New Arena Structure Feedback



  • WokkawokkaWokkawokka Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2021
    Remove the credits from the arena milestones and put them in a weekly solo objective. Tie the objective to wins not points and match old arena # of wins for units. This also would let players go for which champ they want and not miss out on credits because they're focused on one arena.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I am continually losing my streak in the new arena. I can't seem to get above around 12 before getting death squads or just super fast and aggressive ai that kills my streak, sometimes I can't even get above 10. Bring back the basic 4* arena.
  • DanxorDanxor Member Posts: 124 ★★
    ​I think the best solution is to split the points to two kinds "Milestone Points" and "Rank Points"

    Champions give about the same Milestone points regardless of PI/Star Level, higher PI can give more, but not significantly more than lower PI. Thus you need relatively the same number of wins to get the milestones regardless of the champions you use.

    The Rank rewards are based on Rank Points which would use the current system to earn.
  • austinstuart32austinstuart32 Member Posts: 4
    The effort and time that has to be spent to get the new milestones is rediculous. For a cavalier player that wants to obtain six star champions to help them become thronebreaker, they dont stand a chance to ever get the champion. Top 500 out of how many thousand profiles? The new arenas only benefit people with stacked rosters. No motivation for players that finnaly completed a decent five star roster. Please remove PHC shards too.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,336 ★★★★★
    ExWeapon said:

    Crys23 said:

    Hello everybody,

    Thank you all for your feedback on the new setup for Arenas. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback, especially surrounding the number of fights required to hit all of the Milestones.

    One of our goals in this refresh was to keep the number of fights/series required to hit the Milestones more or less equal to what it was before, and the milestones would change based on the ability to use higher Rarity Champions in more Arenas.

    While it’s too early to see exactly what the effect is through Data, you’ve all let us know that the current Milestones require more time and effort to obtain than the previous ones.

    There are many reasons behind this, including higher point values, multiple Arenas allowing the use of 4,5, and 6-Star Champions, and more Milestone thresholds.

    While we don’t have a plan in place for how we want to address these concerns, we want to assure you all that we are exploring a number of options to address your concerns, and are committed to reducing the Grind once again.

    We’re going to do our best, but it’s important to note that in some cases, things may still require a little more effort for some Summoners than before. Because everybody is at a different place in their progression, it is very difficult to come up with a solution that addresses the situation for every Summoner.

    We won’t be able to address this right away, and there will be more Arenas like this before we can implement a new plan.

    There is additional feedback on other topics, and we will continue to explore those, especially after this first iteration of the new Arena ends, but don’t have anything to share on that at this time.

    The new arenas are bad for me, TB player, 2.5m account, 90 6*s, 165 5*s. It requires double the time and effort.
    And that's what we want to address. We don't want it to take more time than it did before. We're saying that we need a little wiggle room because it's pretty hard for us to come up with a solution that will be perfect for everyone, but are going to do out best to get as close as we can.
    For the basic, cut the milestones in half and remove 6* eligibility. easy fix to give you time to get a better solution.
    I really wish folks would stop suggesting to remove using 6* champs from the basic 6* arena. It really does come across as offensive to veteran players. Whether intentionally or not. It makes us feel like you don't think we've earned the right to enjoy participating in a new arena after years of grinding the old ones. Some of us have waited years for a 6* basic arena. It's just not necessary to punish veteran players in an effort to make the new arena rewarding and enjoyable for progressing players. It can be fixed to be better for everyone. And punishing a certain portion of the player base in an effort to make it better for another is EXACTLY the point of this entire thread. Newer players are being punished by the current set up. But two wrongs don't make a right. To remove 6* eligibility from the basic is just turning the tables and punishing a different set of players.

    Respectfully, It took 4 years of grinding content, daily, to get my roster. And I have no intention of moving backwards in my arena progression. We (veteran players) have already paid our dues. We played arena with 4* and 5*, like for years. And, here's the weird part right? We were able to use our 6* in a 5* star arena. Now that there's finally a 6* arena released, you want me to go backwards in time to use the same champs I used years ago in a 4* featured? If so, what was it all for? What's the point of even trying to grow your roster? Just process this whole line of thought for a moment.

    Now, what we agree on. I agree that the main issue is the basic arena milestones. I think they should be adjusted, by a lot. We agree on this. I might even make them lower actually. Tuned for UC - Cav level rosters. There is absolutely no need to remove 6* though. Karate Mike had a pretty good suggestion in his latest video actually.

