Does anyone have a character that has avoided their roster the entire game?



  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 571 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    I still don’t have Tigra and I have seen her pass by the reel in like over a hundred or more crystals. Duel Class, Normal, Premium, GM, Epoch, and other crystals that have her in the pool. However, I’m pretty sure she’ll be in the Calendar for June so I might finally be able to try some version of her.
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★
    edited May 2021
    I don't have Apocalypse and Wasp at any rarity :'(
    Feels bad man....
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Nope basically have most champs represented at some level other than some trophy champs or champs within the last year or so.

    I’d say the me I didn’t realize was regular Deadpool. But I guess it makes sense.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    I think the oldest champ I still don't have as a 5* is Medusa. Don't really care at this point.
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2021
    Don't have 3* hulk. Only old champ I dont have at 3*s. Old ones completely missing from 4* and above are Civil Warrior, Gwenpool, Korg, Quake. Old ones Im only missing as 5*&6* are Abomination, Ant-Man, Beast, Black Bolt, Black Widow, Cap WW2, both old Carol Danvers, Xbones, Cyclops Blue, Drax, electro, Falcon, Gambit, GR, Hawkeye, HB, Iron Fist, Mags, Wags, Nightcrawler, Rocket, Rogue, Cosmic Spider, Thor, and JF Thor.
  • JuggerNotJuggerNot Member Posts: 432 ★★
    I have been playing FOR 5 YEARS and don't have hyperion...
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    I only got a 2* and 3* CMM. No 4*, 5* or 6*. Used to be same story with HT and Havok, but I pulled 6* HT last month, 4* HT today and 4* Havok earlier this week.

    Well I pulled 4* and 5* CMM...
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    I would say it but I feel Kabam would make me not get him 😂
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Venom 🤧
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,190 ★★★★★
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★
    I know who the open slot is for...
  • Ksp_2099Ksp_2099 Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    Magneto (both)
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Still don't have a 5 star Magik.
  • Killswitch01Killswitch01 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    JuggerNot said:

    I have been playing FOR 5 YEARS and don't have hyperion...

    Same thing happened to me😂😂 after 5 years I pulled a 3 star Hyperion...
    As I was ranking that one a 4 star came along...
    N as I took the 4 star to the third rank, I pulled a 5 star😂😂😂 really crazy story
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,549 ★★★★★
    Hunting for 5 or 6 star guardian he always dexs my crystal luck
  • Santa_PsycheSanta_Psyche Member Posts: 150
    I still haven't got BWCV and BWDO of any rarity
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,643 ★★★★★
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,190 ★★★★★

    I know who the open slot is for...
    a 6* would be nice to complete the set. I just got the 4* this morning, which is why she's the only non-awakened one.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Hoitado said:

    I would say it but I feel Kabam would make me not get him 😂

    Welp, that's not how that works.
  • Warlord5386Warlord5386 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    Nick Fury and Human Torch
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,043 ★★★★★
    5* colossus and 5* archangel. Can’t get them at all no matter how hard I try
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 875 ★★★★
    5* Medusa. Only pulled the 4* fairly recently and I’ve been playing nearly 6 years.
  • R1s02R1s02 Member Posts: 274 ★★
    I've made a post about me huntin ghost. She keeps ghosting me man
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,006 ★★★
    Doom and cosmic ghost rider
  • _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Member Posts: 546 ★★
    quake, played across 3 accounts, not even a 2/3 star.
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