Ugh why do people like you have to ruin everything
No one was EVER hyped about a 6* Howard pull and no one EVER ranked up their terrible pre-buff Howard (except his tiny fanclub). This buff is amazing, and sounds like a TON of fun. He no longer needs synergies or a long ramp up or reliance on RNG. Amazing buff. Beautiful.
The same people complaining about the Howard buff are the ones who made "IM GONNA QUIT MCOC" posts after pulling a 6* Howard pre-buff. Makes you think.
Can't wait for all of these stupid threads to age horribly in a few years when the patch drops and everyone realizes that Howard is a beast now, so much fun and way better then his past self.
This is what i expect from howards buff. 1.increase the sp1 reduction to 36% or 40% 2.bleed immunity 3.armor break on heavies 4.a reliable way to gain furies and sp2 debuffs without changing the debuffs and fury counts 5.removing thunderquake and adding a more potent regeneration 6.increasing his sp3 buff timer from 10 to 15 or 20 seconds
Ugh why do people like you have to ruin everything
No one was EVER hyped about a 6* Howard pull and no one EVER ranked up their terrible pre-buff Howard (except his tiny fanclub). This buff is amazing, and sounds like a TON of fun. He no longer needs synergies or a long ramp up or reliance on RNG. Amazing buff. Beautiful.
The same people complaining about the Howard buff are the ones who made "IM GONNA QUIT MCOC" posts after pulling a 6* Howard pre-buff. Makes you think.
Can't wait for all of these stupid threads to age horribly in a few hours when the patch drops and everyone realizes that Howard is a beast now, so much fun and way better then his past self.
The 5 people that might have used HTD in his current state smh.
Wait and see, if more people will use the buffed up HTD wouldn’t it stand for reason that it’s better then the previous iteration? Regardless of what the 5 say.
So if they buff quake so she doesn't require as much skill and more people use her, it would be ok? Regardless of what the 5% of players who mastered her say
Sure but it’s more then 5% that use her. Way way more...
In top alliances - maybe, over all player base - maybe even less imo. Quake is not like ghost for example, who can be played with similar success without insane skills in most fights.
The 5 people that might have used HTD in his current state smh.
Wait and see, if more people will use the buffed up HTD wouldn’t it stand for reason that it’s better then the previous iteration? Regardless of what the 5 say.
So if they buff quake so she doesn't require as much skill and more people use her, it would be ok? Regardless of what the 5% of players who mastered her say
Sure but it’s more then 5% that use her. Way way more...
In top alliances - maybe, over all player base - maybe even less imo. Quake is not like ghost for example, who can be played with similar success without insane skills in most fights.
You’re reaching at straws now do not compare ghost/quake to htd. That’s completely ridiculous, more people use quake then you know then. She is not just a top tier alliance specific attacker.
Kabam is enhancing champions that aren’t being used, they have the data. You do not, perhaps the buff is no good. Sure complain then, but what we have here is entitlement at its best. You feel entitled to speak up about a change to a champion that a very small percentage of the player base use. You don’t even know if it’ll be a good change or not. But even if it opens up the potential of more people using HTD then it’s a good change. Regardless of what the previous htd fan club thinks.
The 5 people that might have used HTD in his current state smh.
Wait and see, if more people will use the buffed up HTD wouldn’t it stand for reason that it’s better then the previous iteration? Regardless of what the 5 say.
So if they buff quake so she doesn't require as much skill and more people use her, it would be ok? Regardless of what the 5% of players who mastered her say
Your talking about a game breaking champion and a champion most people forgot about the existence in this game. In reality none of the players arguing HTD was nerfed has never ranked and cleared any content.
Ugh why do people like you have to ruin everything
No one was EVER hyped about a 6* Howard pull and no one EVER ranked up their terrible pre-buff Howard (except his tiny fanclub). This buff is amazing, and sounds like a TON of fun. He no longer needs synergies or a long ramp up or reliance on RNG. Amazing buff. Beautiful.
The same people complaining about the Howard buff are the ones who made "IM GONNA QUIT MCOC" posts after pulling a 6* Howard pre-buff. Makes you think.
Can't wait for all of these stupid threads to age horribly in a few hours when the patch drops and everyone realizes that Howard is a beast now, so much fun and way better then his past self.
Now it's becoming a trend, people blindly follow a youtuber gameplay and argue without a valid point.
I have literally never seen any thread, post, message, etc. ANYWHERE where one was hyped about pulling Howard.
Crowd conformity. When one big youtuber complains about something, it is natural for his supporters to follow him and conform to the same opinions. That opinion spreads across the community, only making their "cause" larger. However, from the start, they had no real point because they simply conformed to the opinion of one of the only players in the entire world who ever played Howard, who is not an objective person to judge the buff.
I have literally never seen any thread, post, message, etc. ANYWHERE where one was hyped about pulling Howard.
