Best Four star champion to begin game with?

Let's say you were starting a new free to play account today. Who is the best four star champion to start the game with?
Let's just assume that won't be able to complete LOL with a 4 star champion and take that out of the picture, but master quests, act iv full completion, and 5.1, 5.2 and even a possible 5.3 are all big factors.
Also, since you are free 2 play you might not be able to dupe the champ until fully exploring act IV, so if the hero is average until then he's probably not the best choice....
Let's just assume that won't be able to complete LOL with a 4 star champion and take that out of the picture, but master quests, act iv full completion, and 5.1, 5.2 and even a possible 5.3 are all big factors.
Also, since you are free 2 play you might not be able to dupe the champ until fully exploring act IV, so if the hero is average until then he's probably not the best choice....
Best Four star champion to begin game with? 33 votes
Great health? He seriously has one of the lowest health values in the game lol. Maybe a tiny bit more than say Electro or Rocket, but that's not saying much.
YESS!!! I agree
There is no best overall champ. There's a lot of different things you use champions for, and there are different "best champs" for different things. Moreover, some champs great at certain things are not very good at all in others, so its not just a question of trying to judge the best among equals.
If I had to pick the best 4* champ to start the game with unawakened, which was the premise of your original post, I'd probably say Dr. Voodoo. He is better awakened, but he has heal, good damage, and power control. There are better healers, better damage dealers, and better power control champs. But it is hard to find those three things in a single unawakened package. Voodoo is also not a difficult champion to learn to fight with in the beginning, so a new player can get a lot of mileage out of him right out of the box.
Iceman is a really good champ with triple immunity, good damage, and some interesting mechanics like ice armor. But he is a little harder to learn to play well, and doesn't have healing (important for new players) or power control. He is the equal of Voodoo or better in the end game with the end game content threats, and a better boss killer in my opinion, but not as good at the things a new player would normally need.
i'll say X-23 and Ultron are the best for a newbie, good damage and regeneration and way too simple to use. Sparky might be too complex and needs dexterity. SL needs a dupe and Blade to regen needs a dupe too.