A new fun series - Would you rather?!?! - Ep.1

Hey everyone!!
I'm starting this new series from today. This will have one episode EVERYDAY(hopefully), with a general fun question that most of the players would have arrived at some point or the other while playing this game. (Don't worry. There won't be any rank up suggestion or best champion type questions)
This series will hopefully help in having a rough idea of community's opinion, and keep the forums entertaining. So, I request you all to participate in large numbers.
The question will have 2 options mostly and a 'Other' option for those creative minds to speak up.
Ps: Don't forget to drop a comment for any suggestions
Pps: I'll not write this entire thing in further episodes
Here we go.
Episode 1 - ISO expiring in stash
When you have iso expiring in stash and don't have any valuable champion to rank up. Would you rather?
I'm starting this new series from today. This will have one episode EVERYDAY(hopefully), with a general fun question that most of the players would have arrived at some point or the other while playing this game. (Don't worry. There won't be any rank up suggestion or best champion type questions)
This series will hopefully help in having a rough idea of community's opinion, and keep the forums entertaining. So, I request you all to participate in large numbers.
The question will have 2 options mostly and a 'Other' option for those creative minds to speak up.
Ps: Don't forget to drop a comment for any suggestions
Pps: I'll not write this entire thing in further episodes
Here we go.
Episode 1 - ISO expiring in stash
When you have iso expiring in stash and don't have any valuable champion to rank up. Would you rather?
A new fun series - Would you rather?!?! - Ep.1 109 votes
That, or sell it.
I won’t waste iso just to rank up the champ I won’t use but if it gets me some gold back, revive, units the value equation balances.
If it’s a boatload of t2b iso I would just sell it because it’s the faster option
Cool idea btw