The Kung Fu Summoner



  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69

    Mlewis37 said:

    "You don't bring a gun to a fist fight" - @Kabam Miike , circa 5 minutes ago

    The Hand to Hand Combat Crystal features Champions whose main skill is in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately, not every Skill class Champion fits that criteria (other weapons involved).

    We hope this makes more sense now!

    this makes even less sense. by this logic either crossbones hit monkey and kingpin should absolutely be on this list because they mainly attack with hand to hand. Or black widow (deadly orgins) both daredevils, electra, hawkeye, killmonger, ronin and thor (ragnarok) shouldn"t be on there because they even use anything other then their fists for any attack

    It's specified as gun
    Weapon like blades, swords can be considered in hand to hand combat
    Long raged weapon aren't used in hand to hand combat but short ranged can be used
    Champs with sai, staffs, sword can be considered but guns aren't
    Xbones, monkey use guns on specials
    Hawkeye uses a long ranged weapon. If his bow and arrows don't disqualify him because he only uses them in specials or they're long range projectiles but not technically a gun, then Kingpin's cane shouldn't count against him either because it's also a projectile that's not technically a gun and he only uses in specials
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    Just doing a little counting...are there 67 5* Skill sig stone levels available in the SQ?

    Dr. Zola
  • Ruchi11Ruchi11 Member Posts: 1
    I am very excited for this event quest >:)>:)
  • Cheche143Python97Cheche143Python97 Member Posts: 3
    Rewards are looking fine I guess👏
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    Which path in 2nd quest has the 5 star crystal?
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 329 ★★

    Kabam Boo said:

    Faseeh said:

    Kabam Boo said:

    Champion Pool (ALL Crystals above):
    Black Panther
    Black Panther (Civil War)
    Black Widow
    Black Widow (Deadly Origin)
    Daredevil (Classic)
    Daredevil (Hell's Kitchen)
    Spider-Man (Stealth Suit)
    Squirrel Girl
    Thor (Ragnarok)

    You guys didnt add elsa here because she's WAY too OP. Understood
    I think the reason Nick & Elsa weren’t added was because they use guns in their attacks. Not Hand-to-Hand combat
    Spot on!

    "You don't bring a gun to a fist fight" - @Kabam Miike , circa 5 minutes ago

    The Hand to Hand Combat Crystal features Champions whose main skill is in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately, not every Skill class Champion fits that criteria (other weapons involved).

    We hope this makes more sense now!
    Aegon - fists and some thunder bolts sorta
    Both Black Panther - vibranium claws and some fists
    Black Widow - fists in basic attack, charged gauntlet in sp3
    BWDO - uses batons most of the attacks incuding specials
    Both DD - fists and some stick in sp3
    Elektra - fists, shuriken and katana in specials
    Hawkeye - fists for basic attack and bow + arrow in specials
    Karnak - all fists whatever
    Killmonger - same as black panther's, with some daggers
    Ronin - mostly katana on attacks, bow and arrow on sp3
    Stealthy - web shooters and some fists
    Squirrel Girl - fists and sling shot i guess
    Thor (Ragnarok) - Bat and Shield

    So yeah, after the weapon check, there's no guns found and we're good to go with these crystals.

    Disqualified champs (No guns allowed)
    Nick - uses guns
    Blade - guns on sp2
    Crossbones - shotguns on sp2
    Falcon - guns on sp1
    Hit-Monkey - lots of guns
    Kingpin - uses money on sp3 (which can buy guns)
    Moleman - 1v2 not allowed
    Elsa - got 2 guns
    Gwenpool - guns
    WS - Guns
    Tasky - guns on specials
    Korg - got guns and miek
    Agent Venom - got guns
    Moon Knight - got some guns

    Jabari Panther - "but i got no gun right?"
    Kabam - you're new get outta here
    Lol but inaccurate
  • KMSOMKMSOM Member Posts: 20
    Where do you find all 10k shards for the five star crystal? I see 4K in the arena and about 4K in the objectives, but none anywhere else. What am I missing? Thanks!
  • Furious_Fighter1Furious_Fighter1 Member Posts: 855 ★★★★
    KMSOM said:

    Where do you find all 10k shards for the five star crystal? I see 4K in the arena and about 4K in the objectives, but none anywhere else. What am I missing? Thanks!

    The 5* shards are different from the gmc or cav crystal shards. The 5* shards are in side quest
  • FineDogFineDog Member Posts: 403 ★★★

    Which path in 2nd quest has the 5 star crystal?

    I'm not sure if they're random but for me it's going to be the middle path that's locked with the ring. I know this because I just did both of the other paths trying to get the dumb crystal.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Not bad . Wish we had 5 shards as rewards instead of pointless stuff like gold and iso but still good
  • Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 573 ★★★
    JessieS said:

    Not bad . Wish we had 5 shards as rewards instead of pointless stuff like gold and iso but still good

    The shards come in the later chapters. There are plenty of shards for rewards in this months side quest
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,415 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    So what i have noticed by playing side quest is that rewards i.e, hand to hand crystal and legendary nexus was on the ring path only . Most probably it will be the same for other weeks paths as well .

    Duped King Groot from legendary nexus ..he was the only 5* and pulled 5* BWDO from hand to hand crystal (already got a 6*) .
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    Loving this month's SQ, solo objectives and arena. Well done Kabam!
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Rohit_316 said:

    So what i have noticed by playing side quest is that rewards i.e, hand to hand crystal and legendary nexus was on the ring path only . Most probably it will be the same for other weeks paths as well .

    Duped King Groot from legendary nexus ..he was the only 5* and pulled 5* BWDO from hand to hand crystal (already got a 6*) .

