Who would be more valuable to become Cavalier? Hyp or Colossus?

MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
edited June 2021 in Strategy and Tips

Who would be more valuable to become Cavalier? Hyp or Colossus? 69 votes

5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
MagicBentonZeroj2kF4k3_GaM3rHammerbro_64Jridenhour_3spiderbites0196Kill_GreyEtjamaDeaconSeraphionMaratoxBocksaroxThoye3IronGladiator22SpideyFunkoMCOCHazzaFluffy_pawsAmnetiesPuttPuttKabl 23 votes
5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
winterthurRaganatorLuciusVorenusTerraMagrailothosThatGuyYouSaw235HeattblasttmanveertherealGoddessIliasJuggerNotReverend_RuckusColonaut123AldacWine_LoverMattstafariCosmicspiderman777Ben550pTRONG94AstoundsBonzodavid 46 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171

    Meant to press hyperion

    What do you think makes Hyp more valuable than an awakened Colossus?
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    MCOC_JCM said:

    Meant to press hyperion

    What do you think makes Hyp more valuable than an awakened Colossus?
    It’s hype. He can do so much and is so good. Hope you can get him awakened soon.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171

    Also if hype and colossus are already r5 just use both

    Will eventually take both to r5, but wondering which one should I take to r5 first? Does Hyp need to be awakened to be more valuable than Colossus?
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,679 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    Hype is great for the Crossbones. And the final Sentinel
  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    Hypes awakened ability really helps him. I would recommend colossus
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    So Many Immunities will help a whole bunch not to mention that if you get Apoc he will be Even better
  • Ksp_2099Ksp_2099 Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    edited June 2021
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    At rank5 Colossus damage gets significant increase.
    He still hits like a truck without OR synergy, I do not run OR synergy and still Colossus has great damage + utility.
    His immunity make him good for so many nodes combination.

    He was my one of the MVP for becoming Cavalier.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,816 ★★★★★
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    Easily Hype. Was invaluable in my 6.1 exploration, especially 6.1 Crossbones boss

    Don't remember any path where I'd have brought Colossus over him.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    Ksp_2099 said:

    At rank5 Colossus damage gets significant increase.
    He still hits like a truck without OR synergy, I do not run OR synergy and still Colossus has great damage + utility.
    His immunity make him good for so many nodes combination.

    He was my one of the MVP for becoming Cavalier.

    Who else were your MVPs? What hit rotation do you like to use with Colossus?
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    Kill_Grey said:

    Easily Hype. Was invaluable in my 6.1 exploration, especially 6.1 Crossbones boss

    Don't remember any path where I'd have brought Colossus over him.

    Is your Hyp awakened? What makes him so valuable and what rotations do you like to use with him?
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    MCOC_JCM said:

    Kill_Grey said:

    Easily Hype. Was invaluable in my 6.1 exploration, especially 6.1 Crossbones boss

    Don't remember any path where I'd have brought Colossus over him.

    Is your Hyp awakened? What makes him so valuable and what rotations do you like to use with him?
    Oh yeah, my hype was awakened actually. I'd definitely use any form of gem on him if possible. But not necessary for 6.1 either way.

    As for rotations, nothing special. You can wing it however you like. Parry heavy for furies, maybe go for one SP 3 then cycle SP 1 and 2 afterwards. Overall, he's a very flexible character. Probably has the most flexible playstyle in the game.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,421 ★★★★★
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    Meant to select Hype.
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,679 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    I dont understand the results of this poll
    How is Colossus is more useful for becoming Cav than Hype because the most difficult fights I recall are the 6.1.2 Sentinel with biohazard which I guess Colossus could work for, the EMP mod ultron which neither I guess would be ideal for?
    Then the Crossbones which Hype is definitely better for now since he's poison immune and Colossus isn't, you'd definitely need willpower and then you'd still probably die to parry chip damage
    The final Sentinel boss, which isn't particularly hard just looooooong, stun immune, no fury for Colossus but Hype is much easier with his power gain so special intercepts as long as you watch the plagued mind, heavy countering if possible and his access to DoT. His dupe is great but he can still do these fights without them. Colossus would also be playing with class disadvantage and then the other penalty he faces from the nodes, I forgot what
    The other 3 bosses, even a Cyclops could do.
    Maybe Cyclops can't do the Sabretooth. I'd take Hype over Colossus tho.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171

    I dont understand the results of this poll
    How is Colossus is more useful for becoming Cav than Hype because the most difficult fights I recall are the 6.1.2 Sentinel with biohazard which I guess Colossus could work for, the EMP mod ultron which neither I guess would be ideal for?
    Then the Crossbones which Hype is definitely better for now since he's poison immune and Colossus isn't, you'd definitely need willpower and then you'd still probably die to parry chip damage
    The final Sentinel boss, which isn't particularly hard just looooooong, stun immune, no fury for Colossus but Hype is much easier with his power gain so special intercepts as long as you watch the plagued mind, heavy countering if possible and his access to DoT. His dupe is great but he can still do these fights without them. Colossus would also be playing with class disadvantage and then the other penalty he faces from the nodes, I forgot what
    The other 3 bosses, even a Cyclops could do.
    Maybe Cyclops can't do the Sabretooth. I'd take Hype over Colossus tho.

    Thanks for the in depth analysis! Still fairly close 19 for Hyp and 27 for Colossus. If Hyp was awakened, I think it would be Hyp with the advantage. Good to know he is still great even without being awakened!
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    Funny you asked this. I used the same two champs on my cav run on my second account.

