What top ranked champs do you use the most?

Here are mine:
Green=High Value/used a lot
Yellow=Sorta Use
Red=Just haven’t found their own time to shine in a quest.
Black=Not high ranked (though some of these get used more then my high ranks.

Green=High Value/used a lot
Yellow=Sorta Use
Red=Just haven’t found their own time to shine in a quest.
Black=Not high ranked (though some of these get used more then my high ranks.

-Red Mags/MagsX
-OG Wolvie
-Red Guardian
Just awakened and s200 aegon and took torch to r4. They will get a lot of use going forwards in 6.3->GM and abyss.
Sorcerer and BWDO also getting used daily and HB/tigra will get more outings as I rank them up.
Below that havok, symbiote are a bit more situational.
Mags and gulk only if I absolutely have to as don’t like playing either.
For other 2 spots
Stealthy/Hit Monkey
Void /Sorcerer
Aegon, Void, Havok, Sym when I need them
Quake (Take, but only use in clutch situations)
CGR (or Corvus if his charges last, 5r5)
Torch (If there's beefy energy/mystics, I run suicides)
CapIW (Will always being him once 5r5s200, probably)
These are just the ones I have. I would really love that 5*/6* Claire about now, RNG. *weeps*
AA, Gully2099, and HB get the call if the situation requires their particular skill sets, and I will sometimes run the Apoc/Cable/Warlock package.
Corvus is up there too. As well as BWCV and Warlock. Outside of that everyone else I use is for niche encounters that I need a specific utility for.
And Ghost, Dragon Man, Cap IW, Warlock, and Colossus
And Elsa is about as top ranked as Ronin…
I high ranked Elsa because I was tricked into believing she was super underrated and good. Turns out I can't find a good place to use her and she is nothing special. Watched MSD's vid on her rotation and everything. Overhyped by the lovers, not valued by the non lovers because she is an alternative champion.
Need a skill champ but don't have a great option? Elsa, someone who'd be fine to pull as a first five or six star. Same tier as mysterio. Early on they can clear content and you can grow to love the champion. For most people with an endgame roster, it's hard to find a use or justify the rank up resources on a champion like that.