I think we would all love to have better odds, but this game wouldn't function well if we could save up shards and get a guaranteed pull. Everyone would have duped dorm and Spark and iceman...Kabam would have to make even crazier nodes and ways to screw us so they can hit item quotas.
I think we would all love to have better odds, but this game wouldn't function well if we could save up shards and get a guaranteed pull. Everyone would have duped dorm and Spark and iceman...Kabam would have to make even crazier nodes and ways to screw us so they can hit item quotas.
That is a fair and valid point. I guess the root issue is how many terrible 5*s there are in the basic pool.
I think we would all love to have better odds, but this game wouldn't function well if we could save up shards and get a guaranteed pull. Everyone would have duped dorm and Spark and iceman...Kabam would have to make even crazier nodes and ways to screw us so they can hit item quotas.
That is a fair and valid point. I guess the root issue is how many terrible 5*s there are in the basic pool.
I think we would all love to have better odds, but this game wouldn't function well if we could save up shards and get a guaranteed pull. Everyone would have duped dorm and Spark and iceman...Kabam would have to make even crazier nodes and ways to screw us so they can hit item quotas.
That is a fair and valid point. I guess the root issue is how many terrible 5*s there are in the basic pool.
Agree with this. There could have been fewer bad ones added in the first couple batches of basics. However any champ that did have a feature needed to be added. Another solution would be to make the terrible ones better and have at least one use within competitive content.
Same with regular 5 star. After a month of saving to get a piece of trash champ like DaredEvil netflix or magneto? Why kabam puts trash champs in 5 star is just incomprehensible.
Furthermore, designing champs that are terrible goes with their motto of having a balanced contest? Very ironic lol.
I agree with you. Maybe if it was not so many shards to save It wouldn't be as bad. But Kabam is getting stingier with not only shards for 5* hero's but also with rank up material. I have recently left alliance play. And this is part of the reason. Of course I missed 5* Blade have failed every time I tried for a feature. Game is more frustrating than fun anymore.
No champ should be bad in this game that you feel angry and mad when you open a crystal you have save for a month, basic or feature!!!!!! Come on kabam get your game together?
When is the next champions update?
How about instead of releasing new champs you take a month off to update the 75 percent terrible horrendous champs you have in this game?????
Kabam will always tell you it’s RNG. I see people who pull features at a 50, 60, 75% rate while I’m sitting over here 0-13. Have one person in my alliance who is 6-8 on them. And yet we are still told it’s “RNG”. I don’t buy it for a millisecond, especially when you get certain awakening gems and then 7 of your last 8 pulls (including 3 feature gems)are of a single class that doesn’t help you in the slightest.
So in the last 24h i saw three guys pulling him 1/1, two guys 2/2, and not enough a guy pulling him 3/3
I'm 1/39 on featured if this can let someone feel better, i have 2 more tries for blade but honestly i'm not sure about try again
But if i try and miss, passing the #40 featured crystal, you can expect to see my new IGN, cause i'm going to change it in "ThanksSoMuch"
Yeah, I think a problem with the game for some people (and one of those people is me) is that a person can find themselves on the wrong side of the RNG when it comes to crystal spinning, and this can become a large barrier to progression. This can prevent a player from advancing at the pace that others can who do not find themselves in that situation. In extreme cases, it can almost be a wall that's very difficult to overcome in terms of progression.
In my case, for example, I've done 100% of everything in the game, except I haven't attempted completion of LOL yet (although I've beat the **** out of red hulk and start lord too many times to count) as I haven't gotten a 5 star champ worth sinking resources into. I have opened 5 or 6 featured crystals and another 15 or so regular crystals and haven't gotten one usable champ worth rank 3/4 resources. I don't want to spend 30-50% more units to complete the easy path in LOL just b/c I've been unlucky. I've been saving up shards and will open about 10 or so 5 stars in December. If I can't get 1 usable champ then, it will really make me question continuing on with the game, as I may just not have a character necessary in order to complete content as I would like.
What it does is drive quite a few to become simple questing/log-in rewards/arena shard players. Why scrape for rankup materials if you hate your rankup choices? Why play the lottery for featured 5*’s when you know it’s stacked against you? Why acquire goodies with anything other than in game freebies?
It doesn’t get you the thrills, but it also doesn’t send you into a paroxysm of rage either when it inevitably doesn’t work out. I’ve got enough real world things that raise my blood pressure.
There are two problems:
1. The number of terrible champs who have no use at all. I just duped 5 star ironfist after opening 25 of the special GM crystals. If he wasn’t as useless as tits on a bull duping a 5 star would be fun.
