Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited September 2021

    Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-616) Captain Britain
    Horseman of Death

    Powers and Abilities

    Betsy Braddock is a powerful mutant psychic, manifesting a vast and ever-changing set of telepathic and telekinetic abilities throughout the years. In addition to being a psychic, she was also granted Captain Britain powers in different moments of her life.

    Telepathy: Betsy developed her mental powers to interact with, affect and manipulate the minds of other sentient beings over long distances.[2] When she makes use of her telepathy a large butterfly-like image is usually cast by her.[16]

    Psionic Knife: Described as "the focused totality of her psychic powers", by intensely channeling and focusing her psionic powers to her hands, Betsy creates “psychic blades”, razor-sharp edges of pure mental energy which she plunges into the minds of her targets directly. Betsy often uses them to disrupt the neurons of her foes by driving the glowing blade of mental energy into their skulls.[260] It is able to kill.[146]
    Psionic Blasts: Capable of projecting psionic force bolts which can affect a victim's mind causing them pain, confusion, unconsciousness, or even death.[71]
    Astral Projection: Ability to project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical plane.[261] On the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment.[6][155] Under the effects of the Crimson Dawn her astral form was normally undetectable.[262]
    Psionic Shadow: Ability to mask her presence from others. Her abilities can go undetected and are very difficult to track, even by very powerful telepaths such as Shadow King. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well.[172]
    Telepathic Illusions: Ability to create elaborate illusions to make herself seem to be invisible, look like someone else, or fabricate experiences and events that are not truly happening.[84][22][66][172]
    Mind Control: Capable of controlling the minds of others.[263]
    Telepathic Detection: Enhanced psionic senses enable her to track other sentient beings in her immediate vicinity by their unique psionic emanations, especially if they pose a threat to her well-being.[264] She also can scan large areas and track her vicinity,[44] as well as detect the psyches of the inhabitants of a city to learn of their condition.[76]
    Mental Paralysis: Ability to induce temporary mental and physical paralysis.[265]
    Mental Amnesia: Can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.[77]
    Psionic Immunity: After being resurrected by her brother, Jamie, Betsy has been shown to have an immunity to certain psionic attacks such as mind reading[122] and illusions.[266]
    Precognition: Betsy's psychic abilities originally manifested as precognitive dreams.[2] She was able to predict her brother Brian would be attacked by Lord Hawk[64] and that the Reavers would kill her and her X-Men teammates.[90] It is unknown if this ability remains in the present.
    Telekinesis: Ability to psionically manipulate and control the physical aspects of matter, allowing her to move and levitate objects and living beings. Although she can move objects from a distance and fly as other telekinetics do, she has shown little inclination to do either in combat situations. Her telekinesis are described to be robust, in the sense she found that using her telekinesis in forceful ways was easier than in a delicate, fine manner. However, over time she displayed further control over fine matter.

    Flight: She can personalize her telekinetic abilities in such a way to propel herself through the air at variable speeds.[267]
    Force Fields: Capable of creating telekinetic shields of all sizes to deflect/decelerate incoming attacks.[119] She can also alter their sizes and strengths.[268]
    Concussive Blasts: Besides flight and force fields, she can fire telekinetic blasts that are capable of pushing back the X Men and Wolverine
    Telekinetic Weapons: Betsy's telekinesis has great versatility, as she has used it to construct psionic weapons that damage a target either physically, mentally or both at some point. She showed skill in using creating multiple types of psionic weapons that differ in size and power which she uses in combat.
    Telekinetic Sword/Katana: Betsy can manifest a telekinetic sword composed of raw psi-energy at will,[269] which at its lowest intensity functions to disrupt neural pathways, and at its highest level, her swords can slice an armored opponent and cut through their armor, but leave the attacker physically unharmed.[270] Her telekinetic manifestations produce visible radiance in the physical world, which can be used as a makeshift light source in areas of darkness. Her telekinetic sword is strong enough to harm other beings more powerful than herself.[271] When in Kwannon's body, her sword usually manifested as a katana.[269] After returning to her original body, she produced a sword more similar to a European knight's sword in its fashion, often used with a telekinetic shield.[235]
    Telekinetic Crossbow: As of late, Betsy has been showing even more versatility when it comes to her psionic constructs. She has been seen creating psi-bows and arrows.[272]
    Telekinetic Spiked Flail: She once manifested a psionic spiked flail which she used to destroy a wall.[273]
    Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: She can use her telekinesis to enhance her speed, strength, agility, and other fighting skills to superhuman levels.[267][119]
    Telekinetic Invisibility: She showed the ability to use her telekinesis to render herself invisible by modifying her molecular structure.[274]
    Reality Anchoring: Betsy's brother, Jamie Braddock, had altered her at a quantum level in order to make her more resilient to the multiversal entity called The First Fallen.[275] His changing of her personal being gave her immunity to magic, psionics, and alterations to the space-time continuum, as well as imperceptibility to similarly empowered beings.[128]

    Otherworlder: As a half-Otherworlder, she manifests powers granted by that status.[46]

    Former Powers
    Crimson Dawn: After being nearly beaten to death by Sabretooth and being saved by being exposed to the Crimson Dawn until her actual death by the hands of Vargas, Psylocke mysteriously manifested a unique set of abilities.
    Shadow Teleportation: While empowered by the Crimson Dawn, Psylocke could use shadows as teleportation gates.[113] Although this form of teleportation was not as controlled or precise as variations of teleportation used by others, it could cover huge distances; on one occasion she transported the X-Men from America to Africa in a few seconds.[276]
    Enhanced Physiology: After her exposure to the Crimson Dawn, Psylocke was left far more physically sharp than she had ever been, something that improved her fighting skills immensely.[42] It is unknown if such augmentations in her physical condition were lost after her resurrection.
    Invisibility to electronic detection devices: Psylocke was invisible and immune to all manner of electronic tracking and tracing before going through the Siege Perilous.[44] This ability did not carry over, though through Jamie's actions she is undetectable by certain cosmic entities and their machinations (such as the Crystal Palace's systems).[24]
    Master Martial Artist: Originally, Betsy had advanced training as a fighter from S.T.R.I.K.E. As an X-Man, she was taught in combat in constant training sessions with Wolverine and other X-Men. After swapping bodies with Kwannon, she acquired all the fighting knowledge the Asian assassin had, being classified as a master martial artist, though the specific fighting arts she had mastered have never been revealed. Presumably, as a ninja, she is skilled in various ninjutsu techniques. Even though she is known as a ninja and worked for The Hand as one, her fighting skills and techniques far surpass those of the average Hand Ninja[260] or Crimson Dawn Undercloak.[277] Her skills have been said to rival those of a ninja grandmaster (10th Dan level black belt or above).[278] As an Exile, Betsy has also received additional training from Sabretooth[279] and Ogun that vastly developed her skills in this area.[280] She is also very well versed in the use of all ninja weapons, stealth methods, silent movement, infiltration, concealment, escape & evasion, covert methods, ninja espionage, and ninja acrobatics.

