Don't Ever Nerf Champs

Beta_RayBeta_Ray Member Posts: 18
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
Kabam - please don't ever listen to players who recommend nerfing champs. Don't know if the game gets too hard for them or they get jealous of other players who have either grinded for or been lucky enough to receive a good champ.

Since I have been playing, I have seen more people come close to quitting because of nerfing than anything else.

I understand evolving gameplay, but don't punish everyone else because a few people start whining about champs being too good!


  • FAL7ENFAL7EN Member Posts: 297
    They nerf because they want to not because of the community
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  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    They nerf because they want to not because of the community

    Not true. I remember so many complaining about Black Widow on this board on a virtually daily basis that Kabam eventually reversed their initial stance saying they wouldn't touch her until they nerfed her to near oblivion and then later introduced even better champs. Same with Scarlet Witch. Although I agree that old SW was totally OP.
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Dont nerf , buff other champs. Dont nerf masteries, just add different once that counter or buff champs.
  • Xyborg_223Xyborg_223 Member Posts: 2
    amen first round of nerfs lost a lot of good players that quit because of unnecessary nerfs! I grinded long hours for these champs nerfing them is an insult to me and those WHO EARNED them in arena! This guy has too much time in his hands if he wants a challenge don’t use those champs (but I bet he does) and don’t ruin the game for the rest of us.
  • Ortem420Ortem420 Member Posts: 76
    I agree. Instead of nerfing characters who are worthless now, with the exception of SW(She was, hands down, almost unbeatable) you guys should have made other characters better. Now it’s all about the new characters that come out and you forget about the originals. Gamora, Drax, Magneto, BB, IF, DD, all seem pointless to own now. Even duped. Ultron use to be a beast. Now he’s just average. His LV3 use to take off a lot of health. Now it barely makes a scratch.
  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    Ortem420 wrote: »
    I agree. Instead of nerfing characters who are worthless now, with the exception of SW(She was, hands down, almost unbeatable) you guys should have made other characters better. Now it’s all about the new characters that come out and you forget about the originals. Gamora, Drax, Magneto, BB, IF, DD, all seem pointless to own now. Even duped. Ultron use to be a beast. Now he’s just average. His LV3 use to take off a lot of health. Now it barely makes a scratch.

    Apparently you don't run map 5/6
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Still don't understand DS nerf other than trying to add value to Voodoo. DS was skill based for the most part. It's tragic
  • FAL7ENFAL7EN Member Posts: 297
    CammonRo wrote: »
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    They nerf because they want to not because of the community

    Not true. I remember so many complaining about Black Widow on this board on a virtually daily basis that Kabam eventually reversed their initial stance saying they wouldn't touch her until they nerfed her to near oblivion and then later introduced even better champs. Same with Scarlet Witch. Although I agree that old SW was totally OP.
    They nerfed because the characters cleared difficult content with ease and not because people came here crying nerf.

  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    nerfing is done to re balance the game.. it's not a bad thing if it helps the larger game overall... 12.0 was a WAAAAAAAY over reach on this.. that's why people were so upset. I don't think anyone can argue SW didn't need to be nerfed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian
    And yet I see posts from oh so enlightened individuals that request nerfing.

    Sure you do. You see posts by players asking for all sorts of things, 99% of which never happen. When it does, and it is specifically a nerf, then of course it is because players asked for it.

    MMO developers have been nerfing MMOs since before Ultima Online in 1997, when the actual term "nerf" was coined to describe it. It is not like MMO developers ignore all player demands except nerfs, which somehow hypnotize developers into following player commands.
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    They only nerf champs that cost them $
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    Iron patriot needs Nerf he’s way too good, I mean he can beat a 5 star sig 200 as a lvl 1 3 Star. Iron Patriot needs NERF
  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    I'm still salty about my 99 DS being worthless now

    Who’s DS
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Doctor Strange. Yes his nerf still has me mad too.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    They nerf because they want to not because of the community

    Not true. I remember so many complaining about Black Widow on this board on a virtually daily basis that Kabam eventually reversed their initial stance saying they wouldn't touch her until they nerfed her to near oblivion and then later introduced even better champs. Same with Scarlet Witch. Although I agree that old SW was totally OP.
    They nerfed because the characters cleared difficult content with ease and not because people came here crying nerf.

    You can state whatever you like but I really don't believe that the constant whining did not at the very least influence them. BW wasn't really that OP but people whined so much they went completely overboard with her. They didn't just reduce her subtlety, the crit rate changes made her junk - it takes her forever to finish anyone - even with maxed assassin. They took and gave nothing back. And it was all because of Thorns in war which we don't even see anymore.

