Guilty pleasure champions

ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
What are your champions that you really like playing as even if they are perhaps not the greatest out there? I want to know which more-or-less garbage champions people still like to play around with.

Some of mine:

* Venompool - This dude carried me through so much stuff in the beginning of the game when you didn't need anything else than a health steal on the SP1. He's just **** nowadays but I was really tempted to use an old Variant rank-up gem on him either in the hopes that he would be buffed eventually, or just for the fun of it. I didn't, in the end, but if I ever get another one I might very well do so. Love that dude.

* Korg - One of my first 5*s and my OG AW defender. He's more annoying to fight against than fun to fight with, but when he's great he can really feel amazing. He has sat comfortably at r3 for the past two or three years, but I always enjoy taking him for a spin in Arena every once in a while.

* MODOK - Burn! Burn! Burn! Kill! Kill! Kill! A big head with a big flamethrower - what more can you ask for? Kind of tempted to rank up my 6* simply because he synergies well with some other champs I have, but we'll see. Right now, I just love to fry opponents in Arena and, on occasion, AQ.

* Bishop - He's one of those "I don't think he's great and I won't rank him up, but I am not disappointed that I pulled him as a 6* because I have fun playing with him" champs. He's really fun to play vs. opponents with energy-based attacks.

* Ebony Maw - I don't have him as anything above a 3*, I think, but he feels kinda cheesy (in a fun way) in Arena. I absolutely get why people don't like him and why he maybe isn't the best champ to rank up for endgame content, but I quite enjoy playing with him in situations where I don't necessarily need the very best champions.

What are your picks?


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    iHulk- Pure destruction all the time
    Platpool- You play him differently every time you use him, and I really enjoy that
    SIM- One of my first champs in this game and I love the nostalgia. I wish I had a 6* version
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Rogue: It's Rogue.
    Carnage: Slapapapapap.
    Mordo: I don't know; send hel.
    Pun2099: Stun loop is satisfying.

    edit: Oh, didn't see 'more or less garbage'. I don't consider many champions straight garbage, so I got basically nothin'.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Pfp, for similar reasons.
    Black Bolt for the nostalgia when he was my best 3* champ.
    Platinumpool because he is actually a fun and interactive champion.
    BWDO because of the crazy smooth playstyle, intercepting, and shocks-on-shocks-on-shocks.
    Spiderham both cause of the quirky design and I absolutely love KOing a champ with power stings. The animation of them falling to the ground just gets me every time, and his utility is actually great.
  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★
    edited May 2021
    Air Walker. He has the coolest sp3 in the game, and is actually very fun to use once ramped up.

    Also Ebony Maw.

    Probably the most fun underrated champ though is Man-Thing. He is so incredibly good but few realize it.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Probably a tie between Dr Strange and DDHK.
    BWDO is growing on me though
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Doctor Doom but just remove the guilty part
  • Salve_maker05Salve_maker05 Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Havok- I had so much fun in early act 3-4 with him just doing one sp3 and watching the enemy just die
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  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Symbiote Spider-man. Might be a middle-tier champ but his damage output is good and he's a favourite of mine.
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    Some of you are saying good champs.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Moonknight. He's terrible, but his animations are just so cool. I have my duped one at 6r2.
    Pre-Buff OML was also a big guilty pleasure of mine. I used him all the time as a 4/40 back when he was one of my first 4 star champions and even used a mutant gem to awaken him.
    Ant-Man, of course, though I don't use him as much anymore.
    Red Goblin is a blast in incursions.
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,018 ★★★★
    Spider-Man (Symbiote) is one of mine. The 4* got me through so much early content and even now I was happy to rank 4 my 5* just for fun. Stacking armour breaks and then unleashing that SP2 doesn't get old, I just wish he would get a small buff to give him some added utility.

    The other guilty pleasure is DDHK. I really like the Netflix show and the kit is really fun to play with some nice utility. There a certain satisfaction when you win a difficult fight with DDHK because you know you've played well. The Regen Rate issue kind of spoils the party but I hope Kabam do something to resolve it.

    That's some others as well. Nebula is one who I find myself using in Arena and wondering why I don't use get for more general/fun stuff.
  • Darksniper240Darksniper240 Member Posts: 222 ★★★
    Doctor Voodoo. The odd/even ending specials I think makes him unique and pretty fun.
  • Blackshadow0203Blackshadow0203 Member Posts: 171
    DDHK, no contest.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★

    Moonknight. He's terrible, but his animations are just so cool. I have my duped one at 6r2.
    Pre-Buff OML was also a big guilty pleasure of mine. I used him all the time as a 4/40 back when he was one of my first 4 star champions and even used a mutant gem to awaken him.
    Ant-Man, of course, though I don't use him as much anymore.
    Red Goblin is a blast in incursions.

    I mean. Moon Knight isn't that bad. He has decent bleed damage. And stackable too
  • Xguard77Xguard77 Member Posts: 585 ★★★

    Winter Soldier seriously takes like 350 hits with this guy, but you finish 20 minutes later with full health every time
  • MakuslovickMakuslovick Member Posts: 5
    All hail Seizure Man

    Can’t forget my favourite though

  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    Captain America, Deadpool & Wolverine.
    I just love the OG superheroes in spandex.
  • hermherm Member Posts: 415 ★★
    WS - 2nd r5*, first skill r5, power control was super useful
    OML - 6* r1, use him in AQ for fun
    Iceman - 1st r5 5*, carried me thru early content
    Electro - cheese
    OG Thor - used to use him for everything
    Dr. Strange - same deal as Thor, occasionally use him for fights where I need a strong nullify
    Night Thrasher - Gwenperion slayer, generally fun to play
    Gulk - 5th r5 5*, awesome in act 5 and early act 6
    Mephisto - my best mystic champ for a long period of time
    Luke Cage - Cav EQ
    Hawkeye - excellent bleed and power control
  • KoopaKrusherKoopaKrusher Member Posts: 105
    My "Big 3" for clearing new content used to be Miles Morales, Venompool, and Mephisto lol. I still enjoy playing them occasionally, although Mephisto is usually tied up as an AW defender now that he's duped
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