    Master Telepathic Combatant: As a telepath, Betsy takes advantage of her powers in a fight by reading her opponents' movements seconds before they make them, giving her the opportunity to counter-attack faster.[260] She can also use her telepathy to mask her presence from other people, humans and super-humans alike.[281] She can create telepathic illusions to distract her enemies while fighting them[282] and as a ninja, she uses her psychic knife to incapacitate her opponents without killing them,[260] though she has fewer inhibitions about doing so and will if necessary.[283]

    Advanced Telekinetic Combatant: As a telekinetic, she often uses her powers to augment her strength and speed,[267][119] which made her fighting skills so strong that she was able to match and even outmatch other superhumanly strong opponents like a holographic version of Sabretooth in the Danger Room.[267][25]

    Trained Pilot: Betsy worked as a charter pilot, being experienced in controlling airplanes.[1] On several occasions, she was tasked of piloting the X-Men Blackbird.[106]

    Physical Strength
    Betsy possesses the normal human strength of a woman her age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. She can increase her strength by bolstering it with her telekinetic ability.[24]

    Captain Britain's Uniform: As Captain Britain, Betsy wears a costume that provides her several abilities.[29][11][3] Betsy's uniform appears to be cast only when she is in possession of either the Amulet of Power (currently destroyed) or the Starlight Sword.[15] Betsy's first Captain Britain uniform was originally worn by Kaptain Briton.[48]
    Flight: Captain Britain has the ability to self propel herself through the air.[29][284]
    Superhuman Strength: Wearing a Captain Britain uniform, Betsy acquires increased strength.[48] The limits of her strength are not assessed and remain unrevealed.[285] As an example of her augmented strength, she was once able to destroy firearms with her bare hands.[48]
    Superhuman Durability: As Captain Britain, it seems Betsy manifests enhanced durability.[285] She was able to jump from the top of the Braddock Lighthouse falling several meters to the ground with no injuries.[31] Assuming she manifests similar abilities her brother did when wearing Captain Britain's uniform, it might be assumed this is due to the uniform emitting a surrounding force field over her body.[286]
    Former Equipment
    * Bionic Eyes: Mojo gave Psylocke bionic eyes that acted as remote cameras. She lost these after being body-swapped. The eyes protected her from any blinding light.[7]
    * Combat Armor: For a time, Psylocke wore a suit of lightweight armor procured for her by Wolverine from Landau, Luckman & Lake. The costume was of unknown origin and was claimed to be impervious to any kind of physical attack. It had worn by Lindsay McCabe before Wolverine could return it to Psylocke.[287]
    * Crimson Dawn[27]
    * Amulet of Right: Betsy formerly owned the Amulet of Right, claiming it from her brother, Brian, which allowed her to transform into Captain Britain.[3] The amulet was eventually destroyed by Betsy herself, as part of a ruse to trick Saturnyne, and was replaced by the Starlight Sword.[15]
    * Weapons
    * Starlight Sword: To enter the Otherworld contest, as one of the Swordbearers of Krakoa, Betsy tricked Saturnyne into forging the Starlight Sword, a replacement for the Amulet of Right as the conduit of her Captain Britain's powers. The Starlight Sword was crafted from a piece of the Starlight Citadel, made of an unknown material. The wielder of the sword steps into the role of Saturnyne's champion of the Otherworld.[15]
    * Psylocke owned a katana named Shurayuki, that was forged in Japan a thousand years ago and given to her by an unrevealed friend.[12] She used to telekinetically charge her katana with psionic energy.[289] It is unknown if Betsy kept her katana after returning to her original body.
    * Transportation
    * Formerly Krakoan Gateways,[3] X-Men Blackbird, a flying Bentley roadster,[13] Magik,[288] Gateway (from Earth-295), Gateway (from Earth-616) and her former charter plane.[1]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Sanjar Javeed (Earth-616)Seraph of Death
    Horsemen of Death

    Powers and Abilities
    Disease Projection: Sanjar has an ailment aura. He has the power to transmit a spectrum of terminal diseases (such as the Black Death)[6] depending on what variety of metal he touches. He can infect his victims with lethal diseases. He can target multiple people at once.

    Powers are proximity based and the farther away the target is, the less the effect.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Sean Cassidy (Earth-616)Banshee Horsemen of Death

    Powers and Abilities

    Banshee is a mutant who possesses unusually strong sonic abilities.

    Acoustikinesis: He creates powerful sonic waves with his voice with which he could achieve various effects, often with the assistance of psionic abilities which function only in unison with his sonic abilities.

    Sonic Scream: He has the ability to shatter solid objects with an incredibly loud and destructive sonic scream.
    Flight: He has the ability to fly at subsonic speeds by using his voice to propel him through the air and ride via sound waves.
    Sonar: He could use his sonic powers as a form of sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging). By sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wave-front of the note, he could evaluate his surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
    Sonic Shield: He could tighten sound waves around himself or others near him, making a barrier against outside attack.
    Vocal Disorientation: He has the ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using his sonic scream.
    Vocal Trance: He has the ability to subtly influence people's subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of his voice using hypersonic suggestions and persuasive abilities.
    Vocal Unconsciousness: He has the ability to affect the fluid in someone’s ear causing the person to go unconscious.
    Sound Immunity: Banshee's hearing and equilibrium were unaffected by his hypersonic abilities or other similar sound/sonic-based abilities.
    Superhuman Vocal Stamina: He possesses superhuman stamina in his lungs, throat, and vocal cords.
    A gifted detective, seasoned undercover operative, and unarmed combatant, Sean was also well-versed in combat strategy and tactics. He was an excellent marksman, amateur machine-smith, educator, organizer, and lobbyist. His interests included American country music and playing the piano.