    How did you get the shards for opening the 5 star H2H crystal? chapter 2 should not be open right now!?
  • Guiru2Guiru2 Member Posts: 1
    Hola cómo ahí para entrar al grupo
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,935 ★★★★★

    Rohit_316 said:

    So what i have noticed by playing side quest is that rewards i.e, hand to hand crystal and legendary nexus was on the ring path only . Most probably it will be the same for other weeks paths as well .

    Duped King Groot from legendary nexus ..he was the only 5* and pulled 5* BWDO from hand to hand crystal (already got a 6*) .

    How did you get the shards for opening the 5 star H2H crystal? chapter 2 should not be open right now!?
    @TheBoogyMan the gated path in quest 2 chapter one gives a five star h2h combat crystal
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★

    Rohit_316 said:

    So what i have noticed by playing side quest is that rewards i.e, hand to hand crystal and legendary nexus was on the ring path only . Most probably it will be the same for other weeks paths as well .

    Duped King Groot from legendary nexus ..he was the only 5* and pulled 5* BWDO from hand to hand crystal (already got a 6*) .

    How did you get the shards for opening the 5 star H2H crystal? chapter 2 should not be open right now!?
    @TheBoogyMan the gated path in quest 2 chapter one gives a five star h2h combat crystal

    Yeah. i forgot that legendary difficulty gives a 5 star h2h in chapter 1 itself
  • IRQIRQ Member Posts: 323 ★★
    t1as and 85% of a 6* are great and singlehandedly make the event worthwhile but there is one huge thing that gets me worried.

    Starting this event the special shard crystals that appear in events from time to time (like H2H now) are available in Grandmaster and Cavalier versions only, like featured hero ones. That means that our ability to gain rare 2*s is gone forever, right?

    Come on Kabam, I'm a collector/completionist type of player, being locked out of getting Vision/Deadpool above lowest rarities is enough (especially that every question about if they're coming back gets ignored), but now locking like 80% of champion pool of a particular rarity? Can we at the very least get the list of 2*s in premium crystals expanded?
  • onitsudryonitsudry Member Posts: 9
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    3 Cavalier Crystal , this is just sad. I would expect at least 10 but 3.. 3 is a joke.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    Not a lot of Cavs, @Megavok but that just means fewer 3* for me.

    I believe the 6* shards overall are better though.

    Dr. Zola
  • Varo997Varo997 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2021
    Somebody knows if we can use a ring to unlock a path of differents difficulties or we have just to select a difficulty and can't do the rest??
    For example, i want to 100% explore chapter 1 of Epic and try the legendary.. could i do It??🤔
    @Kabam Miike
    @Kabam Boo
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 2,784 ★★★★★
    Varo997 said:

    Somebody knows if we can use a ring to unlock a path of differents difficulties or we have just to select a difficulty and can't do the rest??
    For example, i want to 100% explore chapter 1 of Epic and try the legendary.. could i do It??🤔
    @Kabam Miike
    @Kabam Boo

  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,415 ★★★★★

    So from cav. One got 5* DD and from H2H , got 5* BWDO . OK to me.
  • JC_DudeJC_Dude Member Posts: 8

    Bawa69 said:

    Bawa69 said:

    Just to Summarize the Rewards:

    Dude 1.2 million gold, 10 t1a, 8500 6*shards. These rewards are great.

    Also no 5* AG this time? I am Sad :'(
    Apart from the lack of 5* shards (compensated with the 5* hand to hand crystal and shards) and 5* awakening gem these rewards are pretty good....10t1a is something that really caught my eye as well...good job Kabam
    Exactly, the shortage of availability of t1a in the contest is really a problem and if they give out huge amount like this every month or even half of it I am Happy with it. 👏
    U can easily get teir 1 Alpha if u play the right AQ map everyday
  • Furious_Fighter1Furious_Fighter1 Member Posts: 855 ★★★★
    JC_Dude said:

    Bawa69 said:

    Bawa69 said:

    Just to Summarize the Rewards:

    Dude 1.2 million gold, 10 t1a, 8500 6*shards. These rewards are great.

    Also no 5* AG this time? I am Sad :'(
    Apart from the lack of 5* shards (compensated with the 5* hand to hand crystal and shards) and 5* awakening gem these rewards are pretty good....10t1a is something that really caught my eye as well...good job Kabam
    Exactly, the shortage of availability of t1a in the contest is really a problem and if they give out huge amount like this every month or even half of it I am Happy with it. 👏
    U can easily get teir 1 Alpha if u play the right AQ map everyday
    I do play map 5 when i am in alliance. Currently i have taken 1 month break from Alliance due to exams :)
  • Furious_Fighter1Furious_Fighter1 Member Posts: 855 ★★★★
    JC_Dude said:

    Bawa69 said:

    Bawa69 said:

    Just to Summarize the Rewards:

    Dude 1.2 million gold, 10 t1a, 8500 6*shards. These rewards are great.

    Also no 5* AG this time? I am Sad :'(
    Apart from the lack of 5* shards (compensated with the 5* hand to hand crystal and shards) and 5* awakening gem these rewards are pretty good....10t1a is something that really caught my eye as well...good job Kabam
    Exactly, the shortage of availability of t1a in the contest is really a problem and if they give out huge amount like this every month or even half of it I am Happy with it. 👏
    U can easily get teir 1 Alpha if u play the right AQ map everyday
    Also i rather like to spend my Glory on t5b/t2a than on t1a
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,415 ★★★★★
    Have got 11 t1a till now ..bless you Kabam
  • LasttimeLasttime Member Posts: 1
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