Ragnorok Thor Evaluation

I’m calling Skill Thor Ragnorok cause it’s short!
I can’t soeak of his stats like Block prof or Crits but he looks really trashy!
His main thing is his auto block. It might help with diversity. 20 hits to full power (as 20 hits on him triggers a full power meter fill. 40 if YOURE using him). For diversity he could be worse
As for USING him oh boy! Unduped he looks like an awkward Sp2 into Sp1 type champ something Cable can barely pull off with his Power Gain from filling a third bar. Duped he kinda feels like a bad Shock-Gwenpool (who can only deal out shock in bursts).
Even NETFLIX has a solid Crit rate, a good block, a BETTER Sp1 Stun, and an okay Armor Break…
Ragdoll Thor doesn’t even get FURY! He’s awkward too look at (unlike Hela who is really a spectacle) and his abilities are terrible!
I can’t soeak of his stats like Block prof or Crits but he looks really trashy!
His main thing is his auto block. It might help with diversity. 20 hits to full power (as 20 hits on him triggers a full power meter fill. 40 if YOURE using him). For diversity he could be worse
As for USING him oh boy! Unduped he looks like an awkward Sp2 into Sp1 type champ something Cable can barely pull off with his Power Gain from filling a third bar. Duped he kinda feels like a bad Shock-Gwenpool (who can only deal out shock in bursts).
Even NETFLIX has a solid Crit rate, a good block, a BETTER Sp1 Stun, and an okay Armor Break…
Ragdoll Thor doesn’t even get FURY! He’s awkward too look at (unlike Hela who is really a spectacle) and his abilities are terrible!
Thors awakened ability lasts nearly 30 seconds as you rank it up, meaning you can hit it, have it last until you get your next sp3 and repeat. He also gets a built in Fury on stunned/armor break targets due to dealing 250% damage.
They both have low utility, but almost their entire kits are damage focused. No matter what happens they are still going to be solid damage dealers.
I THINK YOUR GOING TO END UP BEING WAY OFF!!!!! Just like the original Thor he will need to be awakened to really be a monster. However when awakened it doesn't seem like there is a limit to the shocks and armor breaks you can put on an opponent after reaching the L3. Furthermore if you can't reach the L3 in the 30 seconds this ability lasts for your not doing something right. Making all those crazy shocks and armor breaks and stuns permanent as long as the fight keeps going, I've faced him in the valor challenge and he looks beast mode!!!!. However until we see him as a playable champion it's all speculation....
At 3 bars Ragdoll is gonna end up a failed Gwenpool Clone with maybe a little Jane Foster thrown in. VERY hard to tell? yes! But considering the 40% to deal 600 to 30% to deal 1100 damage
Let’s call it 4*600 and 3*1100
Ragnorok would deal about 2400 while GPool is swinging around 3300 BEFORE deepwounds which increase all the bleeds up to about 1500 times three is 4500.
Yeah he might be good but he’ll have to wait like Jane cause you know as well as I do that the FRAME they come out of a combo they’ll bury you with an L3. And to all the other Debuff stackers you got:
X23, Wolvy, and Blade All packing Bleed and regen
Voodoo slinging poison which only procs 1/2 of the time but also deals over 5 times the damage… PLUS he packs his Power Burn buffs which quickly stack another 250 a hit at like 0 power (250*10 would be 2500 meaning that this alone is more powerful and better utility before you add its ability to mix with the Spirit Venom)
You have Gwenpool woth her bleeds (see the calculations above) PLUS her Enervate which has very similar utility to Voodoo AND she has Plot Armor AAR
Archangel packs BOTH Bleed and Poison and just laughs.
I could easily go on… QUAKE… but my point is that in terms of Debuff DPS and utility he falls in the uncanny valley of being a Debuff killer whose damage is vastly over shadowed, a clumsy chain stunner whose gimmick has been relegated to one of the worst champs in the game, and having no REAL utility other than a rhino counter dash ability that is only 30% of the real deal somehow crossbred with MEDUSA (ooh bleed, armor breaks/Shatters and fury when Duped)!
I’ve called VenomPool a mixing pot of other champion abilities but… this guy can’t even get the abilities correct!
And before you say: “He can still use Shock on bulky Bleed/Poison Immune Champs” well… let me remind you about Hyperion and Mordo… AND CABLE. And introducing… Kingpin, Iceman, Mephisto.
And let’s not forget the GODS OF DAMAGE THEMSELVES
Star Lord
Stark Spider
Scarlet Witch
All have solid raw damage against Double immunities without resorting to a messy signature. He just feels… UGH! Like you’d be reminded of so many BETTER OPTIONS!
If you saw my rant you’d see I’m merely saying that there’s literally NOTHING going for him that’d make him stand out
The ONLY thing he has is the whole Shock has not immunities but Hyperion does that WAY too well and if you’re lazy like me with him you can use Sp3 and enjoy the high Physical Resist, wonderfully increased attack, and just watch the world burn without fear of poison
OR be lucky and use SL like a REAL MAN or use Stark Spider and have fun just DESTRYING everything! Or go with Angela and get 4K almost every other hit. Or go with the Marvel Clones and do similar. Or spam Sp1 with Mordo as it’s almost a Sp0.5! Or use cable with poison Resist regen power gain and Degen/Incinerate!
There’s no niche for him other than being half attacker and a half baked excuse for Rhino in defense!
