Early stages of building roster, Rank up 5* duped Nick Fury or 5* duped Black Widow Claire Voyant

I'm still building up my roster but now I will have my first 5* rank 5. Should rank up 5* duped Nick Fury or 5* duped Black Widow Claire Voyant to rank 5?
Tried looking for other discussions on this, but didn't find much.
Tried looking for other discussions on this, but didn't find much.
Claire is certainly more sustainable, with immunities and Regen, but NF will end most fights much quicker than Claire does. NF also has some pretty nifty synergies to build into your team (though to be fair Claire does have some pretty decent ones too). In the end you can't go wrong with either. Whichever you are more comfortable with and/or will be better suited to support the rest of your roster.