Apocalypse Not getting persistent Charges

My apocalypse was not getting further persistent Charges... Even after couple of fights stuck at only 1 and also didn't receive that 1 prowess buff also


  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Were you fighting robots?
  • NateDogg4d4NateDogg4d4 Member Posts: 14
    Yeah, happening to me too in AQ against the mutant ultron drones. I used to get full charges after one fight because they’re mutant, now I don’t get any.
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★

    Those are robots. His kit says he can't gain charges from robots.

    Actually, his kit says he can gain a charge when knocking out a non-#Robot opponent, it doesn't make any distintion when apoc start the fight against a mutant, so there is an error somewhere. If it is in the description or in the interaction i don't know, has a mod ever replied to this question? I know this isn't the first time that this question is posted ^_^
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Zan0 said:

    The error is in his description in the game as it is clearly stated in his spotlight that he doesn't gain any charges from robots

    I re-read the spotlight and saw the phrase, even thought it would have made more sense to add it to the in-game description, or at least write it in the "Genetic Code" Tab in the spotlight, and not just a little mention under the "Weakness" list. Oh well, another not-written thing to keep in mind ^_^
  • JcbJcb Member Posts: 14
    Something wrong with Apocalypse.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    There's also an intermittent bug pertaining directly to Persistent Charges. If you do not see the Blue Persistent Charge icon, any champ that utilizes them won't work correctly. I frequently use Nick Fury and Human Torch. If I'm not paying close attention, Fury will start in his 2nd phase and loose a bunch of health. HT's Pre-Fight won't work.

    The screwy part is, after a reset (or occasionally multiple resets) and the icon returns, Fury is back in his 1st phase, but still missing the HP from the prior fight. Also, Corvus can gain and keep his Persistent Charges, with or without the Icon present. However, I do not believe the same applies to Apocalypse as I did notice mine wasn't gaining charges when he was supposed too while the icon was MIA.

    I've yet to experiment with Ægon, or Morningstar, 2 other champs with Persistent Charges I have ranked up, but haven't ran into issues while using recently. The bug is quite intermittent. No discernable pattern or trigger for it. Sometimes it takes 5+ full resets to get it to go away, other times, just 1 reset will do the trick. This has been an ongoing issue for sometime now.

    I think the problem is, at least last I checked, people have been making complaints about the champs and the focus isn't on the charges themselves. To be fair, I've been off the forum for about 2 months now due too work so... maybe I missed a thread that lumps all these issues together. If no such thread exists, I do hope more attention gets paid to what appears to be the core issue... Persistent Charges going inoperative at random. Any champ with them is susceptible to the bug.

    I remember this same thing happening a couple months before Ægon was added. It came to a head during his introduction EQ. They seemingly fixed the issue in the next update. Or maybe it was the one after that... they all kind of blur together over time, lol. Point is, this isn't the 1st time this has happened, and hopefully Kabam can zero in on the cause of the bug and apply a solid fix for May's update (provided they haven't already done this for the upcoming April update).
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★

    I think the problem is, at least last I checked, people have been making complaints about the champs and the focus isn't on the charges themselves. To be fair, I've been off the forum for about 2 months now due too work so... maybe I missed a thread that lumps all these issues together. If no such thread exists, I do hope more attention gets paid to what appears to be the core issue... Persistent Charges going inoperative at random. Any champ with them is susceptible to the bug.

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