Today's Announcement Discussion Thread



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 724 ★★★★
    UpGrade1_1 wrote: »
    So just to get this right
    Some people modified their displayed PI and DEF Rating to AW‘s?!

    No, that's not right. Some people may have had access to certain stats (mentioned in the announcement) by scraping for data in the game. But there was zero chance for manipulation or change, it's really just possible access to certain information that was not normally revealed.
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    Okay, so you want us to comment on an bug/exploit which you can't explain what our is!?

    That's like asking the American people to vote on the next president without saying who the candidates are?

    I applaud you in advance! Nice!
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Schapenkop wrote: »
    Okay, so you want us to comment on an bug/exploit which you can't explain what our is!?

    That's like asking the American people to vote on the next president without saying who the candidates are?

    I applaud you in advance! Nice!

    I mean they were pretty descriptive in what data was exploited.
  • Oliverb1980Oliverb1980 Member Posts: 99
    We're in tier 2-3 and as it is right now we get the class rarity and whether champ is duped or not. Now we're also getting the actual champ and their PI? Is this the boost/mastery inflated PI or the base? Because if it's the inflated one then we are now officially playing excel wars lol! 5mins the match you can get who will win.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Didn't understand anything...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,467 Guardian
    Badrose wrote: »
    Didn't understand anything...

    This isn't hard. In higher tiers of alliance war you can't see what the other alliance placed on defense on most nodes. That means you cannot know in advance what the best attackers you should take in for a given path. The exploit being discussed appears to involve some technical means for a player to get that information during a war which would provide a significant tactical advantage to a player that got that information and took advantage of it.

    How they did this isn't mentioned but I can take a reasonable guess (I won't guess out loud because I doubt the mods want that discussion to occur now, but I'm sure technically minded individuals are speculating same as I am). The important point is that players that did this acquired information they shouldn't have been able to get, via means that the game ordinarily doesn't present to the players and used that to their advantage, and that's an exploit (and probably other specific violations).
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  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    I know isn't hard, what I don't get is when they say "we treated this situation with full transparency" and then they don't say what's causing the exploit but still opening a discussion thread in which... they, again, don't say anything relevant. There's some conflict... Kabam style.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Badrose wrote: »
    I know isn't hard, what I don't get is when they say "we treated this situation with full transparency" and then they don't say what's causing the exploit but still opening a discussion thread in which... they, again, don't say anything relevant. There's some conflict... Kabam style.

    Remember the part where they said they're still investigating? And at the next build (omfg) they hope to fix? Darn I love how haters can't wait to find reasons to **** all over stuff. Read, bro.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Mods have a thankless role. They have to answer for problems they didn't create, be polite and professional to loser miscreants whining about their mobile super hero fighting game, and try to sell with a big ol grin on their face the latest bells and whistles that invariably will be crapped upon by aforementioned miscreants. I applaud your professionalism and effort Adora and the Kabams.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Ok i know this is Off-topic, but this is just bothering me. Is Ad0ra's text color and Miike's text color really different or am i just going nuts!?
  • TypicalgrinderTypicalgrinder Member Posts: 12
    Just finished heroic mode and didnt recieve the valor from the 100% completion rewards. Got everything else. But did not recieve my valor!!!!
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    Ryansapph wrote: »
    perhaps perm ban of the members who cheated
    loss of champions earned, and rewards
    reset of allience rating or down to 0 as I highly doubt this was not noticed as a whole
    and complete removal of any and all rewards unearned

    is a good place to start on punishment

    I think it can't be done as it was not possible to know who managed to mine the data.

    The people reported said it can be mined.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Superman69 wrote: »
    Ok i know this is Off-topic, but this is just bothering me. Is Ad0ra's text color and Miike's text color really different or am i just going nuts!?

    To me, Adora's is a darker shade of orange, and Miike's is yellow-orange.
  • FiremouthFiremouth Member Posts: 57
    Just finished heroic mode and didnt recieve the valor from the 100% completion rewards. Got everything else. But did not recieve my valor!!!!

    so the answer is yes you do and please look more carefull.
    2nd is, please read original post and realise your in the wrong post
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  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    i still don't see why ruining war for 99% of the players by revealing detailed champ data can be seen as a good solution if you claim a tiny amount of players had access to this data. Do you at least understand how easy war is now and the higher rating team = auto-win in tier2/1? Now you give exact data about every single champ placed, why even fight war? Each leader just adds up the other team's PI and the winner is already set minutes into war start.

    I know the mods don't make these decisions but the game is in such a horrible state right now, to make it even less fun than it already is will just make recruiting even more of a task as even more good players bored out of their mind quit. We have not used a single revive since 15.0 to clear every single team, and every loss has been tiny differences in defender rating since there are multiple sites now that basically arrange the diversity for you. Now instead of dying 6 times to clear a map, the better teams will be clearing with 3 deaths in boring wars. Even knowing the exploit exists if there is only a 1% chance it is used against us, I among many others would take that tiny risk to keep war from becoming even more easy/boring.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 682 ★★★★
    We’re still not seeing defender data. Wasn’t that supposed to happen immediately?
  • SumehaSumeha Member Posts: 3
    Not completely unrelated to AW, more with regards to the announcement for the rewards in AQ, has it been considered to potentially add rank down tickets into the Glory Store?

    Purely because it has become very evident over the last few wars that defender diversity has become quiet important and sometimes what makes or breaks the win.

    Saying that a lot of the champs that we have ranked up were purely as defenders, if we dont have any other use for them, those resources are effectively "wasted". Still helps in the overall PI/rating of the account but useless from a gaming perspective.

    Having those rank down tickets can ensure that we could potentially use those resources on champs that we would like to focus on.

    Just a question, food for thought.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    We’re still not seeing defender data. Wasn’t that supposed to happen immediately?

    No, after maintenance
  • NevvBNevvB Member Posts: 287 ★★★
    Any timeline on when defenders will be hidden again?
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