    Physical Strength
    Sean Cassidy possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and weight who engages in moderate regular exercise.

    His vocal cords were susceptible to injury from excessive strain in using sonic powers. He had also survived normally fatal throat wounds at the cost of his sonic powers temporarily.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Ichisumi (Earth-616) Horsemen of Pestilence

    Powers and Abilities
    Insect Control: On command, she could release an infestation of near omnivorous Yume beetles stored within her own body by dislodging her jaw, spawning from her mouth in massive swarms either devouring or disfiguring her intended mark.

    Mental Connection: She was also able to mentally link with them when they returned to her as each and every individual being her colony consumed also imparted unto them; and subsequently upon their habitat/queen, much of the victims memories.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Pestilence (Lorna Dane)

    Horsemen of Pestilence
    Lorna Dane (Earth-616) Polaris
    Pestilence (Lorna Dane)

    Powers and Abilities

    As his daughter, her powers are nearly identical to Magneto's.

    Lorna is an Alpha-mutant[72] with both a primary and Secondary Mutation.[73] After Wanda's M-Day, Polaris lost all of her mutant abilities. Polaris then became Pestilence and had Celestial technology grafted to her spine by Apocalypse, which has somehow reactivated her X-Gene[8] and her powers.

    Magnetic Field Manipulation: She has the ability to manipulate magnetism. Although she has the potential to exercise all of the powers that Magneto has, as yet she has only used powers involving the manipulation of magnetic, electrical, and gravitational fields. Moreover, she has yet summoned as great an amount of energy as Magneto has. The exact limits on the amount weight that she can magnetically lift at present have not been measured. Since she has, in the past, preferred not to use her powers in combat situations, and has decades less experience with them, she is not up to par with Magneto's level of experience. As with Magneto, it is unknown whether Polaris's powers are purely psionic or whether they derive from her physically.[citation needed]

    The main feat made possible by magnetism is Polaris' ability to lift and manipulate metal. She has shown such fine tuned skills as to nearly liquefy, mend, and reconstruct metallic objects, and has some level of influence on the ferrous metals that reside in everything. She once mended and reconstructed silverware and metallic plates into a metallic suit identical to Magneto's costume.[citation needed]

    Magnetic Force-Fields: Polaris can protect herself from physical harm, can stretch her fields to protect a large group, and can suspend persons or objects in the air.[citation needed]
    Magnetic Flight: Polaris can suspend herself in flight by riding the Earth's magnetic field.[citation needed]
    Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, Polaris can perceive the world around herself solely as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. She can perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well.[citation needed]
    Magnetic Pulse: Polaris can focus her magnetic energy into powerful concussive blasts. She can also overload or short-circuit electrical systems. She has been shown destroying Shi'ar warships with single magnetic pulses.[citation needed]
    Energy Absorption: Polaris has been shown absorbing some forms of energy through her magnetic force fields to temporarily boost her own strengths. Early in her career with the X-Men, she absorbed Storm's lightning blast, Cyclops' eye beam, and Havok's energy beam at the same time, giving her enough strength to propel an entire island from the earth and into space.[citation needed]
    Geomagnetic Link: Polaris is tied very closely to Earth's EM Field. As is it effected, so is she. She knows instinctively all that happens to it, and with this link, is granted an odd sort of immortality. Earth lends her strength by it's simple existence. She draws on this strength all unconsciously.[citation needed]
    Organic Iron Manipulation: Polaris has such control over her powers that she is able to manipulate the natural iron within the blood of living organisms. She was capable of reversing the flow of an entire crowd's blood in order to render them unconscious.[citation needed]
    Metal/Matter Manipulation: Polaris has a great ability to be able to levitate objects metallic and nonmetallic, with her electromagnetic field she can levitate objects and destroy them in the air, or through a small manipulation of gravity, can also cause non-metallic objects to levitate in the air and manipulate it through electromagnetic energy. She has the ability to indirectly manipulate non-metallic objects via metal ores they may contain. She can perceive and manipulate matter at the sub-atomic level.[citation needed]
    Metal Morphing: Polaris has the power to physically bond metallic substances to other elements at an atomic level. This newly developed technique allows her to blend alloys to earthen, watery, gaseous and even organic substances.[citation needed]
    Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation: Polaris has the ability to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum and some energies like electricity, electromagnetic and magnetic (the limits of these are unknown). This is totally different from Storm, who can handle (almost) all the energies of the spectrum, but Polaris has great potential for it. Her power is such that she is compared to her father Magneto. Polaris has a connection to the electromagnetic field, allowing her to handle various types of energies such as electric, gamma, x-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, lasers, and more.[citation needed]
    Her personal polarity is opposite that of Magneto's.[citation needed]

    Former Powers
    Polaris has a latent secondary mutation. Manifesting when her powers were stripped and taken by her half-sister Zaladane. This mutation was later deactivated by the Scarlet Witch's M-Day.[citation needed]
    Negative Emotion Absorption: Polaris was able to absorb negative emotional energy to transform into a virtual powerhouse.

