New Arena Structure Feedback



  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    Fact: longer arena grind

    Fact: lower unit count

    Fact: fewer arenas overall

    Fact: an overwhelming number of players aren't happy with the overhaul
  • Project_6Project_6 Member Posts: 31
    They are horrible, the time does not equate to the rewards at all

    This requires too much time for not even half of the rewards you would get usually

    This is also some players main source of units which ultimately could be game changing experience with the right pull

    The only compensation needed is for it to return to normal this is not a good change
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 97
    I’ve seen a lot of changes over the years I have played and enjoyed MCOC, but NOTHING that would affect the players that really put in a lot of work and time and real money like this change does. I see this as very discouraging to many many players. And a lot of them that I actually got interested in the game initially.
    I don’t have an extremely deep 5* maxed roster and tons of 6*’s that anyone would need to benefit this change.
    All those 2*s and 3*s helped in getting units and battle chips if you worked hard. Now they do nothing because if you have a deep 4* roster ( like most do ) then you’ll hit the last milestone on that arena WAY before you have to use 3*s ( which by the way ALSO makes all those wonderful 3* arena boosts useless as well )

    Then when you go to the
    5* - 6* arena, if you aren’t stacked with 5 & 6 Star champs that have been ranked pretty high, it’s almost impossible to even have chance at reaching the levels needed to advance. Also, this change came right after the announcement that you can no longer sell any champions. So for all the work people put in for 3*s and 2*s and leveled and ranked them early in their game career, it’s just out the window. They are good for nothing and you can’t sell them.
    As a business, I’m sure that the FTP aspect is not a good thing but I would venture to say that the greatest portion of players ( by far ) are neither strictly FTP or whales but the ones that spend a moderate amount of money. That is your business base in my opinion. I recently had to quit playing for about 6 months as I was in a coma and on life support for 21 days and in the hospital for over 2 months. This game ( as crazy as it sounds ) has helped me with my physical and mental therapy and dexterity in my hands as well as something to occupy my mind.
    To jump from an arena where the final milestone is
    2.15 Million to the next arena where the final milestone is
    16.5 Million is a big jump.
    I implore you, please don’t make this type of arena standard.
    It takes away from the diversity of the game in so many ways.
    Please take these comments and suggestions into serious consideration as I truly believe this adversely affects 90% of the players that are here and have enjoyed this most wonderful game for years.
  • dukedevill4412dukedevill4412 Member Posts: 186
    Cool, eliminate the F2P way to grind units for whatever they need in the game. If you wanted more money try making better deals for your whales and stop taking it out of 85% of your player base
  • tinman76tinman76 Member Posts: 117
    Wiredawg1 said:

    This is NOT a quality of life improvement at all. A lot more work and time in arenas for 5 more units? Not sure how you think this improves our arena experience. It’s going to discourage people from doing arena

    I completely agree. Shortly after I started playing, I would always grind for units. Then it felt like it was becoming tedious, so I stopped about 1.5 yrs ago. Then I decided to give the new setup a try. Absolutely not touching arena ever again. I'll just need to wait for my energy to refresh over time instead of buying refills. Poor design Kabam.
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 749 ★★★★
    If your f2p and like these arenas is seems this is not allowed to be a valid opinion across many threads.

    These arenas finally give more
    Purpose to the grind.

    Old arena having to do 22-24m for the 5k shards was painful when milestones stop at 12m.. now it less painful.

    And yes I save all units from arena for content but also Values shards more as they give champs need to complete content.
  • HavanaknightHavanaknight Member Posts: 480 ★★★
    Combining a 6* and 5* into rewards for the same arena was a good idea. But that’s where good idea end.

    Increasing the milestones for 4/5/6 arena, and then creating an identical arena using the same champs was not very well thought out. There should still be a 4/5 arena for players with a growing 5* roster and not a lot of 6*. If you only want to reward a 5* with a 4* consolation, great.

