AQ Bug

Hello. In the most recent AQ day, starting July 8th, none of my alliance mates have been able to enter AQ. On the AQ preview screen, there is a button with the words, “Continue” that will allow you to see the battlegroups. Nothing happens when the button is tapped, however, barring anyone from participating. 

Game Version 32.0.0
No boosts
We cannot join aq.
1st and 2nd day was map5, which we can do.
3rd day onwards is map4, which so far, none of us can enter.
The 1st day aq had problem to enter initially, but was accessible later around 10AM GMT +8.
Right now it's 11.15AM GMT+8, and we still cannot enter.
Samsung s10+
Wifi (300mbps 5ghz network)
Version 32.0.0 (funny that playstore is showing last updated on 18 june 2021, but also last updated 3 days ago)
AQ cannot start.
No boost whatsoever.
I can confirm some of my alliance members are using ios devices, the latest version (America Chavez loading screen).
But, you must edit, change the map for the next day to another map, change it back to original map, then click the button Save for All BG. Only then it works.
Just clicking on Edit doesn't solve the problem.
Need to hit the Save for all BG for it to work.
Hoping that it would be fine for day 5 later.
Me and some people of my alliance cannot join AQ quest since day 2.
Can you help?
It definitely sucks. Hope you guys get some compensation for the missed rewards.