Thing, and Scarlet Witch.
The Dhampir himself... one of the champions that almost broke the game. Once you are awoken from the nostalgia trip from 2017, you come to realize that he has very little application and use in today's contents. Why you may ask? Well... to start his synergies are with champions more impractical than him but just as outdated. Mephisto is the only exception who grew stronger and stronger with each synergy but Blade himself hasn't gotten a new synergy benefitting him ever. His utility is laughable for today's standards. Only 40% AAR... boosted to 58% with Starky? That is just not enough. His regen is okay but you will have to take a lot of block damage or time trying to even get the regen off without the opponent dashing at you like a madman. What should stay with his kit is his debuff shrug mechanic as that would just make him way too annoying of a defender. But for the first thing he needs: more champions to gain danger sense from. Add another class or two to spice things up. Preferably have them be the Science and Mutant classes because of Class advantage and disadvantage. This could be an interesting way to go about him, having him dominate science champs as he should while having to be cautious against the bleed-benefitting mutant champs. This plus his villian and Mystic synergies would boost his overall useage to 110 or probably a lot less champs in the game. As he would be synergy dependent, this could be a nice trade-off though unlike Magneto he gains no extra benefits against the Mutant class. With this Danger Sense, his AAR should be 50% at least. Starky would boost that to 72%, allowing 100% AAR with the pacify mastery when they are stunned. Lastly, his regen should not have a cap on it because it drains your power and requires effort to pull off. This in pair with his AAR, debuff shrugging, and champion coverage could return Blade back to his Holy Trinity status, making him a viable champion again.
Fast forward to the year 2021. Everyone has much different demands now. Blade is sitting in their rosters, collecting dust... along with their Ghost Riders and Stark Enhanced Spidermans. Ever wondered why? Well let me explain. With the changing times, it became clear what Kabam wanted to focus their shift on: Champions with their own bundles of utility or damage and kits unique to them in some way. While these three may have kits unique to them, their utilities definitely have not held up. Let me break down each one of their flaws...
Stark-Enhanced Spiderman:
This guy has some really nice damage even to this day, with one of the highest possible crit rates in the game still. He has a pretty fast and practical ramp up and additionally has some other tricks up his sleeve such as a decent taunt mechanic and a power drain on the heavy attack with a long cooldown. Starky also can evade special attacks with a 63% chance. While all of this is nice and all, that's really where it ends. Stark suffers from a severe lack of actual utility other than him evading specials and "power control" He just needs more... and since he does have a vast amount of features in his suit during the movie, he could honestly use some of those or something inspired by those. And let's not bother with the ensnare from the sp3 because that's just a joke in itself. Seeing as to how they made Stealthy with his different webbing types, I'd like to see some sort of modes for this guy having to do with his stark tech passive. His ensare debuff needs at least double the AAR and should be able to be refreshed in some way for the build-up required for the sp3. He is a glass cannon tech after all so I'd love for him to have more utility. Now here's the techs I'd rank over him: Ghost, Warlock, Guilly, Guardian, HB, Sentinel, Darkhawk, IMIW, Nebula, Mysterio, Doc Ock, Punisher 2099, and maybe even Psycho Man, and the Visions (bit of a stretch, not the point though).
Ghost Rider:
Let me start with this guy's very unreliable and synergy-reliant ability accuracy. Why does Ghost Rider even need a randomized chance for his judgements when CGR can get them on-the-dot? This ability seriously needs to be scrapped and just made so he can have a guaranteed chance to place judgements with his synergies being adjusted accordingly to match his fresh kit. Now his damage is laughably low. This can simply be fixed with a tune-up in potency to his sig ability fury as well as giving him the ability to stack his bleeds and furies once a damnation is active. His sp2 should also be able to inflict a heavy incinerate on the opponent considering he literally breathes fire onto the opponent. His utilities are already solid, just his main issue is his impracticality and his very low damage output. The 15 mystics I would rank over him are: Claire, Doom, Sorcerer, Dragon Man, Sassy, Tigra, SS, MS, Mojo, Longshot, Voodoo, Magik, Mephisto, Man Thing, and Scarlet Witch.
