My ultimate guide on TIGRA!

It's a written guide on a champion named Tigra including my thoughts, places to practice and type of content she is good for.
Before reading this I would highly suggest you to watch MSD 's guide on tigra to understand tigra's abilities (cause I do not have explained them here). In case you doubt in her true power, I would better suggest you to visit Buddy Lee and Fintech on YouTube, they will heavily change you mind. If you are reading this, I would assume you do know about Tigra's abilities and potential fairly well.
Thoughts on Tigra : (It's just my opinion) Tigra is the third best mystic (without sucides) and second best (with sucides).
Some common questions related to Tigra:
Qns1 . Is it worth it to learn tigra?
Ans- Definitely, even if you end up NOT using her, the skills you would learn through her will be helpful in various other aspects of the game. Plus, she is very enjoyable to play and learn initially, so you won't regret investing your time.
Qns 2 How hard she is to play?
Ans. I would say she is the highest skill cap character in the whole game but if you see it from the other side, you would realise she is the easiest character to improve your skills with.
Guide Time
The four essential key points to learn tigra are
1) Heavy countering ;- 'Retaliating with your heavy attack after opponents special attack (heavy attacks for most as well) pretty easy overall. You can first practice with champions like Champion, Wolverine, Deadpool (both).
Tigra pushes herself in order to attack in the opponent, this makes heavy countering even more easier.
2) Light intecerpts ;- Intercepting the opponent with a light instead of a medium. Not that hard of a skill, you will be able to learn it by time and practice.
3) Spacing;- One of the most op skills in the game. 'Using light/mediums in order to come near to the opponent so that you can retaliate with your special or heavy attack' With tigra it's not that hard to learn as may it seem first time doing it but it's quite annoying when you have to remember for different types of champs.
This mainly comes up with practice and I can tell you where to do so.
a) ROL winter soldier : He is the prefect opponent to start with. You need to launch a light attack in order to come closer to him and let him launch his sp1/sp2 to miss his bullets and retaliate. Now from mastering this fight means 'being able to come out of the fight at 100% health'
Fights you will automatically get good after this one
Howard the Duck, Gambit,IMIW fights where you have to come closer by just one light attack for spacing.
b) ROL (Juggernaut) ;- if you are able to fight him, I had say you will automatically get good at fighting Venom the duck, Medusa, Venom with tigra. She is also a really good to all of them as well cause she will never let them gain any buff.
c) Bring her in eq and practice. (I think she can do every eq except science).
Some special spacing methods for certain champs
a) Apocalypse sp 1: Two mediums backwards and three lights attacks in order to retaliate.
b) Champs with instant projectiles (Vision, Black bolt, Cap marvel OG) and champs like Thor, Thor jane foster,Ronan : This one is the hardest one to get personally. What you need to do is to let yourself standing when the opponent is above a bar of power, if they come at you, block, if they lauch their special, heavy to miss. No spacing needed her but I am not myself good with it.
After this you will be able to do spacing with countering heavies as well. What you need to do is block until they launch their heavy attack, after they do so, you just need to use a light attack (for champs like Terrax, Mole man, Hulbuster, Falcon, Agent Venom, Black Panther CW)and lauch your heavy or just retaliate with your heavy attack ( Cap Marvel, Tigra, Venom, VTD, HTD, champs which trynto push you away in the corner). Light attack + Heavy is harder but safer one to go and works for 90% of champs.
Note : Practicing Tigra as lowest rank possible is good way to go. I defeated ROL WS with a 5* Rank 2/4 star rank 4 tigra at 100% health and that's when I became confindent with her. I did my best writing it in this for, but it's mainly practice which will get you to the point.
Would love to know if there's something I missed.
Type of content she is good for/Weaknesses
She is very versatile champ and fits in nearly every type of content. She is a type of champ when you have X champion you know is better counter for Y fight but you are going to use tigra anyway for that Y fights anyway.
Although, I used tigra myself in AW, I think she is no longer a safer move to play due to Stand Your Ground master.
She is not that great for abyss due to evade chance but Buddy Lee has solo Abyss Medusa with her. I could also see some potential with Jabari and OG BP synergies.
I did my best to write in this format. It's all about practice and hope you enjoyed 🙂
Before reading this I would highly suggest you to watch MSD 's guide on tigra to understand tigra's abilities (cause I do not have explained them here). In case you doubt in her true power, I would better suggest you to visit Buddy Lee and Fintech on YouTube, they will heavily change you mind. If you are reading this, I would assume you do know about Tigra's abilities and potential fairly well.
Thoughts on Tigra : (It's just my opinion) Tigra is the third best mystic (without sucides) and second best (with sucides).
Some common questions related to Tigra:
Qns1 . Is it worth it to learn tigra?
Ans- Definitely, even if you end up NOT using her, the skills you would learn through her will be helpful in various other aspects of the game. Plus, she is very enjoyable to play and learn initially, so you won't regret investing your time.
Qns 2 How hard she is to play?
Ans. I would say she is the highest skill cap character in the whole game but if you see it from the other side, you would realise she is the easiest character to improve your skills with.
