I am in love with mystics and want to know whether i should r5 somebody or r2 Dragon or Hood ?
Suggestions plz.
Tigra, longshot, mojo and symbiote Supreme are all much better than dragon man to take up or rank up..dragon man shouldn't be the priority!!
In what world are Longshot and Mojo better than Dragon Man? Something tells me you have never used him or read through his abilities if you think the all damage, no utility champs of the Mystic class are better options. Tigra in the hands of a skilled player? Sure. Symbiote? Maybe, but probably not. Longshot and Mojo? Lmao.
Dragon Man, Tigra (if you have mastered her), SymSupreme or Voodoo are all good choices. Any of these have more priority than Mojo or Longshot. If you must do any of the latter then Mojo is the way to go since he's duped , and his sig helps questing.