[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • HENRY40087HENRY40087 Member Posts: 92

    In Game Name: TimeGenesis
    Device: Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
    OS: Android 10
    Cellular or Wifi: Both. Cellular speed at 4G is @ 64.2 Mbps. 5G speed at 113Mbps. Wifi speed varies pending on location but mostly at 70Mbps.
    Game Version: Latest
    Game mode: EQ, Arenas & AW are most noticeable modes but happens everywhere (excluding story mode it seems)
    Description: Always connection issues, cant even attempt legend run because of this. There are times too because of the game lags, it affects combos.

    I have found Act 5 chapter five had an invincible Magneto defeating the objectives of increasing players power format. Would 6* star make any different to defeat the unreakable Magneto.

    No amount of fully developed 5*star champs relative to the issue highlighted or make gameplay getting nowhwhere to earn 6*shards.

    Gaming now is I can not tell if 6* champs would game on to make gaming progress to spend on what I can't earn or get hold of to challenge anywhere on act 5 where I reached the limit to defeat characters.

    Does it take 6* champs to level up to play and spend to get anywhere, then on a jam to only find entertainment value on the versus battle.

    On the so called variant missions I can't earn anything worthwhile to play for.

    Game status as stayed has questioned I don't know if playing and spending money on 6*restrictions to get anywhere to play for anything well earned capable of rewards on variant missions or anywhere getting passed act 5.

    Spending doesn't seem worthwhile at the moment in a neutralized area on a drawn limbo stalemate.

    So whoever you think 6* shards or champions can get myself to game on and buy purchases that may be worthwhile.

    Leave it up to you, meanwhile I have reached the peak for leveled up 5*star not being any advantage. No reason to spend on no gain on gameplay.

    Leave it up to you to make sense if any possible and logical custom has reached a now possibly in new outlook to require the 6*star definitive.

    As it is only looks like not much insight or much to play for other than versus mode for fun.

    Like to gain the missions rewards on variant, but don't qualify or have player power capability to compete against.

    This is a true statement to let you know where I am to with no complaint.

    Customer loyalty has to be worthwhile to get somewhere rather than nowhere.

    I hope to get somewhere with some improvements to make it worthwhile.

    Rather than say nothing and not to spend because of neutralisation.

    It might be better to state something that may or may not be possible to the customer.

    My custom is as you want to put it or show what's on offer to the customer.

    I hope to make some worthwhile purchases that make sense to the stage of gameplay to where I am to.

    Does anything stated make sense in the Marvel World to buy something?

    henry 40087@gmail.com
  • Gusnit1Gusnit1 Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Gusnit1
    Device and Model: Poco X3 NFC
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: The last
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: Today, i was playing arena, AW, and all the game modes without any problem. After update the game today, i start to suffer with big crashes. Fights with a lot of lags and sometimes, I was attacking, I suffered a freeze and was being beaten in the next second.
  • svssdevasvssdeva Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2021
    In-Game Name: svssdeva
    Device and Model: Poco X3
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest from Google Play store
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: After updating the game today, I'm faced with too many stuttering in fights which ran good before the update. game is totally unplayable right now. Fights with a lot of lags and freezes. Have to exit the game and restart after some times to reset the fight. Very disappointing. I recently purchased this phone. There's no way i'm buying a new phone. Please fix this asap. And update the game for 120hz refresh rate. there's a lot of ghosting and touch response issues in high refresh rate.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,446 ★★★★★

    Does anyone even helps on these problems..or its just a page to be neglected.. bcz I don't c any progress and no one cares to respond too . This shows me that F2P ( Free to play Players ) have no value or care in this game by the game team. Only the ones who.spend get the attention quick.. my.request for my error is been sitting there for more than 21 days now.. Thanks

    Lots of us spend plenty and get just as much nothing in response.
  • MeerHyderAliMeerHyderAli Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Meer Hyder Ali
    Device and Model: Poco X3
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: All (AQ,AW,EQ, Story quest, Arenas etc)
    Description of the Issue: After updating the game I am unable to play the game properly. The game becomes fast and suddenly stops difficulty in parrying, lags after use specials, and becomes very faster . Please 🙏 fix it soon @Kabam Miike
  • MauBocanegraTMauBocanegraT Member Posts: 29
    In-Game Name: MauBocanegra
    Device and Model: Galaxy S21 Ultra
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest from Google Play store
    Game Mode: Any mode
    Description of the Issue: After installing the update the game is completely UNPLAYABLE, It heavily freezes in MOST of the fights, no matter the game mode.
    It's like running the game at 10 fps your an clearly see the jump between frames and of course it is no playable at all.
    I wanted to get a recording for proof but weirdly the game runs buttery smooth :|
    I will try to record my gameplay with another smartphone.
    Why this happens?
  • KirillexiKirillexi Member Posts: 11
    In-Game Name: Kirillexi
    Device and Model: Poco X3
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: v32.0
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft_R95cusYE&ab_channel=KirillV
    fps low
  • Ciftci_35Ciftci_35 Member Posts: 13
    Elthan said:

    In-Game Name: A.C!FTC!
    Device and Model: MI 10T Pro
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: All (AQ, AW, EQ, Story quest, Arenas etc)
    Description of the Issue: the game became super laggy since the update yesterday. It even freezes sometimes. Before the update, I had no issue. In it's current state, the game is unplayable and I'm worried not being able to keep doing the summer of pain challenge.