    Size Addition
    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Stamina
    Negative Emotional Release: Her power also released the negativity back into her environment at an enhanced level, which caused others to act more violent, selfish, bloodthirsty, etc.
    Meta-Plague Manipulation: As Pestilence, Lorna had the ability to ingest and synthesize new plagues without harm, controlling the virulence and particular genetic markers. She was then capable of releasing this virus or plague as a combined mutated strain or as the various separate plagues they originally were.
    Lorna possesses expertise in geophysics, and has earned a Masters degree in that field.[citation needed]

    Physical Strength
    Polaris possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. When possessed by Malice, Lorna had superhuman strength with an unknown upper limit.[citation needed]

    Lorna appear to have inherited her father's propensity for mental illness and depression. Lorna has at various times suffered mental breakdowns, episodes of mental illness and severe depression.[citation needed]

    She was grafted a cybernetic nanobot in her right eye by Serval Industries, allowing Harrison Snow to see what she saw at any time.[74]
    Biohazard containment suit. At one point Lorna wore a metal belt with her costume that she would manipulate as a weapon or tool.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Caliban (Earth-616)
    First Horseman of Death later Horsemen of Pestilence

    Powers and Abilities

    X-Factor Detection: Caliban is able to psionically sense the presence of other mutants within a 25-mile radius of himself. He once proved to be able to catch mutants presence far more away that those 25 miles when he detected the powerful Moloid mutant Val-Or's psychic scream, at the other side of the planet (This mutant was powerful but his powers could only have been sensed by more sensitive people).[35]
    Fight or Flight Response: When stressed, Caliban's adrenaline kicked in, causing him to temporarily manifest two additional powers. These powers subsided when his stress level returned to normal.
    Superhuman Strength: Caliban's panic response increased his physical strength, the upper limits of which topped that of Jessica Drew, Spider Woman.
    Fear Absorption: Caliban was able to absorb the psionic energy in the fear from others and amplify it back into his environment. This effect could quickly turn nearby people into a panicking mob. Caliban occasionally manifested an enlarged, menacing shadow when his fear power was in effect.[6]
    As Death:

    Hound Process: Apocalypse used Celestial technology to augment Caliban's abilities, giving him permanent access to his temporary powers. The transformation increased Caliban's overall height and muscle mass permanently, boosting his strength and physical attributes to much higher than they were before.[36]
    Enhanced Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Speed
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Durability
    Superhuman Reflexes
    Superhuman Agility
    Superhuman Leaping Ability
    Claws & Fangs
    Shadow Power: Caliban was able to use his fear abilities with greater control than before. He could absorb fear-energy to turn it against those around him, inducing more intense fear within their minds by directing his "shadow force" at them. His targets would be paralyzed with fear.[37] Caliban could also convert the fear energy into even greater levels of superhuman strength, making him emotionally-charged as he fed off people's fears.[3]
    Specific Enhancement: A subset of this ability was specifically designed to harm Mister Sinister. Apocalypse apparently intended Caliban to be used as a weapon against Sinister. [38]
    As Pestilence:

    Psychoactive Virus: After becoming Pestilence, Caliban's fear-inducing ability changed again to become a mental plague. Caliban soaked up negative emotion from his environment and convert it into a psychic attack that struck from within on the highest planes of the mindscape and broke down the physical/mental functions of the target. Victims would experience bodily symptoms such as fever, delirium and weakness while being psychically subjected to their personal fears or worst memories.[5][25]
    Physical Strength
    Caliban originally possessed the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engaged in minimal regular exercise. However, he can draw from the fear of nearby people and use it to enhance his strength. The limits of that superhuman strength are unknown, but he proved he could easily outmatch the original Spider-Woman, who could lift (press) about 7 tons.

    As a result of Apocalypse's bio-engineering, Caliban possesses superhuman strength allowing him to lift (press) approximately 10 tons. He retains his ability to increase his strength by siphoning fear from others augmenting it to an as of yet untold level.
    Caliban was intended to be a member of an X-Men "in-training" secondary team, alongside a newly created Kitty Pryde and Willie Evans, Jr. Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter nixed the idea, however, saying it sounded too much like the Legion of Substitute X-Men. The Caliban we know today was later created, but was entirely different than the original intention for the character.[39]
    Caliban is the only character to take up the mantles of two different Horsemen of Apocalypse: first Death and later Pestilence.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Plague (Earth-616) Horseman of Pestilence

    Powers and Abilities

    Virus Touch: Plague can produce a bio-hazardous agent from her body that acts as a crippling virus in the bodies of other people. The virus is incredibly potent -- even glancing contact with her skin or a few molecules of the virus clinging to Kitty Pryde's intangible form were enough to cause infection. The virus causes physical weakness, fainting, nausea, fever, and delirium. It can be treated, but will otherwise be lethal to anyone infected.[6][7]

    Flying Steed: Pestilence utilized a robotic flying steed as one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.[3]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Pestilence (First Horsemen) (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities
    Pestilence was a mutant with the following powers:

    Disease Vector: Pestilence can infect others using her poisoned arrows. Once someone is infected, they can infect others resulting in death and more disease.[2]
    Advanced Longevity: Like her mother, aunt, sister and brothers, Pestilence is several thousands of years old.[1]
    Bow and arrows
    Flying Dragon[11]
    According to Apocalypse, Pestilence was the best Horseman of Pestilence he ever had, while her successors were poor underwhelming replacers.[12]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Decimus Furius (Earth-616) Horseman of War

    Powers and Abilities
    Decimius Furius was a mutant with numerous abilities:

    Superhuman strength and durability
    War-filled Psyche: Attempts to read his mind can backfire, resulting in the reader being overcome by War's sorrow and hate.[2]
    Empathic War Infection: A successful strike with his axe will infect his victim with the cold thirst for war, causing that victim to attack those around him.[2]
    Regeneration: He was able to piece himself back together after exploding.[2]
    He was stated to be an "Omega Level monster".[2]

    Physical Strength

    He was proved unable to resist to his own feelings of love, making him explode.[2]

    Wields a four-bladed axe.[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Gazer (Earth-616) Horseman of War

    Powers and Abilities

    Gazer's body absorbs radiation and processes it with a form of photosynthesis.

    As War, Gazer's strength and durability have been increased. He is able to absorb solar energy and project it as flame blasts from his eyes.

    Gazer has knowledge of astronomy and is a skilled chess player.

    Physical Strength
    Superhuman, able to lift between 10 and 25 tons.

    As War, Gazer carries a mace-like weapon.