    As for the trial arena, the biggest complaint I see is that it’s geared towards a large 4* roster. One way to mitigate this is to put some smaller, easier to obtain milestones that could be done with 2* and 3*. Then use 4* to progress your way to the top milestone. Or you could decrease the timer on the 3*, thus getting more use from them than the 4*
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    With this current system I can get more 5* and 6* shards, no chance of getting 6* champions but I get a lot less of units. Before I cleared all milestones and got all units from 4* basic, 4* featured and 5* featured now I can only play for 6* featured.

    This current system only benefits very very hardcore grinder with very strong rosters (very strong rosters alone doesn't cut it because you will have to grind more).
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 986 ★★★
    Not a fan of these arena changes. Like many have stated, it's WAY too difficult, if not impossible, to get the equivalent of milestones/units to the previous system when my 5 and 6 star roster is stretched between the 2 most relevant arenas.

    For the Summoner Trials arena, my suggestion would be to combine all milestone rewards that were previously obtainable in the 2* and 3* star arena, ration them out between 10 milestones, keep the shards as PHC's, and insert the 3* champion back into the final milestone. Total amount of points needed to reach all milestones: 1 million. Champion requirements: 1, 2, and 3 stars.

    For the basic arena, remove the 6* altogether and make it a 5* basic arena with the top 10% getting the champion. Combine all the milestone rewards that were previously obtainable in the 4* basic arena but only half the milestones rewards previously obtainable from the 4* featured arena, ration them out between 10 milestones, keep the shards as GMC's, and put the 4* into the final milestone rewards. Total amount of points needed to reach all milestones: 6 million. Champion requirements: 4 and 5 stars.

    Keep the format for rank rewards in the 6* featured arena as is. For milestone rewards, combine the other half of the rewards that were previously obtainable in the 4* featured arena with all the milestone rewards previously obtainable in the 5* featured arena, ration them out between 15 milestones, keep the shards as GMC's, and put the 4* into the 6 million milestone rewards. Total amount of points needed to reach all milestones: 14 million. Champion requirements: 4, 5, and 6 stars.
  • TheLegionMasterTheLegionMaster Member Posts: 380 ★★★
    Wubbie075 said:

    These new Arenas may alter the Arena experience

    You are correct. Never playing arenas anymore will be a significant change to my arena experience

    What if that was a 5* aegon? Would the f2p be complaining? Doubt it. Onl 4 crystals and I got a new champ. An e his and the gold, and the chips.

    Do you always use such results based thinking when analyzing the merits of things? Sure, a few people might get a 5* Aegon. So what? The VAST majority of players won't. But none of this is relevant to the point anyway. We're talking about the people (like me) who don't play arenas for shards and champs. Our only interests are the units and battlechips.

    Shan said:

    Wait till all the people complaining start getting 5* crystals from their crystals they accumulated.

    I like this arena.

    I fail to see the strength of the argument it hurts f2p people.

    It will greatly expand their roster over time. Much faster than any other game mode.

    Some units lost more 5* and 4* champs gained and duped. These same people were not getting 6* shards before now heir duping groot and iron fist every week,

    Lol I think he is not even a player.
    Who will go for 105 units in 70+ streak now in summoner trails? You like this arena do you ever play arena? An arena player can tell you streak by seeing milestones. And i am arena player and i just need 4 paths of 6.2.5 to be the breaker of throne and i have only 39 6* with those its not possible to get all milestones in both arena
    I don’t care about units that much.
    You do realize that not everyone in the world has the same goals as you, right? There are those of us who do care about units. One of our primary sources of them is now, for all intents and purposes, practically gone.

    You keep saying "but look at all the shards you get!!!"

    And we keep replying "shards are not why we play arena"

    Do you think hardcore f2p players make a large base of players? This benefits a majority of players not f2p looking to keep up with whales.

    Which group do you believe makes up the largest portion of the player base?

    A: Whales
    B: Non-f2p players looking to keep up with the whales
    C: "Hardcore" f2p players
    D: Casual/semi-serious f2p or very low spending players who would dip into arenas for a few milestones for units and battlechips, but has no interest in clearing them all or grinding for the free champs?

    If you think the answer is anything but D, I urge you to look more than 3 inches from the tip of your nose.

