AQ Bug

ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
edited July 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
Hello. In the most recent AQ day, starting July 8th, none of my alliance mates have been able to enter AQ. On the AQ preview screen, there is a button with the words, “Continue” that will allow you to see the battlegroups. Nothing happens when the button is tapped, however, barring anyone from participating.


  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    i have the same issue as well
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    Is there any mods who can help with the issue? Or is anyone else experiencing the same problem with their alliances? Thanks in advance
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    edited July 2021
    so sorry you are experiencing this issue please fill out the bug report template thanks and sorry for the inconvenience
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    The problem is happening to my entire alliance. I doubt we all share the same device and version of that device. I am also not an officer.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    iPhone XR (14.6)
    Game Version 32.0.0
    No boosts
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  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    The bug persists onto Day 3. Can someone acknowledge the issue? Or will there be no comment on it? My alliance, as well as many others I’m sure, are missing out on two days of AQ. Please respond.
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  • BenJGrimmBenJGrimm Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2021
    There's a kludge for this that I posted in the other post - try changing the maps for the next day (someone else said you don't need to actually change it, just hit edit; alternately, change it and then you can change it back after) and that unlocks the current day. It also (so far) fixed the next day. Other people have had some success with this, so I'd recommend trying it if you're stuck.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    I will pass this on to an officer. Thank you. It would still be nice for Kabam to acknowledge the issue and say that they are working on it or looking into it. I really appreciate your assistance, Ben.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    I understand the game is full of bugs alt the moment, which must be difficult for the game team, but please at least show that we are being acknowledged.
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    My alliance is having the same problem now.
    We cannot join aq.

    1st and 2nd day was map5, which we can do.
    3rd day onwards is map4, which so far, none of us can enter.

    The 1st day aq had problem to enter initially, but was accessible later around 10AM GMT +8.
    Right now it's 11.15AM GMT+8, and we still cannot enter.

    Samsung s10+
    Wifi (300mbps 5ghz network)
    Version 32.0.0 (funny that playstore is showing last updated on 18 june 2021, but also last updated 3 days ago)
    AQ cannot start.
    No boost whatsoever.

    I can confirm some of my alliance members are using ios devices, the latest version (America Chavez loading screen).
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    edited July 2021
    BenJGrimm said:

    There's a kludge for this that I posted in the other post - try changing the maps for the next day (someone else said you don't need to actually change it, just hit edit; alternately, change it and then you can change it back after) and that unlocks the current day. It also (so far) fixed the next day. Other people have had some success with this, so I'd recommend trying it if you're stuck.

    Your solution works. Thank you!
    But, you must edit, change the map for the next day to another map, change it back to original map, then click the button Save for All BG. Only then it works.

    Just clicking on Edit doesn't solve the problem.
    Need to hit the Save for all BG for it to work.
  • John_44John_44 Member Posts: 21
    Yesterday it was a 5 hour delay in starting AQ but today it will not start at all.
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    edited July 2021
    John_44 said:

    Yesterday it was a 5 hour delay in starting AQ but today it will not start at all.

    Checkout the solution by ben above. Has to edit next day map, change map, change again, hit Save for all bg, then try again.
  • John_44John_44 Member Posts: 21
    Ok I went to tomorrow's AQ and changed a mod in one BG and went to today's and the start button worked. But my problem with doing this is the last day we will not be able to do that.
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    John_44 said:

    Ok I went to tomorrow's AQ and changed a mod in one BG and went to today's and the start button worked. But my problem with doing this is the last day we will not be able to do that.

    Agree. But Ben said he did it on day 2, and day 3 was fine.
    Hoping that it would be fine for day 5 later.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    The “work around” works. But that’s all it is. A “workaround”, not a fix. Kabam has not said anything about the issue yet. No word at all.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    There are so many bugs. Parry is just one of them. Something has to be done, or at least said. The game is really not working correctly since the update at all.
  • Strike117Strike117 Member Posts: 20
    Hi, kabam folks,
    Me and some people of my alliance cannot join AQ quest since day 2.
    Can you help?
  • Dustroyer7791Dustroyer7791 Member Posts: 3
    Same issue here.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,459 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    @Dustroyer7791 @Strike117 See the above comments. There is somewhat of a workaround the problem, but not sure if it will work on Day 5.
    It definitely sucks. Hope you guys get some compensation for the missed rewards.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    Classic. No response. No acknowledgement. Nothing.
  • SirmacoolSirmacool Member Posts: 417 ★★
    Two days missed. We still can’t get in
  • Strike117Strike117 Member Posts: 20

    @Dustroyer7791 @Strike117 See the above comments. There is somewhat of a workaround the problem, but not sure if it will work on Day 5.
    It definitely sucks. Hope you guys get some compensation for the missed rewards.

    Yeah. I saw their workaround. But it may work for starting alliance quest. And you can start an alliance quest only if you're an officer. Since I'm not, i can only join the alliance quest. But the bug prevent me to join. I press the "continue" button but it won't work. It remains stuck. That's my problem
  • Citizen_fishCitizen_fish Member Posts: 46
    Same issue here, but today is the last day and you can't edit the maps.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2021
    The lack of communication is astounding. Ignoring the problem only makes things worse. I understand the job you guys down at Kabam have isn’t easy. From what I imagine, I think it’s a difficult job with you all working very hard. That’s appreciated, but all we are looking for is a mention of this issue, or a sign that it’s being investigated. Thanks.
  • MemphisUSFMemphisUSF Member Posts: 164
    I’m an alliance leader, I reached out with a ticket to Kabam at 4pm cst that my entire alliance is locked out. The edit your next day doesn’t work on Day5. I’ve yet to hear back a word. Ftr their edit is putting a bandaid on a leaky pipe.
  • ikeaikea Member Posts: 31
    Kabam doesn’t give an update. Will there even be a mention of the issue. Compensation for the days of AQ we missed? Anything? 🤣😂 at least acknowledge it
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