    Flying robot steed.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited September 2021

    Cal'syee Neramani (Earth-616) Horseman of War Deathbird

    Powers and Abilities

    Deathbird is a "genetic throwback"; she was born with atavistic features of Shi'ar:[10]

    Claws: Deathbird has claw-like nails that can be used in fight, except when flying.[citation needed]
    Natural Winged Flight: able to reach 63 mph. Maximum 6 hours of flight, without extra weight. Maximum load, 330 pounds. Notably, she must have her arms free, but she might use her hands while flying. Her wings are sharp spurs that can be used to fight while on flight.[citation needed]
    Exceptional hand-to-hand combatant, trained in Shi'ar methods of armed and unarmed combat;[citation needed] skilled at hurling javelins;[12] expert in Shi'ar law;[citation needed] cunning military strategist.[citation needed]

    Shi'ar Javelins, which extend to 3-feet in length and can be thrown with deadly force.[24] Deathbird has also used a javelin that releases a noxious gas on impact. Some javelins can project blasts of electricity when the tips of two javelins touch each other.[citation needed]

    Shi'ar starships.[citation needed]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Abraham Kieros (Earth-616) Horseman of War

    Powers and Abilities
    War is a mutant with the superhuman power to create explosions in his immediate area by clapping his hands. He does so by harnessing the minor kinetic force created when his hands strike each other, amplifying it to a significant degree, and redirecting it spatially so that it strikes and affects some other object in his line-of-sight, causing an explosive release of force. The limits of the range in which his power is effective have not yet been determined.

    Physical Strength
    War possesses normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.

    Flying robot horse that is capable of teleportation
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    War (First Horsemen) (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities
    War was a mutant with the following powers:

    Pyrokinesis: War appears able to psionically manipulate molecules in the air, exciting them to burst into flame and channelling them through her weapons.[8]
    Pyric Form: War's head is constantly burning and glowing.[5]
    Advanced Longevity: Like her mother, aunt, sister and brothers, War is several thousands of years old.[1]
    Vermilion, the Red Sword of War: claimed this sword to use in the Ten of Swords contest.[9]
    Flying Dragon[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Jeb Lee (Earth-616) Horseman of Famine

    Powers and Abilities
    Bio-Auditory Cancer: When he plays his drum he can transmit a bio-auditory cancer, that feeds on the flesh of all who can hear it. This power works whenever he makes a tapping noise, not just when he plays a drum.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Shiro Yoshida (Earth-616)Horseman of Famine

    Powers and Abilities

    Sunfire is an Alpha-mutant:[73]

    Solar Radiation Manipulation: Shiro's mutant powers enable him to absorb solar and other radiation to generate the process of ionized matter (usually air) through a mentally-triggered unknown biochemical process so that it is converted to plasma, the superheated state of matter. Plasma is the state in which matter making up the sun exists; hence, Sunfire refers to his projecting "solar fire". Hence he can sheath his body in flame.

    Flight: He can use his powers to create super-heated air currents which push him forward through the air, enabling him to fly. Sometimes this super-heated air is visible as a trail of flame behind Sunfire. The upper limit to the speed Sunfire can achieve in flight is not yet known, although it is known to be greater than that of the Angel, who can reach 150 miles per hour.
    Plasma Blasts: He has the ability to project the flames he generates as powerful blasts of energy.
    Plasma Emanation: Sunfire can generate plasma temperatures which match those that can be generated by the Human Torch, reaching about 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit at maximum level. He can also use his power in a massive blast similar to Johnny Storm's "Nova Burst". However, Shiro has much more control over the area of effect, enough to where one person may feel like they have been sunbathing all day to total incineration of another target.
    Heat Signature Sense: He has the ability to sense beings by the heat signature that they give off.
    Plasma Shield: He has the ability to manipulate the plasma around him to form an aura that can melt incoming bullets or stave off other attacks.
    Solar Shielding Psi-field: He is protected from the heat and radiation he emits by a short-range psionic force field which automatically comes into being whenever there is air friction, and also prevents excessive amounts of light from the plasma from reaching his eyes so as to blind or damage them. Sunfire's body emits a protective field whenever he uses his powers. However, it is speculated that he can generate power in excess of his natural protection.
    He has also retained some abilities from Apocalypse's enhancement:

    Bio-Oxygen Generation: When Sunfire was transformed into the Horseman of Famine, he was given the ability to produce oxygen, allowing him to maintain his flames and breathe in areas lacking oxygen, like deep space.[74]
    Former Powers
    ====Horsemen of Apocalypse====
    As the Horsemen of Famine, Sunfire was capable of:

    Solar Hunger: He has ability to manipulate the light patterns he generated to stimulate the optic nerve and make the brain believe the body is starving.
    Zero Fluid
    Shiro was once exposed to the Zero Fluid that powers Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart), his right side becoming blackish like Jack's. While the fluid was active his physical stats increased and he was able to discharge "bio-energy" in addition to his plasma. His body eventually rid itself of the fluid's properties and he returned to normal.
    Martial Artist: Sunfire is trained in karate, Japanese Samurai swordsmanship, and kendo.[75]

    Physical Strength
    Normal human male with moderate regular exercise. Since his transformation into Famine, Shiro's strength is unknown.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Roderick Campbell (Earth-616)Horseman of Famine
    Dr. Rory Campell

    Powers and Abilities


    Life Energy Absorption: As Famine, he was able to drain energies, reducing energy attacks to nothing, and to weaken anyone with energy-based powers. He mainly drained his victims' lifeforce resulting in emaciation.[8]
    Rory is an experienced psychologist.[9]

    Physical Strength
    Normal human male with regular exercise.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616) Horseman of Famine

    Powers and Abilities
    Currently none. Autumn is mutant, and as been speculated (though this has not yet been confirmed or denied) to have lost her mutant powers due to the effects of M-Day, as she did not use them at all at any point from her re-appearance with Clan Akkaba until her death.

    Former Powers
    * Organic Disintegration: Autumn can disintegrate organic matter.
    * Emaciation: Autumn can induce extreme hunger pains when she targets nearby humans and animals. She can also cause an emaciated state through physical contact. When Famine tries to use these powers on beings that don't require food or water to survive, it causes the effect to backfire and target her instead.[10]
    * Physical Strength
    * Weak human
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Famine (First Horsemen) (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities
    Famine was a mutant with the following powers:

    Advanced Longevity: Like his mother, aunt, sisters and brother, Famine is several thousands of years old.[1]
    According to Apocalypse, Famine was the best Horseman of Famine he ever had, while his successors were poor underwhelming replacers.[11]
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Spinner (Mystic)

    Sun-Spider (Skill)

    Spider-Sting (Science)

    Spider-Wool (Science)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Arclight (Mutant)

    No-Girl (Mutant)

    Vertigo (Science)

    Man-Killer (Tech)

    Metalhead (Mutant)
  • PoorlyMadePoorlyMade Member Posts: 55
    This is my proposed version of Forge into the Contest.

