dynamic duos (trios also welcome)

what are your favorite champion dynamic duos, which have similar (or different) abilities that make them work so well together?
my personal favourite is archangel and BWCV, anything archangel can’t do, BWCV can
my personal favourite is archangel and BWCV, anything archangel can’t do, BWCV can
Professor x
G.P.A for short
These three I also add with Wolverine and Cable, to make fully synergized mutant team that shreds absolutely everything
If it don't bleed or burn then I'm taking my ball and going home.
Once Groot is dead (doesn't take long) .. Doom gets +10% attack.
Collector and abyss collector
This duo is enough to scare the sh*t out of even the bravest conquerors.