    I fall into the fourth category. As a FTP player who isn’t really that serious about the game, I’m a Cavalier level player who would occasionally hit 1.2 million with my 5 and 6*s in arena. Now, I feel like I’m getting less in the long run. I’m too busy with life to spend 2+ hours grinding just to get decent rewards.
  • NamitNamit Member Posts: 1

    Kavya30 said:

    16.5M for one is too much and I am a milestone grinder. I will not be able to grind for 33M. Just can’t. As an FTP, guess my hopes for July 4th are in the trash

    I'm Curious: Prior to these Changes, how many Milestones across all of the Arenas did you used to complete? If you don't remember that, do you remember how many Units approx you'd earn from Milestones per Arena run?

    Our goal is to keep the effort roughly the same, but of course, with reducing the number of Arenas, that's going to be difficult. With the change of the rarities allowed in each Arena, the points are definitely going to be different, but we want to keep the effort roughly the same.

    If that's not the case, we want to know! We won't know that on the first day or possibly even the first run, but please keep the feedback coming.
    kindly do more units , being a uncollected i cant even get above 4.5m and i cant keep INFINITE STREAK cause i have rank 4 and rank 3 5* and 1 6* and i get paired with rank 3 6 star or rank 5 5*... WE UNCOLLECTED DONT HAVE A ARENA TO WORK UPON.. from 150 unit per arena now i get 55 UNITS less almost 1/3 kindly bring back the arena or get a arena with 3 ,4 and 5 star for uncollected as we are suffering
  • jaydubjaydub Member Posts: 41
    I am glad that the developers decided to rework the arena setup, it was long past due for an overhaul but I think it still needs some adjustments. My account is uncollected status but does not have a roster with enough weight to handle the 6 star basic or featured arenas but along the same lines, my account has progressed past the point where I can benefit from the summoner trials. The summoner trials is perfect for accounts with Proven or Conqueror status. I would like to see a level of arena suited for each progression level.

    I would suggest that 6 star featured and 6 star basic offer cavalier shards instead of grandmaster and for summoner trials, offer grandmaster shards instead of premium hero shards since GMC crystals are being made available to accounts that aren't uncollected anyway so why not make those shards a milestone for summoner trials instead of PHC shards?

    27 rounds in summoner trials (using just 4 stars) puts me at about 750,000, 18 rounds puts me just over the minimum requirement for rank rewards in the Shang Chi arena. I tossed my hat into that ring just to test the content because it is a new format.

    I appreciate the open forum for the community to offer their feedback on these recent changes.

    Good luck to those making the push for 6 star additions to their roster!
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 522 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    My BHR is 1,328,579

    My PI is 10,628

    And I STILL have a hell of a time meeting these milestones...

    If it's taking me this long to get 9M in each 6* arena, those players with less of a roster don't even have a chance...there simply isn't enough time in the day.

    One of my main issues is refresh time. If you're going to make the grind longer, with fewer rewards, LOWER THE CHAMP REFRESH TIME!! That'll at least give us a better chance of meeting these spread out milestones.

    I can't imagine it would be a huge undertaking, just lower the timer.

    I'm not asking for more units, better crystals, or closer milestones, just lower the champ refresh time so we can get back into the arena faster.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 664 ★★★
    Well I sincerely hope they fix this fast. They lost the first quarter and there’s 4 of them,..don’t want to lose the game.

    Can’t see a move like this helping matters .
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Crine60 said:

    I can't count the number of times I have lost my streak with the new arena. I am lucky to get to maybe a streak of 13 before losing it. For 3 days effort I have gotten a whole whopping 25 units. This is pathetic. I don't care about 5 and 6* champs from arena with the current setup; I will never achieve the points to get them. I want to get units and the little bit of 5* shards I can achieve from the first couple of rank reward ranges.

    Sandbag for 10-14. Two R3 5*s and one 1/10 4*. Use your highest teams for 15-18, then whoever you want. I wouldn't recommend going below an R3.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    I'm still not sure of the threshold so I throw on a Boost just to be safe when I get down to my R3s.
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