Looking for an Allaince
Currently looking for an allaince, AQ atleast 130m and maybe a bit of AW.
Im very attentive and Active when it comes to these kind of things, Im currently at 9K+ Prestige so im sure i won't hold anyone back aslong as the Allaince is At the same level.
Im Phillipines time zone.
I have Line and Discord so any of those is fine with me.
If you want proof of my profile check my current roster and my Prestige in The photos i sent.
How are you?
Still looking for a new alliance?
We are the Milano TMLNO, a chill international alliance doing map543 and 1bg war (optional). We have growing accounts and vets sharing wisdom.
If you're interested, find me on Line: gindf. (with the dot) or in game: gindf (without).
Check us out!
We run aq 544 and 2bg optional war.
Add me on line: _justlucinda
If interested
We run map 5x5 scoring 270mil. Started to move towards map6 by doing it on day one most weeks.
Wars are 2 bgs on rotation, so everyone plays and also gets regular breaks from it. We get gold 2 in around tier 5-6. Nothing too bad.
If interested, add me on Line: eggest1