Crowd conformity. When one big youtuber complains about something, it is natural for his supporters to follow him and conform to the same opinions. That opinion spreads across the community, only making their "cause" larger. However, from the start, they had no real point because they simply conformed to the opinion of one of the only players in the entire world who ever played Howard, who is not an objective person to judge the buff.
I have literally never seen any thread, post, message, etc. ANYWHERE where one was hyped about pulling Howard.
Crowd conformity. When one big youtuber complains about something, it is natural for his supporters to follow him and conform to the same opinions. That opinion spreads across the community, only making their "cause" larger. However, from the start, they had no real point because they simply conformed to the opinion of one of the only players in the entire world who ever played Howard, who is not an objective person to judge the buff.
Howard as of now is practically useless, with only small glimpses of minor utility through the synergies. And without them he is extremely RNG dependent, and when it doesn’t line up he is very underwhelming. Though with this buff, he will be given an actual reliable kit that gives use without the use of synergies.
R1 buffed howard defo lot better in damage but cant keep suppression up as too short of a duration and is gonna suck against stun immune as cant build furies will have to see when the synergy changes happen on tigra and manthing as right now there still towards previous howard
Edit is the 6 star version just so people dont get confused on star rarity
Sigh... If this keeps up, people who start complaining before the buffs even go live will ruin the buff program. One of the best things to happen to the game lately.
Bleed immune, super easy to trigger multiple armor breaks, gain multiple buffs, does buffed up and diss track easily, access to healblock, fail to see how this is a "nerf".
Only downside i see is he loses a lot of damage on stun immune nodes .
Sigh... If this keeps up, people who start complaining before the buffs even go live will ruin the buff program. One of the best things to happen to the game lately.
I love the buff program so much, one of the best things Kabam has done recently.
Ugh why do people like you have to ruin everything
No one was EVER hyped about a 6* Howard pull and no one EVER ranked up their terrible pre-buff Howard (except his tiny fanclub). This buff is amazing, and sounds like a TON of fun. He no longer needs synergies or a long ramp up or reliance on RNG. Amazing buff. Beautiful.
The same people complaining about the Howard buff are the ones who made "IM GONNA QUIT MCOC" posts after pulling a 6* Howard pre-buff. Makes you think.
Can't wait for all of these stupid threads to age horribly in a few hours when the patch drops and everyone realizes that Howard is a beast now, so much fun and way better then his past self.
All I did was say I don't like how they nerfed his damage potential, the forums are to express your opinions right?
Ugh why do people like you have to ruin everything
No one was EVER hyped about a 6* Howard pull and no one EVER ranked up their terrible pre-buff Howard (except his tiny fanclub). This buff is amazing, and sounds like a TON of fun. He no longer needs synergies or a long ramp up or reliance on RNG. Amazing buff. Beautiful.
The same people complaining about the Howard buff are the ones who made "IM GONNA QUIT MCOC" posts after pulling a 6* Howard pre-buff. Makes you think.
Can't wait for all of these stupid threads to age horribly in a few hours when the patch drops and everyone realizes that Howard is a beast now, so much fun and way better then his past self.
All I did was say I don't like how they nerfed his damage potential, the forums are to express your opinions right?
Ugh why do people like you have to ruin everything
No one was EVER hyped about a 6* Howard pull and no one EVER ranked up their terrible pre-buff Howard (except his tiny fanclub). This buff is amazing, and sounds like a TON of fun. He no longer needs synergies or a long ramp up or reliance on RNG. Amazing buff. Beautiful.
The same people complaining about the Howard buff are the ones who made "IM GONNA QUIT MCOC" posts after pulling a 6* Howard pre-buff. Makes you think.
Can't wait for all of these stupid threads to age horribly in a few hours when the patch drops and everyone realizes that Howard is a beast now, so much fun and way better then his past self.
All I did was say I don't like how they nerfed his damage potential, the forums are to express your opinions right?
Are you expressing your opinions or Swedeah's?
It has to be own, because no one creates a discussion on champs they played and tested on their own and have at a high rank.
Kabam is enhancing champions that aren’t being used, they have the data. You do not, perhaps the buff is no good. Sure complain then, but what we have here is entitlement at its best. You feel entitled to speak up about a change to a champion that a very small percentage of the player base use. You don’t even know if it’ll be a good change or not. But even if it opens up the potential of more people using HTD then it’s a good change. Regardless of what the previous htd fan club thinks.
R1 buffed howard defo lot better in damage but cant keep suppression up as too short of a duration and is gonna suck against stun immune as cant build furies will have to see when the synergy changes happen on tigra and manthing as right now there still towards previous howard
Edit is the 6 star version just so people dont get confused on star rarity
Only downside i see is he loses a lot of damage on stun immune nodes .
Hope you’re doing good bro.