The Dhampir himself... one of the champions that almost broke the game. Once you are awoken from the nostalgia trip from 2017, you come to realize that he has very little application and use in today's contents. Why you may ask? Well... to start his synergies are with champions more impractical than him but just as outdated. Mephisto is the only exception who grew stronger and stronger with each synergy but Blade himself hasn't gotten a new synergy benefitting him ever. His utility is laughable for today's standards. Only 40% AAR... boosted to 58% with Starky? That is just not enough. His regen is okay but you will have to take a lot of block damage or time trying to even get the regen off without the opponent dashing at you like a madman. What should stay with his kit is his debuff shrug mechanic as that would just make him way too annoying of a defender. But for the first thing he needs: more champions to gain danger sense from. Add another class or two to spice things up. Preferably have them be the Science and Mutant classes because of Class advantage and disadvantage. This could be an interesting way to go about him, having him dominate science champs as he should while having to be cautious against the bleed-benefitting mutant champs. This plus his villian and Mystic synergies would boost his overall useage to 110 or probably a lot less champs in the game. As he would be synergy dependent, this could be a nice trade-off though unlike Magneto he gains no extra benefits against the Mutant class. With this Danger Sense, his AAR should be 50% at least. Starky would boost that to 72%, allowing 100% AAR with the pacify mastery when they are stunned. Lastly, his regen should not have a cap on it because it drains your power and requires effort to pull off. This in pair with his AAR, debuff shrugging, and champion coverage could return Blade back to his Holy Trinity status, making him a viable champion again.
Blade shuts down many champs with the right synergy
Ghost rider is okay but might need a little tune up
My 6 star Groot and Thor rags points out
I can agree that the trinity are far less useful than they used to be as that was by design, but I think the only one requiring some sort of tune up is GR.
Ghost rider, because he’s not a big hitter, gets often overlooked.
He’s bleed and incinerate immune, sp1/3 fate seals, sp2 for some clutch power drain, heavy to regen.
Blade, saves you the need to parry too much to get openings as his bleeds gives him power to constantly 5 hit combo sp1/2, which makes the rhythm of the fight very comfortable. Holding block gives on-demand regen.
Sacrificing a little regen, gets him to 95% debuff immunity on all debuffs with a timer.
Not to mention he can literally kill an opponent just by parrying them to death.
I’d say they’re still relevant, just out shadowed by those with big shiny yellow numbers.
I also think only ghost rider out of the 3 deserve to be looked at for a numbers tune up.
What about those champs that have been lacking in terms of damage/utility in both 2017 and 2021 ?? They are the ones that really need a tune-up/overhaul.
It’s like saying Ghost is #1 but she cannot take Starburst without needing potion support, but HB can when he’s duped cause he can regen back the lost health, hence he’s #1.
Or HB is better than Vision but a bleed node will stop him, hence Vision is better. Just doesn’t make sense.
The important thing is having a roster with the different aspects covered by champs across the classes.
I'm not a huge fan of Starky personally but he still has a lot of utility and his damage output is still as good as it has ever been. Stark's fall from prominence is more the introduction of some truly incredible tech champs than his own 'lack' of abilities.
Ghost Rider I agree to an extent, he needs a tune up, his damage is particularly meh and his judgements are too unreliable without Blade.
Blade, however, I know doesn't get the love that he once did but he is still an exceptional champion. He's one of the best matchups for every dimensional being, when paired with the right synergy champions he has effectively got class advantage + AAR reduction over nigh on half of the champions in the game which is something that can't be understated. Throw his Regen into the mix and he's also one of the most sustainable champions in the game. He's not necessarily going to be your go to champion for every match up and for rosters with 30-40 R5s he might only get used rarely because they have the best in class in all classes which is a hard team to get into. For rosters that are more limited and in their early development he's an excellent champion and when awakened certainly a good R5 option. Paired with either GR or Mephisto/Dormammu he's got danger sense active against all 6.1 and 6.2 bosses except ST and Champion.
With regards to blade, he is still an awesome champ and one of the best regen characters in the game.
GR may need some better numbers, but we have so many outdated champs in the game, that he is not even close to the bottom. Of the three, I would say stark is still relevant if you want numbers, blade still has insane matchup and only GR lags behind, and even he is not bad
And I hv max 5* blade...I don't use him nowadays...but I don't regret over him...he is still god level...