  • HorhusHorhus Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: hórhus
    Device and Model: Poco X3
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest from Google Play store (32.0.0)
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue : After the update the game is practically unplayable, the FPS is dropping and returns to normal all the time.
    In-Game Name: MHMD FAISAL
    Device and Model: POCO X3
    Device Operating System: ANDROID-10,MIUI-12
    Cellular or WiFi: BOTH
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue:this new updates I have too much problem for me and my friends.problem is game menu are smoothly but entering fight too much lag and quickly comes to close..I can't parry and some time high speed to play and lag too. I can't play everything...I'm still in platinum 2 ally I can't to manage aq and aw. Please fix this problem quickly... Thankyou...
  • FenrizulvFenrizulv Member Posts: 13
    In-Game Name: King Nothing
    Device and Model: Xiaomi POCO X3 NFC
    Device Operating System: MIUI 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.
    Game Version Installed: Latest version. 32.0
    Game Mode: Every game mode.
    Description of the Issue: I get lags in every fight. specially when they are pinned against wall.
  • Ted_n00bgentTed_n00bgent Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    In-Game Name: pl0w
    Device and Model: Samsung SM-J337A
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Frequently when defender throws a special attack and I block or dash back my champ will dash in to the hit. Has been happening for about a year and reminds me of reverse control unblockable magik.

    Frequently while dashing backwards twice my champ will instead dash forward.

    Occasionally while dexting my champ will go unresponsive or will block and then release block instead of dashing back.

    After dexting or blocking a special attack my champ is unable to dash forward and whiffs their medium in place.

    Occasionally block doesn't register.

    Defenders lag, stutter or seemingly slow down just before the moment of blocking causing parry not to register.
  • MousiasMousias Member Posts: 39
    In-Game Name: Mousias
    Device and Model: Poco X3
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest from Google Play store
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: There seems to be an issue with Poco X3, not sure what it is. After the update, frame rate drops massively, the game underperforms when there are flashy animations like the beam of Apocalypse's sp1, or when Human Torch enters Nova Flame. Massive FPS drops, plus a "speed up lag" occasionaly. Please acknowledge the issue and inform us what your next steps are going to be. The game is unplayable on this phone, had to redownload the game on my old phone.
  • chookyassochookyasso Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: chookyasso
    Device and Model: Xiaomi mi 10t
    Device Operating System: Android 11
    Game Version Installed: Latest from Google Play store
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: fps drops in fight , crystal opening , when i select champion. 1 seconds whitout touching the screen fps drops
  • Infantino1Infantino1 Member Posts: 1
    My guillotine 2099 regen doesn’t work after hitting 15% health, and my black widow(snow suit) passive evade with synergy of red guardian doesn’t work even though it has a hundred 100% chance to evade basic attack
  • HassanTxHassanTx Member Posts: 1
    In-Game name: Hassan.Tx
    Device and model: Poco X3 NFC
    Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or Wi-fi: Cellular and Wi-fi
    Game Version Installed: 32
    Issue: Parryng is late, dex and heavy attack are difficult. Sometimes the HAttack starts from nowhere and dex sometimes doesn't work.
  • WillemVanHWillemVanH Member Posts: 2
    Black Widow's (Deadly Origin) passive evade is not working.
  • K1aymationK1aymation Member Posts: 12
    In game name: throne.......
    Device and model: samsung note 8
    Device OS: latest
    Cellular or wifi: both
    Game version: latest available
    Game mode: aq, aw, monthly content, side quest
    Parry and dex had been a mess for quite some time, they just dont response or a lag in response especially during aw. I fight path 9 in aw, in section 1 hazzard shift affects the same champs(falcon n CMM) I bring in every round different. At times CMM would suffer from faster incerinate damage, I lose close to 50% from it this last war, but the war before i only lost 20%. Her binary indestructible was nullify against mephisto even though his soul imprisonment period is over. Using falcon on this path might be the worse as his lock on ability DOES NOT WORK! Idk how I am still taking damage from posion/incerinate while active. In section 2, eye for eye, every timely block = stunned. The screen does not show parry and yet I am stunned, many times I evade and still said I parry and I get stunned for whole duration of the fight. This game used to be fun, but now with even core mechanics has issues, maybe you guys at kabam should revert back to getting things right before introducing additional factors ( new champs, abilities, nodes, side quest,etc) as I am sure many players will leave due to simple issues.
  • K1aymationK1aymation Member Posts: 12

    This is just unacceptable as falcon's ability is simply broken in this fight on hazzard shift
  • Ciftci_35Ciftci_35 Member Posts: 13
    Kimse bu sorunlarımıza cevap vermiyor
  • Ciftci_35Ciftci_35 Member Posts: 13
    Oyun sadace iPhone kullanıcıları için var androidlere önem verilmiyor artık herkes kendine çare arıyor ama yok arkadaşlar
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    This is just unacceptable as falcon's ability is simply broken in this fight on hazzard shift

    Mephisto is AAR immune. You should read abilities, it helps.
  • HxfxHxfx Member Posts: 9
    In-Game Name: Hxfx
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro
    Device Operating System: MIUI Global 12.5.1 (Android-based)
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: All modes but it seems to be most severe when playing heavily noded fights, so basically all complex content.
    Description of the Issue: Extreme lag and glitchy FPS display frame loss combined to make all gameplay nearly impossible, but especially complex/challenging content.

