
Kabam, I don't understand your logic (Cav EQ)



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    GreekhitGreekhit Posts: 2,819 ★★★★★

    Will3808 said:

    My main complaint about cav difficulty based on where I am content wise (almost done with 6.2) is the way they’ve designed the nodes. I think the rewards are fine for early cav players and that when we get a thronebreaker difficulty people won’t complain about the cav rewards but for now it makes sense that the rewards aren’t good enough. But back to the nodes, Kabam has said they designed the nodes to make exploring quicker but what they’ve really don’t is make a few champions who are counters to the nodes go a little quicker and everyone else take way longer. This is completely counter intuitive to what Kabam has said they want cav difficulty to be like.

    I present to you this quandary that all developers have; how to make content that the whole roster of characters would be well suited for? There’s no viable solution for that matter as ultimately certain champs at higher tiers or those having unique abilities would always be better placed to handle tough fights compared to others. There will always exist the situation where specific champs have an obvious advantage over others, therefore faster and easier kills. You can’t expect an OG iron-man or Spider-Man to do better than other champs right? That’s why roster depth is essential moving forward to cover all bases.
    “How to make content that the whole roster of characters would be suited for?”
    Example: Skill Cav quest, node skillfull destruction, add bleed on top of disorient, incinerate and shock effects and problem solved.
    Bleed is the most common debuff effect of Skill class, why it is excluded other than just narrowing the champs that benefit from the node by a lot?
    Kabam really missed the mark on the new nodes. Last two months changes had made Cav difficulty fun and fast experience.
    This month’s exploration is mostly a long, boring grind 🙁
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    SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Posts: 753 ★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Will3808 said:

    My main complaint about cav difficulty based on where I am content wise (almost done with 6.2) is the way they’ve designed the nodes. I think the rewards are fine for early cav players and that when we get a thronebreaker difficulty people won’t complain about the cav rewards but for now it makes sense that the rewards aren’t good enough. But back to the nodes, Kabam has said they designed the nodes to make exploring quicker but what they’ve really don’t is make a few champions who are counters to the nodes go a little quicker and everyone else take way longer. This is completely counter intuitive to what Kabam has said they want cav difficulty to be like.

    I present to you this quandary that all developers have; how to make content that the whole roster of characters would be well suited for? There’s no viable solution for that matter as ultimately certain champs at higher tiers or those having unique abilities would always be better placed to handle tough fights compared to others. There will always exist the situation where specific champs have an obvious advantage over others, therefore faster and easier kills. You can’t expect an OG iron-man or Spider-Man to do better than other champs right? That’s why roster depth is essential moving forward to cover all bases.
    “How to make content that the whole roster of characters would be suited for?”
    Example: Skill Cav quest, node skillfull destruction, add bleed on top of disorient, incinerate and shock effects and problem solved.
    Bleed is the most common debuff effect of Skill class, why it is excluded other than just narrowing the champs that benefit from the node by a lot?
    Kabam really missed the mark on the new nodes. Last two months changes had made Cav difficulty fun and fast experience.
    This month’s exploration is mostly a long, boring grind 🙁
    You have the whole month to do it at a healthy pace. No one is compelling you to blitz through it my friend.
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    DönerminoDönermino Posts: 94

    xNig said:

    I get hit too... ☹️

    Scrub I block with my face. It’s not getting hit it’s a new blocking system we pros use
    In order to win the game, you shall rub your face on the screen and hope you hit the opponent... or you just use the bot, he plays like a real god

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    Agreed I think cav and hopefully thronebreaker eq is done more like a boss rush one super hard path and done each month would be awesome thinking all 6 bosses with nodes and 400 500k health ish

    If they ever implement a one and done path for Cavalier EQ, the fights would have to be way, way harder than that. I mean the Cavalier Psycho Man has 350k now. Six fights of 500k for all the Cavalier rewards seems unrealistically easy to me.
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    JhonST33JhonST33 Posts: 499 ★★★
    edited February 2021
    I just want tier 1 alfa catalyst, for me cavalier EQ is balanced, before you need champion to gain a lot of buffs (for cosmic) or that placed sever debuffs on the opponent (science), now you can run any path, maybe not mind's eye node, without specific characters.
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,265 ★★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Will3808 said:

    My main complaint about cav difficulty based on where I am content wise (almost done with 6.2) is the way they’ve designed the nodes. I think the rewards are fine for early cav players and that when we get a thronebreaker difficulty people won’t complain about the cav rewards but for now it makes sense that the rewards aren’t good enough. But back to the nodes, Kabam has said they designed the nodes to make exploring quicker but what they’ve really don’t is make a few champions who are counters to the nodes go a little quicker and everyone else take way longer. This is completely counter intuitive to what Kabam has said they want cav difficulty to be like.

    I present to you this quandary that all developers have; how to make content that the whole roster of characters would be well suited for? There’s no viable solution for that matter as ultimately certain champs at higher tiers or those having unique abilities would always be better placed to handle tough fights compared to others. There will always exist the situation where specific champs have an obvious advantage over others, therefore faster and easier kills. You can’t expect an OG iron-man or Spider-Man to do better than other champs right? That’s why roster depth is essential moving forward to cover all bases.
    “How to make content that the whole roster of characters would be suited for?”
    Example: Skill Cav quest, node skillfull destruction, add bleed on top of disorient, incinerate and shock effects and problem solved.
    Bleed is the most common debuff effect of Skill class, why it is excluded other than just narrowing the champs that benefit from the node by a lot?
    Kabam really missed the mark on the new nodes. Last two months changes had made Cav difficulty fun and fast experience.
    This month’s exploration is mostly a long, boring grind 🙁
    Then why add that node in the first place if everyone in the skill class can do it? What difference does it make from “Skill attackers gain 350% fury at the start of the fight.”?

    And where’s the breadth in roster that Kabam mentioned it wants to encourage?
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    Notsavage19Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Agreed I think cav and hopefully thronebreaker eq is done more like a boss rush one super hard path and done each month would be awesome thinking all 6 bosses with nodes and 400 500k health ish

    I'd be willing to support your idea if they had 2 mil health + a few more nodes on top of the nodes they have now.

    I'd love to see the 1st Deadpool boss have Aggression Regen, Indominatable, Bloodletting, and Crit Me With Your Best Shot on top of the current nodes.

    How do you feel about your "boss rush" now? Ya know, I'll make it even easier. One fight per chapter, but I'll turn the health up to 3 mil. Sounds about right for TBEQ.
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    Agreed I think cav and hopefully thronebreaker eq is done more like a boss rush one super hard path and done each month would be awesome thinking all 6 bosses with nodes and 400 500k health ish

    I'd be willing to support your idea if they had 2 mil health + a few more nodes on top of the nodes they have now.

    I'd love to see the 1st Deadpool boss have Aggression Regen, Indominatable, Bloodletting, and Crit Me With Your Best Shot on top of the current nodes.

    How do you feel about your "boss rush" now? Ya know, I'll make it even easier. One fight per chapter, but I'll turn the health up to 3 mil. Sounds about right for TBEQ.
    I'd say that seems to be a little too easy of a fight for any Thronebreaker with Warlock.
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    Notsavage19Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Agreed I think cav and hopefully thronebreaker eq is done more like a boss rush one super hard path and done each month would be awesome thinking all 6 bosses with nodes and 400 500k health ish

    I'd be willing to support your idea if they had 2 mil health + a few more nodes on top of the nodes they have now.

    I'd love to see the 1st Deadpool boss have Aggression Regen, Indominatable, Bloodletting, and Crit Me With Your Best Shot on top of the current nodes.

    How do you feel about your "boss rush" now? Ya know, I'll make it even easier. One fight per chapter, but I'll turn the health up to 3 mil. Sounds about right for TBEQ.
    I'd say that seems to be a little too easy of a fight for any Thronebreaker with Warlock.
    Hmmm, you're right. Maybe a few more nodes? 🤔
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    PseudouberPseudouber Posts: 760 ★★★
    It was doable but way less fun than the previous months. It felt annoyed most of the time by stupid nodes causing like Evades and unstoppable all the time. It just wasn't a fun mechanic to deal with for a whole quest. A lane or so is one thing but this.
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