    Quick Summary:
    Forge's main ability is that he a genius in tech, so much so I figured he would have no trouble buffing up other Tech Champs, unlike Apoc's MASSIVE Horseman, his abilities are very useful moderate changes to tech champs and he can only use two throughout a quest. His base kit would also involve him using a gun like cable but his gun being the utility and the specials being the damage. Each Special triggers a gun upgrade which has a primary and secondary effect, these effects stack up to 3-4 and remainders can be temporary effects. He would be a mutant aswell.

    Here is the google docs list aswell I am going to Copy Paste it Below:

    Forge (Mutant)
    Size: L, X-Men, Hero

    Upgrade- Pre-Fight and Cross Fight Ability:
    Forge’s extreme technological prowess allows for him to activate Upgrades on Forge or Tech/Robot Champions.

    Each Upgrade costs 2 Persistent Charges and you can only use 2 Upgrades throughout the entire quest.

    Armor Upgrade: If an Armor Up buff is active: Gain +20% Attack Rating, Bleed, Shock, Frostbite, and Coldsnap Immunity.
    AI Upgrade: (Only works on #Robots, Iron Men, and Forge) AI cause all abilities to have 20% increased Ability Accuracy and the first 5 hits landed on the attacker to have 100% reduced damage taken.
    Regen Upgrade: Become immune to Heal Rate Change. Gain 50% Healing Potency. After healing 5% of HP, gain a bar of Power over 4 seconds.

    Advanced Weaponry:
    Forge enters the battle with a pretty big gun, this gun is used in all of Forge’s attacks and all of the attacks deal Energy Damage and do not make contact with the opponent. Forge's attacks grant the opponent 30% less power and further reduce power 10% for each Upgrade on Forge.

    Special Attacks:
    All of Forge’s Specials inflict a Virus Passive onto the opponent. Virus reduces Ability Accuracy by 100% to all Tech/Robot opponents and lasts for the duration of the Special Attack and for 3 seconds after.

    Special Attacks add Upgrades to Forge’s Gun, Forge can have 3 Permanent Upgrades and any further upgrades only last for 15 seconds. Ending the fight with 3 upgrades active grant Forge 2 Persistent Charges.

    Heavy Attacks:
    Grants Forge a 200 Armor Up Buff for 15 seconds.

    Special 1:
    The last hit of this Special inflicts a 10% Power Drain

    Forge adds a Power Upgrade to his Weapon, granting +30% Power from all Sources and +10% Flat Power Drain Potency from the Special 1.

    Special 2:
    This attack grants the opponent no power and deals +(70% of base attack rating) if the opponent has no Armor Up Buff active.

    Forge adds a Prowess upgrade to his Weapon, granting a +50% Prowess and +(20%) Crit Chance during Special Attacks

    Special 3:
    Forge adds a Burn upgrade to his Weapon, granting a 10% chance to inflict a Incinerate dealing 40% of modified attack rating per attack landed, this chance is increased by 20% during specials. (This only stacks once)

    If Forge has one of each Upgrade he instead would gain a Regen Buff healing (10%) of his HP over 12 Seconds.

    (Sig) Further Upgrading:
    Forge is a genius with technology and uses his genius to further improve his tech:
    1 Additional Permanent Weapon Upgrade and Upgrades past his limit last (1-10) seconds Longer

    Mutant Power Neutralizers (5 Star and Above):
    Forge: The Virus debuff now also affects Mutant Champions.

    Krakoan Tech:
    Professor X: Professor X starts the quest with 2 additional Cerebro Charges
    Forge: Prowess gains 10% Potency

    Mutant Tech:
    Cable: If Cable has an Upgrade he gains 20% Degeneration Potency
    Stryfe: Stryfe can store 20 more Persistent Charges while Upgraded
    Forge: Cable and Stryfe can now be Upgraded with Forge’s Cross Fight

    Mystic Tech:
    Doctor Doom: Aura of Hazurath is now immune to AA reduction
    Dragon Man: +20% Unblockable Duration
    Forge: Doctor Doom can now be Upgraded with Forge’s Cross Fight
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Vibraxas (Science)

    Micromax (Mutant)

    Skids (Mutant)

    Pyro (St. John Allerdyce) (Mutant)

    Kane (Tech)

    Pete Wisdom (Mutant)

    Hannibal King (Mystic)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Samuel Sterns (Earth-616)
    The Leader

    Powers and Abilities

    Super-Genius Intelligence: The Leader has superhuman mental acumen. He possesses enhanced intuition, pattern solving, information storage and retrieval, and logical and philosophical structuring. The potential of his intelligence is nearly unlimited. It is assumed (in theory) he is capable of knowledge and comprehension above and beyond the normal human spectrum of thought. He is potentially capable of mastering every worldly subject and capable of adopting concepts completely foreign to his environment. His ability to predict probable outcomes of tactical and strategic scenarios is so advanced that it borders on clairvoyance. His intuition is heightened to the degree that his hunches are almost always correct. The Leader has a perfect memory with the ability to recall every moment since the accident that gave him his powers.[45]

    Telepathy: In addition to his extraordinary intelligence, the Leader has some psionic powers that enable him to mentally control certain individuals (provided they are weak minded).

    Telekinesis: Psychokinesis, among other telekinetic abilities.

    Gamma Radiation Manipulation[46]

    Gamma Radiation Projection: After becoming the Red Leader, the Leader is able to project Gamma Radiation at will.[47] It has yet to be seen if he still possesses this power after becoming his original Leader persona.
    Self-Resurrection: As a Gamma Mutate, the Leader is able to resurrect himself each time after dying by passing through the Green Door.[14]

    Consumptive Learning: The Leader has shown the ability to devour minds or parts of minds to gain the knowledge of the victim. This was demonstrated when he absorbed and ate Brian Banner in the Below Place. This ability is activated by the Leader splitting his face apart with a monstrous mouth tentacle latching on the head of the victim. The body appears drained though the face of the devoured is seen struggling down the maw of the demonic looking mouth.[39] It is unknown at this time if this ability is something the leader engineered into himself, is result of his occult studies or merely a mental projection of his telepathy as he was in the Below-Place and not the mental realm when he ate Brian Banner.

