Six Star Rank 1->2 Gem Dilemma

SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
edited May 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I have a six star rank 1->2 gem however all my options are bad :|

KM is 🤮

And I’d consider stealthy but I wanna know how many people that have r2’d him use him in a majority of content.

If you couldn’t tell cause your head is too thick this post is a joke. Massacre isn’t trash 😉
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Also, how much does stealthy need his awakening?
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    How I see it:

    Stealthy Pros:
    1. More Damage if played well
    2. Access to slow

    Stealthy Flaws:
    1. Low BP (would need to intercept more)
    2. Limited rotation before having to sp3 (maybe at higher ranks this isn’t a problem)
    3. Needs to get to an sp2 first to access damage (to my knowledge at least)
    4. Slow degrades his damage a ton

    Overall I want to rank him. Just can’t find a good reason why I’d use him in content.
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    TP33 said:

    I’ve got a R2 stealthy and I use him whenever I can, his damage increases ridiculously as you rank him up, he will probably be doing nearly double the damage he was just from one rank (mine at least went from 5k odd mediums to nearly 9k without changing my masteries, I have a feeling this is because his vulnerability debuffs potency also increases, which is an ability tied to crit damage which works in a funky way, meaning increasing that on top of attack leads to big yellow numbers).

    Killmonger is alright but his damage is lacking (I’m sorry to say it but it’s true and has been proven over and over again, his ‘high’ damage ability is his L3 bleeding but that’s very impractical for most matchups and even in super long form content like LOL or abyss, stealthy is objectively a better option) and it’s even worse when they opponent can’t bleed.

    Massacre is VERY fun. I don’t know how big your account is or how many champions you have but if you’re looking for a fun rank up over a ‘competitive’ rank up, he’s your best option.

    Overall if you’re looking for a solid champ, with high damage, tons of utility, great for endgame content like abyss and AW, stealthy is your guy.

    Interesting. How much of the time do you use the slow? Or do you just bring him for damage? Also what’s a good rotation for him?
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021

    Killmongers got good utility and face a lot of matchups with void and ws synergy, You can't expect ghost or aegon 999 combo damage from every character in the game.

    Sadly also don’t have void :'(
  • MaxLeeMaxLee Member Posts: 205 ★★
    Stealthy is becoming somewhat a niche champ, one who is not used regularly but only for some specific content/ node for which he is best, like Abyss Luke Cage...he is terrible for the Cavalier Diff Skill quest with Evade/ cannot complete your full five-hit combo and place a debuff on the opponent...If you have a 5* R5/65 then don't go for him go for KM or Wait for better champ.

    I myself was in a same situation but I needed to Rank 3 a Skill 6* and I chose BlackWidowDO over Stealthy and Elsa.
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    So I looked into why stealthy damage increases so much and I found something quite interesting

    For this example I use a 6* R2 and a 6* R1 in stats (I will state which is which), I’m aware this doesn’t cover every rank and level but these are the ranks and levels OP is currently in need of.

    I used for the stats and managed to get information about both the R1 and R2 and their damage potentials. I put together this table.

    It shows us the extent to which the damage increase is taken thanks to the high crit damage rate stealthy can achieve. Interestingly enough when adjusted to challenge rating, the small increases in crit damage rating yield the same number. However 284% crit damage rating is a 4% increase to Warlock, the highest (base) crit damage champ in the game. This means that the increase in attack of around 2k (which itself is a product of the fury gained also scaling by quite a large factor), is multiplied by nearly 3, to give around a 6k attack increase with one rank.

    Yes I used crit rate as a part of stealthys ‘overall damage’ but seeing as he gains a precision passive which is as potent as Cosmic Ghost Riders, I think it is safe to consider that as a sustainable part of his total damage output.

