Angela Buff Criticism

I'm really surprised Angela has been chosen as one of the champions to get a buff or tune up in March. This is surprising to me because I can think of at least 20 characters that could use a buff or tune up more than Angela. I personally think she isn't one of the lesser useful champions in the game, she has a bit going for her. I'm really excited for the OG BP and Miles buffs coming but would've loved to see War Machine, Storm, and BPCW get buffs or tune ups before Angela.
Almost everyone else you mentioned need more extensive work, utility changes etc.
You're welcomed
I'm good with it. They all get buffed eventually. 🤷♂️
Meaning Angela have any going to come out looking like Venom/Magneto but more like P99/Gambit.
I don't think War Machine or Storm need a value only update, they need something more involved.
Please do this...
AND its only ONE out of FOUR
Think before you post man..
Lately all that has been posted is hundreds of people asking the same question or trying to argue for the sake of argument, even when a mod gives the correct answer.. Nobody can listen to anything anymore.
PLEASE BOOST HER ALL INEXISTANT SP NUMBER... THE WORST IN GAME... ALL HER SP ARE MORE LOW THAN HER LOWEST BASIC ATTAK. And please during buff make her aptitude buff more powerfull. And to do her furies more powerfull.
Sometimes I question most of this forum's ability to read.
Good job KABAM 😁
My 6 r3 Angela is happy 😇