Looking for a new laid back and relaxed alliance...please no top tier

Hello everybody,

Currently, I'm searching for an laid-back alliance with a focus on real life and fun.
I prefer to play AW and AQ. Donations are obligatory.

My profile you can check inside the game : Harry_71

Current prestige: a little more than 5,4k

ON-times: at least 3-5 times a day

Your starting prestige in AQ should be above 4k. You doesn‘t have to play 55555. For me it is enough to play 33333 or sometimes 55333. Please no map 6, it‘s too much grinding time in the arena..

Last point: I'm from Germany. So it could happen that I play when you are sleeping and visa versa.

I hope I have nothing forgotten to mention here

I'm looking forward to your responses.

Feel free to contact me in-game...


  • JohnPaulBusuJohnPaulBusu Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2017
    Sent you an invite in-game (alliance name Vamp1re Extreme). We run aq map 4 all the time and do 2 wars per week. Also for donations we ask you to donate whatever you can and that you follow what officers/leader say especially when it comes to war, aq and saving for sa. We also use line but its doesn't matter if you don't have it
  • Opethian666Opethian666 Member Posts: 54
    I sent you in game request, you didn’t accept it.

    Add me kpi game or on line Opethian666

    I think you will like my offer
  • AnubanCoCAnubanCoC Member Posts: 2
    Man I am up for that. I'm a lvl 60 player also looking for a cool alliance.
  • Stevi3_w0nd3rStevi3_w0nd3r Member Posts: 5
    I added you in game, my alliance does 55544 if you’re interested. My names stevi3 w0nd3r
  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    we do 5x5 but are very relaxed. We had mid tier expert rewards without much effort... interesting in something like that?
  • Imac7065Imac7065 Member Posts: 365
    we do 5x5 but are very relaxed. We had mid tier expert rewards without much effort... interesting in something like that?
  • Harry_71Harry_71 Member Posts: 84
    Thanks for all responses so far and sorry to all where I didn’t react.
    When I didn’t react on requests then the reason is that your alliance was the wrong level for me or the demands in the alliance description were not what I could confirm...
    On invitations only I do never react...Sorry.

    But I’m still searching...for the right place.
    You see, I’m really searching for an alliance where I can stay for a long time.
  • Harry_71Harry_71 Member Posts: 84
    in your description is the prerequisite under item 5 US time zone....Sorry, I’m from Germany
  • ParindaParinda Member Posts: 15
    Join my alliance - Agents of ELITES
  • Kimster_76Kimster_76 Member Posts: 15
    Were a 5.3 mil ally. We do 5x5

    Message me if interested. Line Kimster76
  • Weaver1983Weaver1983 Member Posts: 60
    Friend request sent in game. Think we're just what you're looking for.
  • Shadow22brodieShadow22brodie Member Posts: 36
    Check my ally out
  • Shadow22brodieShadow22brodie Member Posts: 36
    European time zone isn't an issue
  • Shadow22brodieShadow22brodie Member Posts: 36
    Sent you a friend request
  • KaleemaKaleema Member Posts: 6
    Looks like you are in our retired alliance. Tell x I said hello.
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