    And then to boot they introduced champs that are much stronger. CB was arguably better than BW before the nerf but now he's the clear winner. Quake can take out opponents without ever touching them if you know how to use her. Hyperion can hit L3 just by sitting there faster than DS ever could. And there are so many champs to combat evade these days like Agent Venom and Karnak. Elektra gets 85% reduction if you can debuff them and she doesn't need to be awakened. Iceman handles evades like a boss with his Cold Snap activated.

    People whine way too much in this game. And it's unfortunate because there are times when we have legitimate serious complaints but they get lumped in with all the useless whining. Like right now people are whining about the rewards from the boss rush challenge and the special calendar of FREE STUFF that's better than last year's. It's crazy.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    DaMunk wrote: »
    Doctor Strange. Yes his nerf still has me mad too.

    Yes agree. Not over it. He's so pitiful now.

    I would say that nerfs are probably the number one reason I don't spend anymore. The other reason being bugs in the game that hurt players that go unfixed for months on end.

    I saw those normally appealing T4C offers and all I could think is that I could buy those resources, invest them in a champ I love and then the next day Kabam could release an update that makes that champ garbage. So I don't buy.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Doctor Strange was nerfed so hard people don't even remember his
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    I'd be happy with a mephisto nerf lol I mean really? He heals?....
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian
    CammonRo wrote: »
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    FAL7EN wrote: »
    They nerf because they want to not because of the community

    Not true. I remember so many complaining about Black Widow on this board on a virtually daily basis that Kabam eventually reversed their initial stance saying they wouldn't touch her until they nerfed her to near oblivion and then later introduced even better champs. Same with Scarlet Witch. Although I agree that old SW was totally OP.
    They nerfed because the characters cleared difficult content with ease and not because people came here crying nerf.

    You can state whatever you like but I really don't believe that the constant whining did not at the very least influence them.

    People will believe whatever they choose to believe but at the time my recollection is that there wasn't all that much "constant whining" about Black Widow, and certainly not compared to other champions like Star Lord in particular. They barely touched Star Lord in 12.0. And not only did they not significantly touch Wolverine who was talked about much more often than Black Widow, they actually buffed Wolverine in 12.0.

    Players ask for buffs and nerfs all the time. They ask for changes in general all the time. You can focus on the few times when a change happens to coincide with player requests or complaints, or you can focus on the overwhelmng majority of times when no change happens related to those requests or complaints. It is impossible to disprove the belief that player complaints prompted the devs to nerf Black Widow, but the only reasonable way for that belief to be consistent with reality is to believe that out of all the complaints and requests that players made and were making at the time, the developers specifically sought out and selected that one specific complaint being made by a tiny minority of players to act upon, ignoring virtually all others.

    And that's really no different from believing they did it because they wanted to.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Back before 12.0, I couldn't read this board without seeing a complaint about BW (or SW). Not so much DS or Thor but then Kabam was like screw it - it's all gonna burn. LOL

    BW is more usable than DS I will say that - thanks to the slight rebuff against science. But DS is just arena fodder now. And as mentioned there are now better options than even pre-12.0 BW.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Why would anyone whine about BW pre 12.0? I didn't think she was OP prior. Just more handy then.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    They felt she gave an unfair advantage in war over those who didn't have her.
  • MastaChief117MastaChief117 Member Posts: 113
    I 100% agree. In all honesty, nerfing does little to nothing. There was a huge flaw in Kabam reason when they nerfed the Top Tier champs in 12.0. The reason they gave was that they didn't want players to have only a select few champs that they use and so they nerfed them.

    The problem is that there's ALWAYS a runner up. Just think about this:
    - Black Widow was nerfed
    - Gwenpool became number 1
    - Thor was nerfed, Hyperion took his place
    - Scarlet Witch was nerfed, Voodoo is now on top

    The champs will never be at the same level. The only way to achieve perfect balance is to make every champion identical. This would obviously make the game super boring. This is just my two cents.

    *Side Note*
    The way Kabam kept other champions relevant is by making them defense focused. Which is why I am really against the idea of Defender Diversity. I fear that ultimately, it will result in a nerf of attack champs.

    For the record, yes Kabam does listen to the complaints if there are enough of them. Why do you think Thorns was removed?
  • CloutlordreeCloutlordree Member Posts: 110
    Do they nerf special champs like Thanos or other exclusive champs?
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Do they nerf special champs like Thanos or other exclusive champs?

    deadpool got nerfed I think for his regen
  • OrsonKrennicOrsonKrennic Member Posts: 50
    The nerf on Dr. Strange was really stupid.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    Why does AW regen boost isn't purchaseble in the store? it always on timer until it goes away. I can't buy them at all.

    PS: Yeah different topic but since KABAM refusing to answer what others have been posting on their respective threads, I will break the rules to get their attention.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
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