Will a moderator please respond to the emergency maintenance?

I’m reposting an earlier comment I made from another thread in the hopes that a moderator might address this:
I’m curious to see if the administrators will actually address this on the forums. And more so, will we get something in return for the lost time, energy refills, fights that were compromised, etc, etc, etc. Should we expect another “lofty standards” message with something like 50 PHC shards for recompensation? I’m guessing we’ll get nothing at all since “emergency maintenance” is assumed to be an expected part of the game, and we should probably “plan accordingly”, or something like that. Though how we can plan for emergency maintenance is beyond me. Just so frustrating that Kabam puts so much effort into warning us about scheduled maintenance (and that is appreciated by a lot of us, even if it is not expressed nearly often enough), only to have us plan our playing time around it and be hosed by emergency maintenance more than 30 minutes before scheduled maintenance was supposed to start.
I’m curious to see if the administrators will actually address this on the forums. And more so, will we get something in return for the lost time, energy refills, fights that were compromised, etc, etc, etc. Should we expect another “lofty standards” message with something like 50 PHC shards for recompensation? I’m guessing we’ll get nothing at all since “emergency maintenance” is assumed to be an expected part of the game, and we should probably “plan accordingly”, or something like that. Though how we can plan for emergency maintenance is beyond me. Just so frustrating that Kabam puts so much effort into warning us about scheduled maintenance (and that is appreciated by a lot of us, even if it is not expressed nearly often enough), only to have us plan our playing time around it and be hosed by emergency maintenance more than 30 minutes before scheduled maintenance was supposed to start.
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Tonight there was emergency maintenance just before the planned maintenance. Does it suck? Yep. What do you want them to say? "**** broke unexpectedly cause software can do that".
In other words, all games have unexpected glitches, unexpected downtime, etc., I get that. What is just so frustrating about this situation is that most of us had planned for scheduled maintenance and then the emergency maintenance happened right before it. I know emergency issues are unpredictable in video games, but the timing was just so much more damned inconvenient because scheduled maintenance was coming so soon afterward.
There should be some basic rewards given. Some energy refills would go a long way in my mind helping to make up the lost time after AQ and AW series, this time would be used by a lot of players to do master quests and arena grinds.
So you understand that stuff happens that isn't planned, and because it happened before something that was planned happened you're frustrated, especially since you didn't plan on being frustrated because you didn't plan on not being inconvenienced by the unplanned disruption before the planned disruption which you understand but nonetheless frustrates you? Ok.
To HOPEFULLY avoid further sarcasm, let me sum up my original point as succinctly as I can:
****/emergency maintenance happens in any game. The timing of this one right before already scheduled maintenance was just so damned inconvenient as to warrant mention and ask for a response from the administrators/moderators if they have the time to.
If that’s not simple enough, maybe this will be: emergency maintenance; happens, understood. Scheduled maintenance, we’ve been warned, thank you (sincerely) for the heads up Kabam. Emergency maintenance 1/2 hour before scheduled maintenance? Not cool, but again, **** happens, I understand. We hope you give us some kind of recompense for the inconvenience.
WoW had maintenance every Tuesday, every week without fail. And without fail it was 8 hours minimum. Not to mention at expansion times it has went down for close to 72 hours. If you played wow you would be used to it.
Getting back on point with my main question in starting this thread: I’m wondering if the moderators will address the emergency maintenance at all in the forums. I would, again, please ask that they do so.