    Gamma Mutate Possession: Previously, while testing the boundaries between life and death,[14] the Leader's disembodied spirit possessed his follower Omnibus.[48] Years later, after researching the Green Door and devouring Brian Banner's, the Leader became able to possess Gamma Mutates at will.[49]

    Below Place Access & Occlusion: Thanks to having mastered the odd pataphysics of the One Below All's hell dimension, The Leader now has complete control over the unique resurrection process which most Gamma Mutates are able to undergo by inverting the nature of the Green Door.[50] By doing so he can make sure that a dead hulk will stay dead by turning it red instead of the normal color it takes.[51]

    The Leader possesses knowledge of genetics, physics, and robotics, and has designed a large number of sophisticated weapons, vehicles, computers, androids, and synthetic humanoids. He is particularly adept at genetic engineering and manipulating radiation for various nefarious purposes.

    Physical Strength
    Normal human male with minimal regular exercise.

    Despite his limitless intelligence and supreme knowledge, his effectiveness is greatly hampered by his own arrogance, immaturity, and obsession with defeating the Hulk which constantly causes him to lose sight of necessary details and act prematurely, causing the ruin of his schemes. His egotism has led him to embark on mad, impractical schemes to turn the rest of humanity into green-skinned beings like himself.

    The Leader has created devices with a variety of functions. He has developed a means to telepathically control the Hulk and the Rhino.

    An army of robotic Humanoids have been developed by the Leader, able to perform a variety of tasks. The Leader also utilizes a unique assortment of weaponry including laser pistols, pulse weapons, kinetic gauntlets, etc.

    The Leader always has access to various highly advanced vehicles and death machines. One such conveyance, the Murder Module, was used to combat the Hulk during the Leader's brief command of Gamma Base.[52] Recently, after years researching the Green Door, the Leader became able to open it, allowing him to teleport himself to the Below-Place at will.[14]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Rita Wayword (Earth-616) Spiral

    Powers and Abilities

    Spell Casting: Spiral has powerful mystical abilities. With gestures or dance moves, she can teleport herself and numerous people across great distances. Teleportation and her more powerful spells require complicated dance moves. Some of Spiral's spell-casting powers can be triggered through small hand gestures of her many hands. Spiral often incorporates knives and swords into more complicated spells. Spiral can also disguise herself through her magic. With Mojo's aid or specific astral events, Spiral can open gateways between dimensions and travel through time. For a time, her trans-reality powers have been cancelled by Mojo, and she can only teleport on Earth-616 where Mojo dumped her. However, Spiral managed to have her interdimensional powers returned to her, through unknown circumstances. By using magic, Spiral can:

    Teleport herself and others
    Project concussive energies
    Paralyze others
    Turn invisible
    Remove superhuman abilities
    Cause unconsciousness
    Conjure up objects
    Possession Immunity: Spiral's mind seems to be immune from possession. When Rogue attempted to steal Spiral's mind and powers, Spiral collapsed into unconsciousness, but took over Rogue's body instead, laughing that she had danced in many people's souls. This lasted only for a short time, however.[18] Nocturne was fooled by Spiral into thinking Spiral had been possessed while Spiral remained in control.[citation needed]

    Spiral is aware, through unknown mystical means, whenever a person speaks her name.[19]

    She was considered as a possible Sorcerer Supreme.[20]

    Spiral is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and sword fighter. Her six arms are fully coordinated, giving her great dexterity and athletic ability. However, Spiral will often lose to less powerful opponents due to tendencies of overconfidence, toying with her foe for too long, or becoming distracted. To cast many, if not all of her spells, Spiral's arms must be free and unhindered and, in some cases, she must be free to dance as well.[citation needed]

    Spiral demonstrated highly developed skills in cybernetics and genetic manipulation which she has used to turn humans into powerful cyborgs at her Body Shoppe. Most notable include Lady Deathstrike and the cybernetic Reavers, who have since been "upgraded" by Donald Pierce.[citation needed]

    Physical Strength
    Superhuman with an unknown upper limit.

    Swords constructed from unknown metals.[citation needed]
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Amber Hunt (Science)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Main article: Venom (Klyntar) (Earth-616)#Powers
    Black-and-White Symbiotic Costume:

    Dylan using Carnage

    Dylan Brock (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Main article: Venom (Klyntar) (Earth-616)#Powers
    Black-and-White Symbiotic Costume:

    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Speed
    Superhuman Agility
    Superhuman Senses
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Reflexes
    Superhuman Durability
    Regenerative Healing Factor
    Webbing Generation
    Offspring Detection
    Genetic Memory
    Spider-Sense Immunity
    Constituent-Matter Generation
    Constituent-Matter Manipulation
    Night Vision
    Spider-Man Detection
    Venomous Fangs
    Telepathy Resistance
    Empathetic Empowerment
    Energy Transference
    Energy Absorption
    Former Powers
    Human/Symbiote Hybrid Physiology: Dylan outwardly appears to be a normal human boy, but is actually a piece of the Venom symbiote incarnated in human form.[9] Dylan was initially unable to consciously control his powers, which would activate instinctually under moments of extreme stress - such as when his life is being endangered by enemy symbiotes.[35] However, with practice and instruction from Knull, Dylan eventually became able to consciously utilize them.[24] When Dylan's powers are activated, his eyes turn from having blue irises and white sclerae to being black, sometimes with tendrils emerging from the outer corners,[36] and with white or red spirals in place of his pupils and irises.[6][24] According to Mister Fantastic's analysis, Dylan's powers derive not from Knull but his opposite, the God of Light.[33] After Knull's physical body was destroyed by Eddie Brock -- who had become Captain Universe, his consciousness tried to take over Dylan's body using the living abyss inside him. This was extracted by Eddie Brock using the Uni-Power, seemingly destroying Knull for good and rendering Dylan a normal human.[34]
    Symbiote Domination: Dylan is able to sense symbiotes;[37] and when his powers are activated he is able to forcibly repel symbiotes attempting to bond to him.[38][27] He can forcibly control them against their will,[35] and is also able to easily kill symbiotes that are threatening his life.[6] Dylan is unable to bond to symbiotes,[25] and attempting to do so or even being in contact with them when his powers are active causes them excruciating pain.[36] However, Dylan is able to remote-pilot symbiotes by connecting to the Symbiote Hive - something only Knull was previously capable of.[27]
    Dylan currently has no weaknesses

