When champ buffs hurt more than they help
Not a complaint, but an observation. Especially for those finishing act 7.1 exploration, which overall, really isn't that bad. However certain champs buffs have made some fights more of a pain, so wanted to point them out for others.
So, Angela is kind of a sucky fight on this node now, if you don't have 5* duped Ronan for the cheese.
Is she impossible, no, but now it's a long, boring fight... taking increased block damage as the furies stack up and the fight drags on without the poison damage boost (she just ignores DoT entirely now).
Not impossible, and a heal block champ like warlock helps, but I feel like it's a different matchup than it was originally designed for and not nearly as fun now.
Civil warrior, specifically in 7.1.4, also is much less enjoyable since his buff. Thank goodness for magneto. Their are other armor break champs who can get it done, but his increased abilities with armor ups, make this a different fight too.
Are either of these impossible? Again, No. Are they worse to fight now that their abilities have been updated. Yes, in some cases since the nodes didn't/don't take into consideration their new abilities.
I know we've already seen this from other buffs (magneto, yellow jacket, etc), but these 2 kind of kill the original node design for those paths/champs.
So, Angela is kind of a sucky fight on this node now, if you don't have 5* duped Ronan for the cheese.
Is she impossible, no, but now it's a long, boring fight... taking increased block damage as the furies stack up and the fight drags on without the poison damage boost (she just ignores DoT entirely now).
Not impossible, and a heal block champ like warlock helps, but I feel like it's a different matchup than it was originally designed for and not nearly as fun now.
Civil warrior, specifically in 7.1.4, also is much less enjoyable since his buff. Thank goodness for magneto. Their are other armor break champs who can get it done, but his increased abilities with armor ups, make this a different fight too.
Are either of these impossible? Again, No. Are they worse to fight now that their abilities have been updated. Yes, in some cases since the nodes didn't/don't take into consideration their new abilities.
I know we've already seen this from other buffs (magneto, yellow jacket, etc), but these 2 kind of kill the original node design for those paths/champs.
Magneto worked pretty well since he has AAR reduction and throwing a sp2 got the armor breaks and just tried to keep them active, but this fight is going to be more intercept than parry. Punish his specials, back draft intercept, avoid special and repeat.
I just did that path yesterday and was more focused on not dying from all the unblockable ttiggering, but wish I would have recorded it.
I'd bring magneto and medusa for that path. CMM is gonna be tough to build up charges of you can't parry often. Venoms heavy was also helpful for some of the path.
BPCW is also kind of a pain because of the stun reflect so no parries on that one either.
Although there are instances where defenders can remain retro as well, so it is possible to only apply changes to new content. One example would be ROL black bolt. I also saw one in our favor on youtube yesterday that I'll refrain from mentioning in the forum.
I did think it was a bit cheap to put Civil Warrior in the "Gain Prowess by Nullifying the opponent's buffs" chapter of the Cav EQ.
You know, now that he's completely immune to Nullify and Stagger...
That said, I do believe that Kabam could make the buff changes apply to only new content quite easily with something as simple as an if/or statement that uses either a set date (so no code prior to that date would be changee) OR instead, use a set act/chapter as an underlying variable specifically targeting defenders only. HB is an example of a champ who has different abilities depending on if he's an attacker or defender.
Oh well, it is what it is at present. Hopefully, others will at least be better prepared on the examples noted in the original post.
Unless it's been changed I think it's Actually impossible to do without Revives, unless you get Really Lucky with Scarlet Witch's Nullify.
I could be remembering it wrong and it may have been changed but if not it's another one of those fights where the Buff made an simple fight 10x more annoying.
But previously released long term content was designed with certain champs, champ abilities and node combinations in mind (story mode, previous variants, etc) and some of that goes out the window like this and will only get worse as more champs are buffed without taking rhe rest into consideration.
Really wouldn't be hard to apply buff changes only to attackers and only to content released after a certain date instead of arbitrarily retroactive.
Later, as the discussion evolved, by other comments brought on by others like yourself, I simply noted that they could adjust the behavior of how champ updates can impact previously released content.
Again, this could be done, not by going back and changing anything, but simply by not applying the new buffs to existing defenders in permanent content that existed before the buffs were released.
That would keep the content the same throughout the game, regardless of when someone dives into it and without breaking any of the original defender placement and the intended node interactions around those designs.
Never asked for that or suggested it was needed, but threw it out as a possible solution that would not break the game (and would actually make it consistent and not change older content in a potentially bad way). There would be NO changes to the game in doing that and no additional work other than using a date as a variable so only new content has the updated defender interactions moving forward.
It is what it is now, isn't always bad and likely won't change. However those 2 nodes are now much different than they were a year ago when they were released and that was the intent of this thread.
I can only imagine the pain that is those 4 boss fights nowadays...
Also, I really hope they do check all these fights