    It doesn't have to be this way, guys. There is a solution out there that can be good for everyone. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.. one side wins, win side loses (regarding progressing players vs veteran players). They can find a solution that works for all of us.
  • RAXXRAXX Member Posts: 3
    The fun and motivation for the stadium is awake!
    Another mode was made significantly worse by you, at the expense of the FTP players.
    It wasn't to be expected otherwise!

    The MS are just too far apart so that I can (have to) play a few more hours.
    Stadium should be worth the time invested in itself.
    At least there should be a 3 *, 4 *, 5 * stadium.
    As before.!

    And maybe a 5 * / 6 * stadium, for the players who already have well over 80 6 * champions, only then does that make sense.

    Alpha and Basic Stadium also switch on the 6 * Champs and make new rewards underneath.

    Take back the old mode and improve the stadium there. thanks
  • UncleBen_69UncleBen_69 Member Posts: 28
    Well the new arena system is horrible looking at the milestones. MORE GRINDING FOR LESS REWARDS !!
    The milestones are too high for players who doesn't have that many 6 stars.
    Really lost interest in doing arenas now.
    Either reduce the milestones from top and increase the milestone rewards or bring back the old arena system.
  • KorimyrKorimyr Member Posts: 40
    I like that the arena is being worked on, because it definitely needs it, unfortunately the newest development and update was a BIG miss.
    The milestones for the arenas are too high to be able to get the same amount of units, and it requires the same champions, so you can't work on other arena playlists to get more units while waiting for champions to come off cooldown.
    I think you should increase the amount of units per milestone and reduce the milestone increments.

    Please fix this.
  • ElmurielElmuriel Member Posts: 1
    5* r3 trigers deathmatches 3 times for me now in basic 6* arena).i m not using 4* r5 cause i m sure they'll trigger aswell
    Summoners arena-more time spent to reach all the milestone
    Less rewarding system.i think the only good think is the gmc crystals shards instead of premium crystal shards
    Overal: i dont like this new arenas.its not for any progresive players.only for big money, if u kill the joy for 90% of players i think i will quit.
  • Dino13Dino13 Member Posts: 1
    This was not done with the average player in mind. It seems just a way to try and force players to spend money on units. You have to grind longer for less units and less battle chips very poor taste on kabam's part. You could have just added a 5/ 6 star arena withhigher totals, instead you make 1 2 3 stars useless and yet they can't sell them
  • Ben0408Ben0408 Member Posts: 5
    Please give some more rewards! Some milestones can't be reached by an average player.
  • KantrasKantras Member Posts: 1
    These changes have really demoralized myself and others that I have spoken to, impacting decisions to invest much more into the game as it currently stands, especially during the upcoming major sales events. The timing of development feels really bad as well; the dev diary talks about the need to reduce the complexity of becoming uncollected, and then changes that punish those who are not yet UC are implemented without any other relief on the horizon. Mid level players are also negatively impacted due to the fact that sometimes a "one size fits all" mentality is not the right approach.
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
    I like the new format. Makes me want to do more arena, and I get more units and rewards for what I already used to do.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    As someone who views arena as a necessary evil and only plays as much as I can make myself play, the change really doesn't matter for me.
  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    Give us back the old arena Kabam.
    This new structure suck big time.
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  • DragontearDragontear Member Posts: 2
    The idea of ​​improving the arena is not bad, but after this update we as players have to work harder for less rewards. I think that the milestones should be adjusted so that it is easier to get them.
  • MN08MN08 Member Posts: 3
    Please get back the 3* arenas. Now my 3* roster is useless. The new system benefits only for hardcore players with a big 6* roster. Make arenas more equal for all the community
  • OwzitgarnOwzitgarn Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2021

    Pauly2099 said:

    Please bring back the 4* basic arena , that was the only way to get the champs that you are targeting

    There are 4-Star Basic and Featured Champions in the Milestones of the new Arenas.
    @Kabam Miike

    They are only available to uncollected though, and unless you're a player who collects champs, or just wants more champs for arena, uncollected do not need 3* and 4* champs

    In my view there are 3 arenas now, and 4 star levels of champs that are useful, so a fix would be to add a fourth arena and have each relevant to a star level

    Summoner trials - can only use 2&3* champs, have 3*champ as top milestone

    4*arena - open to everyone, can only use 3&4* champs, make 4* basic a milestone at around 2.5million, add more milestones up to 6 million and have 4* featured as rank reward

    5*arena - uncollected only, use 4&5*champs, 5* basic as a very high milestone reward, 5*featured as rank reward