I don't think you understand Thor (Ragnarok). At least not fully. No, I don't think he will be a super great defender other than the fact you can't really intercept him. He will definitely be a better attacker. @SlyCat42 @bryndenrivers have a good idea of what he's about. You basically L3 and rinse and repeat. It won't be hard to chain L3 considering he has the Boon of the Gods. He has a 40% chance to shock (which nobody is immune to) and each stack of shock reduces ability accuracy by 15%. I don't think it'll be difficult to stack a few shocks on an opponent. 3 shocks is a 45% ability accuracy reduction, which helps against regen champs, evaders, and even champs like Jugg/UC's unstoppable. Unlike like AA, Thor will be able to affect champs' abilities like UC, Mephisto, Hyperion, and even Cable. Also, Thor (Ragnarok) doesn't suffer from the stun immunity problems that OG Thor suffers from either. I am not saying Thor (Ragnarok) will be god-tier, and maybe not even top tier. But he will be a nice compliment to champs like AA and Blade that do suffer from immunity problems.
Take everything OP said with a grain of salt.
Also awakened Mephisto is AAR Immune so don’t know why you included him.
And only using AA as the only AAR champ is LOW! Everyone from Elektra to BW, to Falcon, GP, CB, Psyolcke, Quake, Cable… my point is AAR is WAY too common to have that as his niche. And GP can easily be AAR for ALL champs as she’s also capable of power control making her just another step up
He LITERALLY feels like he’ll be a half baked 20 different things
Will he suck? I dunno! But I do know that his MAIN Sp3 basically makes him an awkward GP/Jane fusion. No decent utility other than a small niche of “I don’t wanna use Gwenpool”.
The ironic thing is poison immune is EVERYWHERE while poison has maybe 6-7 champions (AA, DV, KG, ant, Abom and SW) and large portions of both Science and Cosmic are poison immune as well as stragglers in Tech and Mystic.
Meanwhile bleed immune is rather limited but bleed is so common it has a mastery for it. Even without including GP or AA there’s still like 90% of every skill champ that gets introduced packing AAR SOMEWAY, SOMEHOW, THEY HAD A COUPON! Counting AV and Karnak for reducing Evade since 13 months ago the only Skill without ANY AAR was CWBP! And the other classes are dipping in too. I personally just see Ragnarok as falling in the cracks
Ok I don’t have shehulk is she good?
I’m not saying he’s bad I’m just saying he kinda looks like he’ll be overshadowed mostly.
Ok rogue and crossbones need to come off that list, lol. Hyperion is 3rd right after starlord and starky where archangel in the gods of damage along with gwenpool and medusa?
CB sure he can come off
Rogue has her sustain so it’s a grey area for her (RoL Hard mode)
And lastly I was listing RAW damage! No bleed! And Hyperion was mentioned above as an excellent DoT style champion above the list although I did overlook his fury and Cosmic Charges that really make him stand out as even a plain heavy hitter. Regardless the extra 1200 a combo on average isn’t really gonna stand up to any of them.
I don't like Gwenpool and I don't like vampires. I like Thor. And what's the point of playing this game if you can't play your favorite characters? Chasing "god tier" champs that can and WILL be eventually nerfed? No thank you.
That's such a ridiculous comparison. She Hulk has been out for years now. There's substantial gameplay by users and there has been plenty of time to determine whether or not she is a valuable champ. You haven't even seen Thor (Ragnarok) for more than a day and are already throwing out wild judgments which have no basis or merit. You probably fought him once in heroic and made up your mind.
You do this all for free? Maybe you should make a YouTube channel so we can hear all the day 1 reviews before anyone has a chance to play a character? I still haven't heard the review for Hela yet.
fought both in bounty missions and new event they were meh
Hela’s main thing seems to be her Fury. And armor break. Looks like she can ramp up decent amounts of Fury with her Sp1 that last potentially forever. She seems to be able to stack a fury or two which seem at least on par with Angela’s fury. While I wouldn’t recommend using more than 2 fury at a time it seems like her Sp2 would leave a massive armor break once you have a fury or two making her a mix of Raw and Burst. Her signature makes her in the same vein of Punisher as in she can kamikaze a last ditch attack before dying. Her attacks will regularly increase her spirits making her fury last insanely long if you can play Agressive enough. Overall Hela seems to follow a similar path as your basic “Damage Dealer without Dupes” as in she’s able to deal lots of damage without being awakened and honesty looks solid. Her fun special animations are actually a pain to avoid 100% so she’d make a halfway decent defender compared other DPS ONLY champs. She also has an interesting Physical Resistance so honestly she seems very much like Angela just less Crits/Fury and instead going for armor break
The top damage dealers are LEAGUES above her being Hyperion, Starky and SL as well as a handful of others
DemiGod damage dealers like Angela, the Marvel clones, Thor (personal rankings), NC, and X23 (debatably a full god) will casually welcome her into their ranks as related to Angela with a neat twist.
This. 100%. So, few people realize that sometimes the best thing to do is get a champion you just love to play. Sure a really good character will help you past content, but the game is mostly about going from fight to fight and not just trying to plow through all the content as quickly as possible.
As someone who only has a little bit of 5.3 and labyrinth left to do I would say no one needs to be in a rush. Play your favorite stuff, rank your favorite characters, don't worry so much about if they are god tier. You don't need god tier champions to beat anything in this game.
(It’s a video)