Guide Time
The four essential key points to learn tigra are
1) Heavy countering ;- 'Retaliating with your heavy attack after opponents special attack (heavy attacks for most as well) pretty easy overall. You can first practice with champions like Champion, Wolverine, Deadpool (both).
Tigra pushes herself in order to attack in the opponent, this makes heavy countering even more easier.
2) Light intecerpts ;- Intercepting the opponent with a light instead of a medium. Not that hard of a skill, you will be able to learn it by time and practice.
3) Spacing;- One of the most op skills in the game. 'Using light/mediums in order to come near to the opponent so that you can retaliate with your special or heavy attack' With tigra it's not that hard to learn as may it seem first time doing it but it's quite annoying when you have to remember for different types of champs.
This mainly comes up with practice and I can tell you where to do so.
a) ROL winter soldier : He is the prefect opponent to start with. You need to launch a light attack in order to come closer to him and let him launch his sp1/sp2 to miss his bullets and retaliate. Now from mastering this fight means 'being able to come out of the fight at 100% health'
Fights you will automatically get good after this one
Howard the Duck, Gambit,IMIW fights where you have to come closer by just one light attack for spacing.
b) ROL (Juggernaut) ;- if you are able to fight him, I had say you will automatically get good at fighting Venom the duck, Medusa, Venom with tigra. She is also a really good to all of them as well cause she will never let them gain any buff.
c) Bring her in eq and practice. (I think she can do every eq except science).
Some special spacing methods for certain champs
a) Apocalypse sp 1: Two mediums backwards and three lights attacks in order to retaliate.
b) Champs with instant projectiles (Vision, Black bolt, Cap marvel OG) and champs like Thor, Thor jane foster,Ronan : This one is the hardest one to get personally. What you need to do is to let yourself standing when the opponent is above a bar of power, if they come at you, block, if they lauch their special, heavy to miss. No spacing needed her but I am not myself good with it.
After this you will be able to do spacing with countering heavies as well. What you need to do is block until they launch their heavy attack, after they do so, you just need to use a light attack (for champs like Terrax, Mole man, Hulbuster, Falcon, Agent Venom, Black Panther CW)and lauch your heavy or just retaliate with your heavy attack ( Cap Marvel, Tigra, Venom, VTD, HTD, champs which trynto push you away in the corner). Light attack + Heavy is harder but safer one to go and works for 90% of champs.
Note : Practicing Tigra as lowest rank possible is good way to go. I defeated ROL WS with a 5* Rank 2/4 star rank 4 tigra at 100% health and that's when I became confindent with her. I did my best writing it in this for, but it's mainly practice which will get you to the point.
Would love to know if there's something I missed.
Type of content she is good for/Weaknesses
She is very versatile champ and fits in nearly every type of content. She is a type of champ when you have X champion you know is better counter for Y fight but you are going to use tigra anyway for that Y fights anyway.
Although, I used tigra myself in AW, I think she is no longer a safer move to play due to Stand Your Ground master.
She is not that great for abyss due to evade chance but Buddy Lee has solo Abyss Medusa with her. I could also see some potential with Jabari and OG BP synergies.
I did my best to write in this format. It's all about practice and hope you enjoyed 🙂
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
1) She can't gain buffs due to nodes like icarus.
2) She doesn't get affected by buffet and masochism. She is also really good against spite.
3) Awesome buff control from the very first second of the fight.
4) No need to block in most scenarios.
5) Not dependent on a complete cycle.
And Also I have an OR solo in abyss too
Good stuff dude!
Furthermore, none of this counts as nullifies (except the one she gets from the Jabari synergy), so it completely bypasses nullify resistance champs and nodes.
In addition to this, her miss mechanic is also insanely valuable. It's similar to Ghost's phasing, but different in some key ways. First off, you can charge your heavy indefinitely (I think?), so it doesn't matter if the opponent is really throwing a long special attack your way. She misses all of it regardless - assuming they are all projectiles. That's the other key difference. Ghost doesn't give a **** about the type of attack the opponent throws at her, she can phase regardless (for a shorter amount of time). Tigra can only avoid some attacks, although those are typically the most annoying ones to dodge.
All in all, I find CGR easier to play in most matches, but he suffers quite a bit when something on the opponent or node interrupts his rotation. Tigra, meanwhile, is always kind of tricky to play but doesn't require a certain rotation which simultaneously gives her a bit of extra leeway. If you can't heavy counter in a match, no worries, you can always keep the neutralize up with light and medium attacks until you reach your specials. You don't have to fit in a full 5-hit combo ending with a medium attack, one ending with a light, one heavy and then get to SP2 or 3.
There are still a lot of situations where she is ****, and every encounter where she shines is one that you kind of have to learn separately. That can be a little annoying.
But damn, does it feel good when it all clicks into place and you pull off a perfect fight.
Still, not saying she's better than CGR, or any other champion. Just that she has a lot of uses that you end up finding along the way, the more you play her.
Tigra and Quake, however, remain utter mysteries.
But there is something that I really like about learning the ins and outs of some of these high-skill champions. It's so incredibly satisfying to pull off victories with them when you play them correctly.