Omega red death field not doing damage under 10 spores.

Using double edge mastery omegas death field isn’t doing damage until 10 spores. I know this was fixed a few months ago but it only lasted for about a week and it’s still present.
**ive noticed it doesn’t happen every time. Whenever I start the fight off with a parry i won’t do damage until 10. However if the opponent dashed back at the start and I dash in then it starts doing damage before 10.
**ive noticed it doesn’t happen every time. Whenever I start the fight off with a parry i won’t do damage until 10. However if the opponent dashed back at the start and I dash in then it starts doing damage before 10.
The Omega Red bug has come back to haunt us. This bug was recently fixed in Feb 2021. It was a bug that lasted 10 months. This was no small bug. The Kabam team stated themselves how hard it was for them to fix this one since it was a core issue. It got fixed though. FINALLY! it's back. We got 3 months of working as intended Omega Red just to get another month of broken Omega Red.
What I have learned so far : The spore bug is INTERMITTENT which makes it even harder for Kabam since it's not happening EVERY SINGLE time. What I have noticed is that when the opponent is aggressive it stays within your death field. This shows the spores doing 0 damage from 1-10. When it hits 10 spores the damage ticks. Sometimes, like before, damage from spores will also start ticking from 6 or 7 spores and beyond BUT spores 1-6 produce 0 damage.
New twist!! At the start of the fight the opponent automatically enters the death field(just leave auto fight off and let Omega Red just stand there). IF the opponent is PASSIVE it'll back off for a second. This removes the opponent for a brief moment outside of death fields range BUT then they re-enter the death field zone. When this happens spores will tick damage from 2-10 no problem.
CONCLUSION : There is an initial spore damage bug but when the defender or yourself force the opponent to 're-enter' the death field the game triggers the spore damage properly. The bug is the initial ENTRY into the death field that is NOT ticking damage. Again this is just from what I've experienced and I am sure Kabam can reproduce this easily.
Here is a link to my tweet showing the bug in real time.
I will also edit this post to include the YouTube video that shows this bug in action from the start of a quest to the very end of the quest. Thanks again! Hopefully it does not take another 10 months to resolve this.
Video evidence begins at 04:11
Omega Red has unfortunately not been working as intended for nearly 10 months now. Originally as his spores would build dot damage would take place on its way to 10-30. Please take a look at this asap as many in the community have been asking for this to be fixed for quite some time now.
Thank You,