Arena - Your Horror Stories

So, fun and games in the DDHK arena this weekend. I blasted through my boosts, missed the 6* DDHK but got the 5* and 1000 6* shards. Normally that would be fine, except my 5* is already at max sig. The 6* shards at least put me over to get a 6* Crystal and I pulled a 6* Jane Foster which is only really useful as arena fodder...
So, that’s me. What other horror stories do you have for Arena, even if self-inflicted ?
So, that’s me. What other horror stories do you have for Arena, even if self-inflicted ?
Which is why I only touch them for objective months
I'll add another point though. The opponents are simply very defensive and when someone call me for a second, they start wrecking me.
I had no mutant's...