    I can confidently say if I had to pick one to have over the other, it would be hype. I used him more in 6.1 and beyond.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    MCOC_JCM said:

    Meant to press hyperion

    What do you think makes Hyp more valuable than an awakened Colossus?
    Poison immunity. Makes crossbones cake. Also just good in general. AQ, war, more of act 6 and 7, etc. colossus is also a monster but specifically for getting cav, hyperion is the better pick. However if you have omega for your colossus, could be a different story. Massive increase in damage.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    He can do CB and sentinel fairly handily so I would say him. Both great champs tho.

    Tbh unduped hype I lean a little more towards duped col in general but duped I def like Hype better, and for Cav he is better
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    Colo just because hype is unduped, otherwise hype by a country mile
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    Thanks for all the input!! Based on comments, it sounds like specific to Cavalier that Hyp, even not awakened, might be the most valuable. However, it sounds like awakened Colossus can also be helpful for Cav run and even more versatile for other quests. Glad to hear I have some solid options!
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    5* Awakened r5 Colossus? (sig 45)
    if hype was awakened them him but he is not so no
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171

    if hype was awakened them him but he is not so no

    Some people think even unawakened that Hyp can still be more useful than awakened Colossus in 6.1. Do you think Colossus can do boss fights like Crossbones and final Sentinel bosses? And if not, who else besides Hyp.can do them?
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,679 ★★★★★
    5* Not Awakened r5 Hyperion
    MCOC_JCM said:

    if hype was awakened them him but he is not so no

    Some people think even unawakened that Hyp can still be more useful than awakened Colossus in 6.1. Do you think Colossus can do boss fights like Crossbones and final Sentinel bosses? And if not, who else besides Hyp.can do them?
    I dont know if you've made a decision but ideally a poison immune with high damage output (not she hulk bc Xbones is a skill champ). Hype is, Colossus isn't. I think Hype is one of the best options for this fight now tbh. I know some people have done it with Doom, tanked the posion damage with willpower since Doom can cheese power struggle I think. Or someone that can shrug it.. ramped aegon, mole man.. kingpin
    You want to bait sp1 so also ideally someone who doesn't rely on specials. So..Hype good.

    The final Sentinel boss, he has nodes that give him advantage over every class but cosmic. Additionally, he will gain analysis charges twice as fast with Colossus, on top of the 20% class disadvantage.
    With Hype, being a cosmic champ, instead Sentinel gains those analysis charges slower and Hype has the class advantage.
    He's already pretty tanky, at 100 analysis he's even tankier.

    There's also Plagued Mind, so Hype has additonal power gain which works in his favour. I wish I had him when I did this fight but also I've never played with an unduped Hype.
    Regardless, he doesn't need a specific counter. It's just a tanky Sentinel with stun immunity and power drain. Archangel could do that fight if one was patient enough to play for 5 years. I don't know your other options but again, Hype good.

    For biohazard Sentinel, Colossus would work better since he's bleed immune. Neither would be great for that EMP mod Ultron, someone shock immune or strong AAR to shut it down. I used Nebula for both these and built up to 10 electroshock charges and just intercepted. It took a few revives though but I don't remember much.
    Vision arkhus or medusa? They would also be good for final Sentinel and Medusa for XBones.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171

    MCOC_JCM said:

    if hype was awakened them him but he is not so no

    Some people think even unawakened that Hyp can still be more useful than awakened Colossus in 6.1. Do you think Colossus can do boss fights like Crossbones and final Sentinel bosses? And if not, who else besides Hyp.can do them?
    I dont know if you've made a decision but ideally a poison immune with high damage output (not she hulk bc Xbones is a skill champ). Hype is, Colossus isn't. I think Hype is one of the best options for this fight now tbh. I know some people have done it with Doom, tanked the posion damage with willpower since Doom can cheese power struggle I think. Or someone that can shrug it.. ramped aegon, mole man.. kingpin
    You want to bait sp1 so also ideally someone who doesn't rely on specials. So..Hype good.

    The final Sentinel boss, he has nodes that give him advantage over every class but cosmic. Additionally, he will gain analysis charges twice as fast with Colossus, on top of the 20% class disadvantage.
    With Hype, being a cosmic champ, instead Sentinel gains those analysis charges slower and Hype has the class advantage.
    He's already pretty tanky, at 100 analysis he's even tankier.

    There's also Plagued Mind, so Hype has additonal power gain which works in his favour. I wish I had him when I did this fight but also I've never played with an unduped Hype.
    Regardless, he doesn't need a specific counter. It's just a tanky Sentinel with stun immunity and power drain. Archangel could do that fight if one was patient enough to play for 5 years. I don't know your other options but again, Hype good.

    For biohazard Sentinel, Colossus would work better since he's bleed immune. Neither would be great for that EMP mod Ultron, someone shock immune or strong AAR to shut it down. I used Nebula for both these and built up to 10 electroshock charges and just intercepted. It took a few revives though but I don't remember much.
    Vision arkhus or medusa? They would also be good for final Sentinel and Medusa for XBones.
    Thanks for the super detailed summary of the various 6.1 boss fights!! Haven’t made my decision yet, but despite Colossus leading in the poll, I’m leaning towards taking Hyp up to r5 first and then Colossus after. Maybe I’ll get lucky and pull a cosmic awakening gem! Lol 😂 🤞🏽
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