    Former Weaknesses
    Knull: As a half-symbiote, Dylan is susceptible to Knull's influence.[24]
    Former Equipment
    * Carnage Symbiote Offshoot: Dylan possesses a piece of Norman Osborn's offshoot of the Carnageized Grendel symbiote, which he can control at-will.[39][24]
    * Notes
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Dylan Brock (Earth-1051)

    Powers and Abilities
    Human/Symbiote Hybrid Physiology: Conceived by a piece of the Venom symbiote incarnated into human form using Anne Weying, Dylan possesses powers similar to those of his counterpart from Earth-616.[4] Unlike the Dylan Brock of Earth-616, however, Codex is able to bond to symbiotes.[1] Much like the Cletus Kasady of Earth-616, Dylan's connection to Knull gave him godlike powers amplified by his Hive, though it caused him to undergo a monstrous metamorphosis - giving him fangs, claws, white hair, and pale skin resembling Knull's. After Knull's hold over Codex was broken, Dylan returned to his human self.[5] Years later, the Symbiote Carnage joined him, restoring his powers for the benefit of the symbiote.[6]

    Symbiote Domination: Dylan is the ruler of the Hive, and has subjugated at least the United States of America under his dominion; with only a small number of humans remaining free of his influence. Symbiotes connected to Dylan's hive-mind become more powerful, and attain the ability to manifest not only draconic wings but transform their arms into powerful energy cannons.[3][1]
    Superhuman Strength: Codex seemed to possess superhuman strength.[5]
    Superhuman Durability: Codex seemed to possess superhuman durability.[5]
    Codex's Armor: Codex is clad in a suit of black-and-red powered armor with a full-face mask, stylized red dragon emblem on its chest, chains attached to his belt, and a cloak.[3]

    Former Equipment
    Venom Symbiote Piece: After tearing a piece from the Venom symbiote he turned it into a full symbiote and bonded to it, forcing it to produce many offsprings, to which he bonded to before rejecting them.[1]
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Indra (Mutant)

    Iso (Cosmic)

    Desert Ghost (Mutant)

    Agent Zero (Mutant)

    Dead Girl (Mutant)

    Toro (Cosmic)

    Gloriana (Mutant)

    Deacon Frost (Mystic)

    Angel Salvadore (Mutant)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Puff Adder (Mutant)

    Omega Sentinel (Tech)

    Spider-Ham 2099 (Science)

    Riptide (Mutant)

    Purple Woman (Science)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Norman Osborn (Earth-1610) Green Goblin Ultimate

    Powers and Abilities

    The Oz Formula mutated Norman Osborn into a monstrous, Goblin-like creature, which granted him superhuman abilities such as:

    Superhuman Strength: The Green Goblin, after injecting the formula, become super-humanly strong. Norman, as the Green Goblin, could easily overpower humans by lifting them up with one hand or by hurling them around. He could also lift extremely heavy objects, crush and break through wood panels and templates, bend metal, and punch through glass without injury to himself.
    Superhuman Speed: The Green Goblin, thanks to the Oz Formula, could run and operate at superhuman speeds. His overall body equilibrium was also heightened, although he was not nearly as fast as speedsters. For example, with his speed, he can outrun vehicles.
    Superhuman Stamina: The Green Goblin, thanks to the Oz Formula, could operate or maintain his movements for prolonged periods of time without getting tired or weary in the process.
    Superhuman Durability: The Oz Formula also fortified all of Osborn's bodily tissues, making them far tougher and more resistant to injury than normal humans. While Osborn could be injured by something along the lines of a knife or small conventional bullets composed of conventional material, he was very resistant to great impact forces and blunt trauma. He could withstand powerful impacts, such as falling from several stories or being repeatedly struck by a superhuman enemy, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no harm to himself.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: If the Green Goblin did sustain injury, his body's increased metabolism allowed him to heal damaged tissue much faster and more extensively than a normal human is capable of. He could heal from injuries that would prove lethal to an ordinary human.
    Superhuman Agility: The Green Goblin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination were enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes were similarly enhanced and superior to those of the finest human athlete.
    Pyrokinesis: The Green Goblin could generate fiery bolts of energy from his hands, which he used as weapons, which could explode like bombs.
    Immortality: Norman claims that as a side-effect to the Oz Formula, every time he dies, he comes back. This explains how he survived gun shots, explosions and others lethal attacks.
    Genius Intelligence: Aside from his physical advantages, the serum also greatly enhanced Norman's already-highly above-average intellect, making him a true genius, capable of making progress in advanced areas of genetics, robotics, engineering, and applied chemistry that most professional scientists can scarcely comprehend.[27]

    Physical Strength
    Norman as the Green Goblin is at least Class 10 as he can easily match and even overpower Spider-Man.

    No character uses the name "Green Goblin" in Ultimate Spider-Man to refer directly to Norman Osborn; however, when the X-Men's Kitty Pryde uploads a hologram of the Ultimate Six into the Danger Room, the hologram refers to itself as the Green Goblin. Also, several student friends of Peter Parker recalled what they saw as a "Green Goblin Monster" to Johnny Storm in the "Superstars" arc. Parker also referred to him as the Green Goblin in the "Public Scrutiny" and "Ultimate Knights" arcs.
    Norman Osborn apparently had some form of spiritual delusion, due to the fact that he said that the events of Avengers vs. New Ultimates were because "God wants us to kill Peter Parker" or calling his allies "Men of God". There appears to be no evidence to support that he is referring to a known divinity, however.
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