    Stealthy also has access to a slow debuff which, whilst it doesn’t increase his crit damage rating, is a great utility and even with it active he delivers more damage than killmonger does. (It’s also not common to see slow immunity, bleed on the other hand...)
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  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Stealthy is the way to go.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Go with massacre. Personally, I have 5/65 stealthy and never use him for anything after I ranked him up. I don't like his playstyle which involves a lot of clock watching. I agree with your assessment of km. He needs awakening to realise the full potential and his damage is in the weak side. Massacre tune up has made him a really good attacker. Lighting the bat is very easy now and yoh don't even need to hit into blocks. Energy damage against incinerate immune means he has access to damage even in immune match ups. Firing ap2 into a block and watching them die is always fun.😂
  • Geralt_123Geralt_123 Member Posts: 595 ★★★
    edited May 2021

    I have a six star rank 1->2 gem however all my options are bad :|

    KM is 🤮

    And I’d consider stealthy but I wanna know how many people that have r2’d him use him in a majority of content.

    If you couldn’t tell cause your head is too thick this post is a joke. Massacre isn’t trash 😉
    Definitely you should learn the basics of Stealthy.His damage is awesome as hell that you hardly care about block proficiency. Not to mention you can intercept very easily with him.You have to start fight with completing your initial 2 combos with Light attacks(Access to Fury cool)
    Use sp1(Access to precision super cool)
    Now he is hitting like Corvus or even more harder than him and almost all of his hits are critical.Now it's upto you to refresh his Vulnerability or slow(Depends on which type of fight you are dealing with)using 4th Light attack or fire sp2.Using one sp2 consumes his 2 charges but increases the duration massively.
    I mostly use his sp1 and then keep refreshing after one or two combos and then use sp3 to gain all his charges(don't exactly remember it's name,He starts the fight with 5 charges.So in accessing Fury your 2 charges will be consumed and then you have to reach sp3 in 3 charges if you are using slow otherwise no hurry but his damage definitely gets huge boost if you keep Vulnerability on the opponents).

    Using slow, his damage gets decreased slightly but you don't have to care as he still hits like a truck.You just have to play according to your preferred rotation.
    I don't have Nick neither Aegon nor Falcon were in my roaster until I got them recently. My second rank 5 was Stealthy and now I have 18 or 19 rank5 solid champs but I hardly felt the need of Falcon or Nick as my Stealthy did everything either I wanted to shred Annihilus or Invisible woman or Hulk Raganrok or Finishing Gwenmaster(These are just few examples not mentioning any nodes,figure it out yourself).His awakened ability is definitely worth it but doesn't take anything away if he is unawakened. He is a great champ with Zero Flaws.Using him you will be master of intercepting and you will hardly feel about his Block proficiency.
    I hope it helps!
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★

    honestly I really don't see how you come to the conclusion that you have bad options, the fact that you only have 4 skill champs and all of them are good solid options I don't see any duds at all.

    Yes it would be good if you had a Fury or Aegon as they are still the best skills in the game, but and its a very big but both need their awakening far more than the 4 that you have and none of those are awakened.

    its not as if you have to choose between a Moonknight or Agent Venom

    Someone didn't read the spoilers.
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  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    Says Killmonger is trash but ranks up Elsa?

    jokes aside all his sig does is increase the potency of his fury passives. Nice, but not required
    KM’s damage is pathetic. Even more so when unawakened. His indestructible is niche too and isn’t in his main rotation. Would say he’s overrated but I think most people know Elsa’s clearly better.

    Sorry for the rant. Also @SpideyFunko do you ever sleep?
    Elsa>Stealth lel

    Thats a massive L
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  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★

    wow i habe a mini account killmonger was my 1st 6* he can tank sp3's all day with his indestuctable very handy piecee of utility

    Why Tank SP3 when you can bait sp1/sp2

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    wow i habe a mini account killmonger was my 1st 6* he can tank sp3's all day with his indestuctable very handy piecee of utility

    Why Tank SP3 when you can bait sp1/sp2

    *passive Hyperion ai*

    allow me to introduce myself
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★

    wow i habe a mini account killmonger was my 1st 6* he can tank sp3's all day with his indestuctable very handy piecee of utility

    Why Tank SP3 when you can bait sp1/sp2

    *passive Hyperion ai*

    allow me to introduce myself
    Doom 👀

    Also, I’ll add my top champs so you can get a better feel for my roster.

  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    Stealthy is definitely worth taking to rank 2 unawakened. I have my 6* unawakened stealthy at rank 2 and always have a lot of fun when I use him. If I form a skill t5cc I’ll probably take him to rank 3 unawakened.
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    Also would any of my five stars be worth taking up first?

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