Help me to decide my first R3

Formed my first T5 skill catalyst and my current options are those, which one would you guys think is my best option to become thronebreaker. I'm currently at 7.2.2 completion, explored almost all variants and act 6 completion.
I'm running suicides masteries right now.

I'm running suicides masteries right now.

Help me to decide my first R3 49 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
But don’t rush if you’re doing it for the dailies—they tend to be ~70% T4b/T4c shards/cats with a smattering of T5b/T2a tossed in occasionally.
Dr. Zola
Elsa has some very important factors that make her an excellent R3. I’ll point out some.
1.) Being able to find openings in opponents can feel tough and can cost you an entire health pool. Elsa Bloodstone can parry and get an easy opening , allowing you to continue your assault. This saves you a ton of health and revives in the long run.
2.) Diss track she can help put debuffs on opponents without using special attacks which will allow you to keep your damage up.
3.) Evade counter she can stop your evade counters with a double medium , and allow you to play freely.
4.) Most science champs she dominates , often times you see heal block nodes when fighting science champs , she gets rid off all non damaging debuffs, this is good so you can heal from will power
5.) As your first R3 you want a champ that you can bring with you wherever you go, Elsa is that champ. EQ, 7.2 , 7.1 ,Side Quest, Etc. She has two different debuffs and is not reliant on any synergies.
Final Point: Cheeks.