    6* arena - uncollected only, use 5&6*champs, 6* basic as a very high milestone reward, 6*featured as rank reward

    That's the structure I would like to see, it's still a lot cleaner than before, one extra arena to what you've got now

    Makes sense with the star levels and matches a players advancement through the game

    I think the structure of just 3 arenas, and making 2 and 3* champs redundant to most players is the worst part of these new arenas, not the milestones (though they are demonstrably worse)

    And also taking 3 and 4*champs out of the reach of collected players, they are the players that need those champs

  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Crys23 said:

    Hello everybody,

    Thank you all for your feedback on the new setup for Arenas. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback, especially surrounding the number of fights required to hit all of the Milestones.

    One of our goals in this refresh was to keep the number of fights/series required to hit the Milestones more or less equal to what it was before, and the milestones would change based on the ability to use higher Rarity Champions in more Arenas.

    While it’s too early to see exactly what the effect is through Data, you’ve all let us know that the current Milestones require more time and effort to obtain than the previous ones.

    There are many reasons behind this, including higher point values, multiple Arenas allowing the use of 4,5, and 6-Star Champions, and more Milestone thresholds.

    While we don’t have a plan in place for how we want to address these concerns, we want to assure you all that we are exploring a number of options to address your concerns, and are committed to reducing the Grind once again.

    We’re going to do our best, but it’s important to note that in some cases, things may still require a little more effort for some Summoners than before. Because everybody is at a different place in their progression, it is very difficult to come up with a solution that addresses the situation for every Summoner.

    We won’t be able to address this right away, and there will be more Arenas like this before we can implement a new plan.

    There is additional feedback on other topics, and we will continue to explore those, especially after this first iteration of the new Arena ends, but don’t have anything to share on that at this time.

    The new arenas are bad for me, TB player, 2.5m account, 90 6*s, 165 5*s. It requires double the time and effort.
    And that's what we want to address. We don't want it to take more time than it did before. We're saying that we need a little wiggle room because it's pretty hard for us to come up with a solution that will be perfect for everyone, but are going to do out best to get as close as we can.
    A solution for this would be to pull the units into earlier milestones.
    So the 6* basic for example,
    Have the majority of units in the milestones upto 5mil. Obviously there’s more units in that arena now so not all of them, but 135-150 should be available for similar effort to before.
    6* featured I’d say just flip the unit milestones around so the larger stacks are available earlier but hitting the last few milestones still offers some units.

    I’ll be honest I also think the shard amounts in ranked rewards are a little low outside of the top bracket, but perhaps the ranked cutoffs aren’t that bad, and the 5* basic champion should be available to more players.

    Finally, can we have a way to convert the 1000s of arena boost crystals into greater arena boost crystals. Think I speak for many when I say the new arena format has made those 1.5x 3* boosts not worth using in any of the arenas.
  • kubricknolankubricknolan Member Posts: 99

    Daddrieda said:

    Hello everybody,

    Thank you all for your feedback on the new setup for Arenas. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback, especially surrounding the number of fights required to hit all of the Milestones.

    One of our goals in this refresh was to keep the number of fights/series required to hit the Milestones more or less equal to what it was before, and the milestones would change based on the ability to use higher Rarity Champions in more Arenas.

    While it’s too early to see exactly what the effect is through Data, you’ve all let us know that the current Milestones require more time and effort to obtain than the previous ones.

    There are many reasons behind this, including higher point values, multiple Arenas allowing the use of 4,5, and 6-Star Champions, and more Milestone thresholds.

    While we don’t have a plan in place for how we want to address these concerns, we want to assure you all that we are exploring a number of options to address your concerns, and are committed to reducing the Grind once again.

    We’re going to do our best, but it’s important to note that in some cases, things may still require a little more effort for some Summoners than before. Because everybody is at a different place in their progression, it is very difficult to come up with a solution that addresses the situation for every Summoner.

    We won’t be able to address this right away, and there will be more Arenas like this before we can implement a new plan.

    There is additional feedback on other topics, and we will continue to explore those, especially after this first iteration of the new Arena ends, but don’t have anything to share on that at this time.

    ok, i think i might have misunderstood you, sir. Do you mean that there will be no plans to revert back to old arena structure because the game team believe that this new arena structure is in our best interest?
    The 3 Arena System is unlikely to change (but not totally out of the question), but there's plenty of wiggle room within that system. A reversion would mean moving away from a 5/6 Star Basic, and a 6 Star Featured, and I don't think people want that, but do want changes to the current system.
    Bring back the old arenas! ı just want my accesible unit milestones!
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★
    I don’t grind the arena
    (I play a little when the solo or ally objectives require some participation)

    So these changes don’t affect me at all
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★

    The difference between you and me KM??

