Missing 1 login day - Thoughts?
So after a few years with this game I missed logging in a day due to life. With no grace I find myself now missing out on some real goodies that are stacked at the end of this month. The more I thought about it the more upset I got that after my loyalty and really zero grace from Kabam. I got upset enough that I am have not logged in for several days now and not sure about coming back. Maybe I am wrong to expect a grace day but the experience has left me thinking about loyalty and money and where I spend it.. Thoughts?
From March of 2019 to January 2022, exactly one month out of 35 will have no grace days. This month. Chill out.
It’s 100 6* shards. Why is everyone acting like this is an awful issue?
2. Only Thronebreakers are likely to have a problem with the 28th day reward in February, and TB players shouldn't be devastated by losing that particular reward, as TBs should have enough ways to earn T5CC that losing one month's calendar reward should be only a minor bump.
3. Having said that, I think there's a case to be made that the T5CC shouldn't be in the 28th day reward, although I suspect it is there because it is one of the more valuable calendar rewards and the more valuable the reward is the later it should show up to reward players who actually consistently log in, and even so for eleven of the twelve months in the year this is not a problem. So I don't expect this to change any time soon. Also, the next time this will matter to anyone will be a year from now regardless.