2. The pulls on featured should be relational. I’m 1 for 26. Other people I’ve aeeb at 5 for 7 etc. You cannot advance or enjoy the game easily when you get terrible basic champs with bad prestige that are not usable. I gave up and used a generic AS on classic ultron. There are people that spend that rage quit after what I have had. I am in rarified air at 1 for 26. If they gave me 12 t2a tomorrow I would have to use it on Storm and Hawkeye I guess. HE has almost the worst prestige in the game even at sig60. He’s fun but given the rarity of t2a you cannot do that. Storm, well, I’ve played since the start the only thing to like about her is no buffs and a brutal sp2 if she crits
Oh, and rename She-Hulk to “Rage-Quit”. That is the only purpose she serves. Such a terrible hero and we made her available as a 5 star. Drug testing should have happened at that meeting.
Seriously, who has ever looked at their roster and said “Damn, if only I had She-Hulk.”?
It is frustrating to say the least. I spent $200 on units to go for stark spidey in the feature and got all 2*s. Then i see one of my team mates pull him from a 4* shard crystal and im sitting here thinking "you have to be kidding me" i actually spent money tryna go for him and alot at that!!!! Only for a member to randomly pull him lol.... My fault....... Never again kabam....
I mean you knew the risk, you don't go to a casino and bet a ton on a number on the roulette table and complain after you miss that it's unfair. It's just statistics and probability
I mean you knew the risk, you don't go to a casino and bet a ton on a number on the roulette table and complain after you miss that it's unfair. It's just statistics and probability
Is what I'll do with my $200 next time. Except for the complain when i miss part.....
That is a fair and valid point. I guess the root issue is how many terrible 5*s there are in the basic pool.
DV, GP, and hype get added next month.
Agree with this. There could have been fewer bad ones added in the first couple batches of basics. However any champ that did have a feature needed to be added. Another solution would be to make the terrible ones better and have at least one use within competitive content.
Furthermore, designing champs that are terrible goes with their motto of having a balanced contest? Very ironic lol.
When is the next champions update?
How about instead of releasing new champs you take a month off to update the 75 percent terrible horrendous champs you have in this game?????
I'm 1/39 on featured if this can let someone feel better, i have 2 more tries for blade but honestly i'm not sure about try again
But if i try and miss, passing the #40 featured crystal, you can expect to see my new IGN, cause i'm going to change it in "ThanksSoMuch"
In my case, for example, I've done 100% of everything in the game, except I haven't attempted completion of LOL yet (although I've beat the **** out of red hulk and start lord too many times to count) as I haven't gotten a 5 star champ worth sinking resources into. I have opened 5 or 6 featured crystals and another 15 or so regular crystals and haven't gotten one usable champ worth rank 3/4 resources. I don't want to spend 30-50% more units to complete the easy path in LOL just b/c I've been unlucky. I've been saving up shards and will open about 10 or so 5 stars in December. If I can't get 1 usable champ then, it will really make me question continuing on with the game, as I may just not have a character necessary in order to complete content as I would like.
It doesn’t get you the thrills, but it also doesn’t send you into a paroxysm of rage either when it inevitably doesn’t work out. I’ve got enough real world things that raise my blood pressure.
Dr. Zola
You missed this i think
Or this
Or maybe this
Working as intended, random and fair odds for everyone as kabam stated
2 Magnetos
2 Marvels
Colosuss and UC : only difference is the unnstopable
2 Cyclops
1. The number of terrible champs who have no use at all. I just duped 5 star ironfist after opening 25 of the special GM crystals. If he wasn’t as useless as tits on a bull duping a 5 star would be fun.
2. The pulls on featured should be relational. I’m 1 for 26. Other people I’ve aeeb at 5 for 7 etc. You cannot advance or enjoy the game easily when you get terrible basic champs with bad prestige that are not usable. I gave up and used a generic AS on classic ultron. There are people that spend that rage quit after what I have had. I am in rarified air at 1 for 26. If they gave me 12 t2a tomorrow I would have to use it on Storm and Hawkeye I guess. HE has almost the worst prestige in the game even at sig60. He’s fun but given the rarity of t2a you cannot do that. Storm, well, I’ve played since the start the only thing to like about her is no buffs and a brutal sp2 if she crits
Seriously, who has ever looked at their roster and said “Damn, if only I had She-Hulk.”?
Is what I'll do with my $200 next time. Except for the complain when i miss part.....