    I have integrity....

    No need to attack the kabam members personally. This is just a game. Let's not loose our humanity over a game.
    But you see it's not an attack it is a obvious observation.

    The kabam Mike claims that he plays be this game everyday.

    He also claims that he and the game team designed the arenas to have the same effort as before.

    Then talks out the other side of his Mouth saying something's will require more effort.

    So this guy works for kabam but didn't know how this would effect the game???

    If he didn't know he isn't a real player.

    That is clearly not even close.

    It's sad that the guy is just a social media shill. It's whatever just don't pretend to be one of us

    The new arenas are designed to save time in the sense that people would do only one 6-star arena and not both of them. Most people do arena for units grinding and a majority of the backlash is over the loss of units from the milestones.

    People would not have to worry about 4-5 different arenas, and would have to focus on just one arena. Most of the players doing arenas are not bothered about the champions.

    Kabam had thought that this change in arenas would have a QOL improvement in the sense that people would not have to worry about multiple arenas to work at. They did not take into account the loss of units that people would have with this change.

    It does not matter if Kabam Mike is playing or not. The forum team and game development teams are separate. Mike is a part of the forum team. His job is to take suggestions and pass them onto the development team. So you cannot directly blame him for this arena change. There is a strong possibility that he himself might not be fully aware of the changes, until recently.
  • M_HeibaM_Heiba Member Posts: 6
    Hey, I am a regular arena grinder and this new system is on all capacities worse than the older one that was already horrible.
    for a proper context, my account is big enough. 3 mil rating, 13+ k prestige, master alliance, top 30 AQ alliance, i am not free to play but i am not a whale either.

    >>> my routine with old arena has been:
    * 2* arena: 2-7 streaks for 10-15 units (10-15 minutes)
    * 3* arena: 25-30 streaks for top 10% rewards (45-60 min?)
    * 4* basic arena: 40-45 streaks for top 10% rewards (60-90 min)
    * 4* feat. arena: 2.5-3x runs with my r5s/r4s 5* (45-55 strks) = 6+ mil for top 800 (40 min per run)
    * 5* feat. arena: 3x runs with my 6* (105-120 strks) = 23+ mil for top 5%
    (60-80 min/run)
    * plenty of time/teams/champs to squeeze in one r4/r5 team at t4b/t1a arena when present
    ---- 2.5-3.5 hrs per day across the 3 days
    * on featured weeks, basically double the effort in 5* feat arena for top 300 rewards

    >>> with the new arena u are asking me to double my effort (time) to maintain same flux of rewards. or keep my same routine and walk away with around 30-40% less units, not even sure i will get same amount of shards
    IMO, the arena equation factors units+BC/4+5+6* shards/time/champs gain & allowance and this new one nets -ve in all factors

    i have been overdoing arena and i am aware of it and it is wearing me out. seeing the new system was oh well, u better start doing something other than this game coz this is was already going out of way. way too much

    >>> Not just being a negative Nancy, but i have some suggestions how to make it "not better" but at least manageable/worthy:
    * 6* basic arena:
    - Frontload milestones to cap out at 6-9 mil.
    - Ban 6* from this arena and lock it to 4/5* champs only.
    - a stretch: widen the bracket to 150 for the 6* and 600-800 for 5*, like the old one and they still be basic champs.
    - this makes this arena imo player's gate to the next level.

    * 6* feat. arena:
    - Frontload milestones to cap at 15 mil.
    - top 5% rewards was already a tight window (as in number of players and with splitting the player base across 2 arenas and eliminating everyone below uncollected, it would be a massacre) , i would suggest merge it with top 10 and average out the payout.
    - Replace GMC shards with Cav crystal shards .. even just 1-2 Cavs for all the milestones

    * summoner trial:
    - back to 1.5 mil
    - pump 3* scores multiplier or convert everyone's arena boost crystals to greater arena boost crystals and I know that is a stretch and hard to implement

    >>> Basically 10 milestones per arena like old ones while keeping units as it is.

    >>> Other solution would be reduce the cooldown on 6* and 5* champs. That might be easier for you, but again that is more grind and nobody is looking out for more time in arena and also does not match with ur "Quality of life" changes all across the game.

    >>> i hope the effort to compose this post finds listening ears.
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