Summoner's Sigil Change - Addition.

Hey! I would like for other Summoners to see if they would agree to my point. Basically, I have just finished Act 4 (not a really big deal) and i got an idea: Why not implement a free week of Summoner's Sigil for every Summoner who completes their current Act in the Story quests? I got the idea since i have been seeing the rewards list and it says it will give a 'Summoner's Sigil Solo Event Update, I ask myself, "What is the use of Updates for solo events if i can't complete them?
This is the reward list i am talking about:
So people? Do you agree that everyone should be able to get a free week of Summoner's Sigil for completing their Act in Story; for example me completing Act 4? Please send replies or something, I want to know if people agree with the idea.
- Conqueror Mis3er_Mas4er
This is the reward list i am talking about:

So people? Do you agree that everyone should be able to get a free week of Summoner's Sigil for completing their Act in Story; for example me completing Act 4? Please send replies or something, I want to know if people agree with the idea.
- Conqueror Mis3er_Mas4er