    Pretty sure others are experiencing this, too, but it's very disappointing to report that I basically cannot play any challenging content whatsoever, including the Summer of Pain challenge this week. There's just no way, and I'm a fairly talented player.

    I've uninstalled and re-downloaded the game already. and I'm losing animation continuity on practically all content at this point whether on Cell or Wifi data.

    While at first it was fairly intermittent, and I assumed at that point that it was a network issue, after the last update it now affects every champion and every fight at this point and seems to only be getting worse and more pronounced and more frustrating.
  • HxfxHxfx Member Posts: 9
    Hxfx said:

    In-Game Name: Hxfx
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro
    Device Operating System: MIUI Global 12.5.1 (Android-based)
    Cellular or WiFi: Both.
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: All modes but it seems to be most severe when playing heavily noded fights, so basically all complex content.
    Description of the Issue: Extreme lag and glitchy FPS display frame loss combined to make all gameplay nearly impossible, but especially complex/challenging content.

    Pretty sure others are experiencing this, too, but it's very disappointing to report that I basically cannot play any challenging content whatsoever, including the Summer of Pain challenge this week. There's just no way, and I'm a fairly talented player.

    I've uninstalled and re-downloaded the game already. and I'm losing animation continuity on practically all content at this point whether on Cell or Wifi data.

    While at first it was fairly intermittent, and I assumed at that point that it was a network issue, after the last update it now affects every champion and every fight at this point and seems to only be getting worse and more pronounced and more frustrating.

    I also wanted to mention that the lag/FPS display/animation loss stuff all happens whether or not the OS Game Turbo Boost assistance is on or off. That toggle doesn't seem to have any effect on the lag/FPS display/animation loss issues.
  • Nabil1069Nabil1069 Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: Vigilante 71
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 32.0.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: I've just brought the new phone and installed the game in all the possible way I could. But I failed to run the game in my new device. I live in New York city, NY. But still from play store it's showing that the game is not supported in my country and then I tried to download the apk file from Google and installed it. But the game is not running. Please suggest me that what should I do to play the game in my new device. I'll be grateful.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2021
    not the boy
    Moto G7 Play
    Android 10
    WiFi (I have no cellular data plan)
    Latest version
    All parts of the game.

    Hello again, thought everyone might miss my honeyed words so I'm back. Still facing the exact same issues as outlined at least twice before: crashing, freezing, framedropping at the dropping of a hatting, you know the drill. New content is cool and enjoyable when playable, but it doesn't matter to me if I can't play consistently. I know I'm bad at the game, but all these extra obstacles turns this fighting game into an RPG, and I can't counter the status effects. Again, please add some low(er)-graphics setting, and/or maybe prioritize fixing the performance issues just a titch more. Hope the devs are reading, and y'all have a good day.

    Edit: should probably mention that when I say 'All parts of the game,' I mean that literally. Store, Fight, Champions, and Crystals tab, in a quest, in a fight (all modes), loading before and after a fight, opening crystals, the bloody Home screen? Overflow cache, too? I can't tell how or why it keeps happening, hoping it's just my wi-fi or some other baloney.
  • Gusnit1Gusnit1 Member Posts: 2
    Gusnit1 said:

    In-Game Name: Gusnit1
    Device and Model: Poco X3 NFC
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: The last
    Game Mode: All of them.
    Description of the Issue: Today, i was playing arena, AW, and all the game modes without any problem. After update the game today, i start to suffer with big crashes. Fights with a lot of lags and sometimes, I was attacking, I suffered a freeze and was being beaten in the next second.

    Nothing has change yet,
  • totheendoftotheendof Member Posts: 50
    Game crash BEFORE starting fight in AQ steals half my health. This has been happening for six months. Where’s the fix?
  • K1NGR3DK1NGR3D Member Posts: 32
    In-Game Name: GODK1NGR3D
    Device and Model: Motorola G Stylus
    Device Operating System: Android 11.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi and cellular data metro pcs
    Game Version Installed: The latest version from the google play store
    Game Mode: all game modes every fight i win or lose there is a red wifi signal
    Description of the Issue:

    So i know its not my wifi cause i also game on my xbox along with my pc and my latency on both is normally 25ms to 36ms on my phone my latency is 12ms to 14ms is there a setting i need to have active on my phone i use a Motorola G Stylus or is this a known issue i haven't played in about 2 years and decided to hop back on but can't complete fights when it disconnects me.

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