How to do Infinite streak in the new arenas?
Hi , I'm new to Areana grinding and I wanted to know what is infinite streak and how to achieve it?
For my 6 Stars I have :-
1 R3
4 R2
5 R1
and 19 unleveled 6 stars.
For my 5 stars I have : -
22 R5
6 R4
and maybe around 80 R1-R3
Please suggest a way to make my grind easier.
Thank you:)
For my 6 Stars I have :-
1 R3
4 R2
5 R1
and 19 unleveled 6 stars.
For my 5 stars I have : -
22 R5
6 R4
and maybe around 80 R1-R3
Please suggest a way to make my grind easier.
Thank you:)
Round 1-5: any 4-Stars
6-12: 2 5-Star ranks 1 and 1 4-Star lowest rank
13-15: 3 5-Stars rank 4 min
16-20: min 5-Star rank 3
21 and above: 2 4-Stars and 1 5* rank 1 or 2 (actually I am still trying this to see how far I can go)
I still can't understand why three 4-Stars will end up with death-match.
You can of course mix and match with higher ups as long as your final PI is over 16k ish. Good luck guys!
I am going to try out different combination in subsequent weeks.
I don't really feel like testing but I'm sure you can mix and match higher PI champs with those lower than 5k PI, but scrolling to pick specific champs is a bit annoying since I am usually grinding while watching TV or something. Hope this helps!
Tested a combo of 4-Star max rank + two 5-Stars rank 2 (looks ok), but ...
Retry again ...
Hmmm... can I alternate one round two 4-Stars max + 5-Star rank 2 (the safe combo) and then a 4-Star max + two 5-Stars rank 2 (unsafe combo)?
Yes, it is working so far. Alternate between two 4-Stars max rank + 5-Star rank 2 and two 5-Stars rank 2 + 4-Star max rank.
Odd number rounds [round 21, 23, 25 etc]: two 4-Stars max rank + 5-Star rank 2
Even number rounds: two 5-Stars rank 2 + 4-Star max rank
This makes grinding easier.
Will be coming back to update in event something changes.
I don't mind and give my best and do win maybe one of them, but sheesh, how long can 4 stars cope up with them?
Looks like I can't use three 5-Stars rank 2 when past round 20.
Tried the method of alternating two 4-Stars + 5-Star & two 5-Stars + 4-Star (as explained in earlier posts) is also not working well or could be I just used a too low PI team.
Died at round 27 with two 5-Stars + 4-Star (had a death-match).
1/ grind so much and
2/ alternate the combination (to get to use the 5-Star rank 2s).
Now, I can start testing again to see how low can you go
This is probably one of the lowest and surviving.
1. 1st to 10th round: 5*r1 and/or 5*r2; 11th onwards: your best team then grind selection down to 5*r2
2. 1st to 5th round: 5*r1 and/or 5*r2; after achieving 3x multiplier: 6* until 15th round then use whatever above 5*r2
Just grind casually and rarely see 6*r3. When I see 6*r3 in one of the three choices, I just play as usual as 5*r2 is still good enough to kill 6*r3, yet this is only a 1/100 rounds occasion where 6*r3 appear.
I wrote 5-Star rank 3 because it worked towards end of round 19/20 but anyway ... most testing to be done.
Round 16
Round 17
Round 18
Round 19
Round 20
Round 21
Two 4-Star max and 5-Star rank 2