[MERGED] Untouchables and mix master bug

LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
edited June 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
Mix master evades should not trigger untouchables resistances. Prof x is OP there and is already ruining wars. Please remove prof x from untouchables list or fix this interaction
Post edited by Kabam Loto on


  • Wasiq_75Wasiq_75 Member Posts: 167 ★★
    edited June 2021
    Does it increases opponents Evade chance or flat out give evade? Cause BWDO just evaded first hit. As far as I'm concern she doesn’t evade till she has those evade charges after she throws sp1. Is it bugged or am I missing something? Cause the node itself doesn’t say it much other then giving resistance and intercept in order to remove it.
    Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
  • edited June 2021
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  • Wasiq_75Wasiq_75 Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Zan0 said:

    It increases ability accuracy. Bwdo is bugged at the moment. And the node is missing the description

    They should've added everything in the description tbh.
  • Pdogg614Pdogg614 Member Posts: 78
    I had be a stark enhanced evading like crazy vs locked on falcon… I was like wtf??! Even his normal evade is 3% he was evading like every other hit!
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  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, the team is aware of this issue and is investigating it to find a resolution.
  • JellykaanJellykaan Member Posts: 18
    Our opponent in war took full advantage of it and placed a solid 6 black widows including one on path 9 one eyed open. This bug is seriously costing people health potions and maybe wins.
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  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    They are to OP and 2 wars in are the new meta for wars going forward. It’s embarrassing to have such garbage interactions in war and this will lead to more people quitting
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  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 878 ★★★★
    What???? You cant handle a little bit of miss and evade? Go ahead and quit now
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    Prof x on mix master is OP the next korg basically torch can’t even counter him
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★

    Crys23 said:

    What???? You cant handle a little bit of miss and evade? Go ahead and quit now

    No they are both bugged and have been for weeks. BWDO evades every three hits despite not having a natural miss mechanic and I heard from someone that, “Prof X goes invisible when he evades on node 23” not sure if the prof X bug is real but the BWDO one is horrible
    Prof X bug is real
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    It’s interesting do you have any footage of the bug or can you tell exactly what happened that was bugged? I do believe there is a bug in this interaction since the Prof X’s I placed there are road blocking BG’s and I have heard people say it is bugged but I am curious what is actually happening
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    Can't Falcon and/or AA counter them both??
  • Kabam ZanzibarKabam Zanzibar Moderator Posts: 647
    Hi @LuisBvv - would you be able to provide as much information as possible for this particular interaction? If you could use our bug report template, that would be a huge help.

    Device and Version: (Example, iPhone 7) Be sure to include make and model of the device you are playing on when experiencing the issue.

    Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.” You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”

    Mobile Carrier: (Example AT&T) If your device uses cellular data, please include information about your data provider.

    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both?

    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store or Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. (Example, 17.1.5)

    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.

    Champions Affected: Which Champions are affected by this issue? What is their Rank, Level and which Signature Abilities do they have unlocked?

    Active Boosts: Are you using any boosts when you experience this issue?

    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the problem you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. Include how often it happens (once, sometimes or always) and how long you've been experiencing the issue.

    Screenshot or Video: If you are able to capture a screenshot or video that helps visually demonstrate the issue you are experiencing, please include it along with your report. More information on how to take a screenshot can be found here.

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    Falcon can't counter Miss.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    Can't Falcon and/or AA counter them both??

    There is increased ability accuracy so falcon doesn’t shut anything off completely anyway
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  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★

    It’s interesting do you have any footage of the bug or can you tell exactly what happened that was bugged? I do believe there is a bug in this interaction since the Prof X’s I placed there are road blocking BG’s and I have heard people say it is bugged but I am curious what is actually happening

    He gets a resistance every time mix mastervevade triggers which makes the fight damn near impossible
  • BeroManBeroMan Member Posts: 286 ★★★★
    I had an issue against Black Widow Deadly Origin, here is the Vid.

  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    Yeah that’s ridiculous
  • PsilencePsilence Member Posts: 40
    BeroMan said:

    I had an issue against Black Widow Deadly Origin, here is the Vid.


    yep...i just had this same not so fun interaction with her on the Hazard Shift mini node (using Falcon). she started evading right away and kept evading even while Locked On was active!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited June 2021
    What happens with Prof X?

    Edit: I have him as a war boss to fight today, is he only bugged on node 23? Or in general
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  • FenicoFenico Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    I went against Prof X on 23 with Torch last war and it was fight like any other on that node. When he evades, it activates global but whats the problem? Its not like you want to let him evade in the first place anyways
  • 2jzftw2jzftw Member Posts: 3
    Why are ultron and stryfe not part of the untouchable tactics? They have evade and miss features? It says it on the site but not on alliance war! @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike

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