Got Mutant which was my first choice. Awakened OR. My good class gem pull was offset by a bad 6* (rogue), a meh 5* featured (Yellowjacket), and a number of other bad pulls 4* and 4* awakening gems (multiple mystic). Honestly willing to get all that bad karma to get my OR awakened. OR will now be ranked to join my Uber Mutant team (Apoc, red Mags, colossus, and AA).
Science. I pulled what I wanted. Didn’t have anyone I needed to awaken, but I wanted a second cosmic or science one for CapIW and void if I get them, or CMM or Hype once I get them. Used my last science and cosmic gems on red guardian and Annihilus
I was happy with anything that wasn’t Skill or Tech. I could use this on Red Goblin or save it for CGR but other than that there’s no one I really fee the need to use it on.
Got a Science gem. Already have awakened CAIW and GHulk. Could use it on Quake (I know she doesn't need it but I like silver stars and she may be my next R5), Thing or Mr. Fantastic.
Decisions, decisions 😒
but ... I pop at 5-Star and ...
Not so sure he is better ...only time will tell
Probably gonna give it to Medusa.
Really really hoping for cosmic for cmm
Not bad though, I can keep it for whenever Colossus/Apoco/AA drops.