New players have it so easy these days...

I remember being so happy to get my first ever 3 star champion (hawkeye) and my first ever 4 star champion (og spidey) and i remember grinding and waiting months to open my first ever 5 star champion (og cap).
This morning my little cousin decided he should play the game so he fired a new and fresh account on his mobile, what i saw next was so hilarious. he received a free 3 star falcon, winter soldier, purgatory as soon as he ended all the the tutorials.
he gets a free 4 star nexus in his stash cuz of the arena compensation. (he got a red hulk)
So now my cousin, who cleared act 1 chapter 1 with 2 star colossus and 1-star wolvie and 2-star hulkbuster was now clearing chapter 2 of the same act with 4 star red hulk, 3 star falcon and 3 star purgatory. It just blows my mind.
And don't forget the December greater gifting event and the grandmaster crystal that you have available since the start, if you get lucky, its a potential 5 star before hitting level 10.
Summary: imo it takes the fun away from the game, yeah i know we had to grind a lot to get the rarity of champions. But the happiness was just beyond the sky when we formed our first 4 star hero crystal or 5 star hero crystal.
But its just something that i wanted to share and how times in this game have changed.
(PS: he loves purgatory's sp1 animation)
This morning my little cousin decided he should play the game so he fired a new and fresh account on his mobile, what i saw next was so hilarious. he received a free 3 star falcon, winter soldier, purgatory as soon as he ended all the the tutorials.
he gets a free 4 star nexus in his stash cuz of the arena compensation. (he got a red hulk)
So now my cousin, who cleared act 1 chapter 1 with 2 star colossus and 1-star wolvie and 2-star hulkbuster was now clearing chapter 2 of the same act with 4 star red hulk, 3 star falcon and 3 star purgatory. It just blows my mind.
And don't forget the December greater gifting event and the grandmaster crystal that you have available since the start, if you get lucky, its a potential 5 star before hitting level 10.
Summary: imo it takes the fun away from the game, yeah i know we had to grind a lot to get the rarity of champions. But the happiness was just beyond the sky when we formed our first 4 star hero crystal or 5 star hero crystal.
But its just something that i wanted to share and how times in this game have changed.
(PS: he loves purgatory's sp1 animation)
Post edited by Kabam Loto on
By the end of the 1st day I played this game, I had 3 4 stars, had come to Lvl 27. My friends were shocked with my progress.
I was devastated to know he was a bad champ...
I started this game in early 2018. Top champ, 3* quake. I still remember getting a few war boss kills with my yondu. These are the only mvps i have till this day. I took a long break with a few 4*s added to my roster. I started playing again 3 months ago... Now i have about 20 5*s almost all the 4*s and recently got my first ever 6* (x-23 and idk how but i can take her to r2 already. But I won't.) Acquiring new high tier champs has become pretty easy now.
Who wants to embark on a journey that everyone is 6 years ahead of you?
You were elated when you got those 3 & 4 star champs back then because thats all there was.
6*'s are now the new 4*'s
Can you imagine trying to play this game for the first time in 2021 and it taking 3 years till 2024 to get 5*'s?
While everyone is gallivanting around with r3 6*'s
We put in the time.
And there is a pride players have for putting in the years.
But in a game of progression the ceiling has to keep being raised.
It has to be to keep people engaged
Being the "best" is an illusion and temporary.
Because there is always a new meta
It does suck to see people getting it what was hard so easy.
But its good for the community overall because it makes new players more likely to want to stick around and attempt to become the "best".
Which helps keeps the game active and alive.
How else will you find new people to join your ally?
If they are 6 years behind you?!?
There has to be a gap of course....
But not an enormous unreachable one.
I wouldnt want to play a new game knowing that no matter what i do, even if i sink the next 6 years of my life into the game. That people would always be 6 years ahead of me and i had no hope of catching up.
Bitter Sweet