Which team should I take into LOL (easy path)

So currently viable champs in my roster consists of:
5*'s: Black Panther duped (Rank 4), and Stark Spidey duped (Rank 3)
4*'s: Starlord, Gwenpool, Arch Angel, Voodoo, Hyperion, Scarlet Witch (All rank 5 and duped)
- With Option 3 I figured I might save units popping team revives instead of single revives
5*'s: Black Panther duped (Rank 4), and Stark Spidey duped (Rank 3)
4*'s: Starlord, Gwenpool, Arch Angel, Voodoo, Hyperion, Scarlet Witch (All rank 5 and duped)
- With Option 3 I figured I might save units popping team revives instead of single revives
Which team should I take into LOL (easy path) 41 votes
r4 sparky is my first choice, then pair him with attack team.
If that isnt doable, id ask advice about BP with an attack team, I don't know enough about BP and LoL to help with that suggestion. However, I do have to ask if you know how the enrage timers work? If so, good, but if not, its good to understand how they work instead of just getting answers on scenarios
The only 4* option I would consider is 4* SL, and only with heavy synergies, preferably the mutant team of cyc, storm, etc. I wouldn't bother with a whole team approach.
Yes I understand you have to get your champ's attack above 2K with synergies and it should extend the timer to 15minutes. I have thought about BP and attack team I just don't know how he would fair against the bleed immune fights.
And why is that? have you not heard of LoL being completed by a 4* starlord with mutant crit team? Your comment is kind of insulting.
Currently at 1.5 T2A. I don't know if kabam as any plans of making T2A part of december's calendar or available through 5.4. If they don't i will have to wait a few months on top of the few I have already been waiting.
This is what I would do. BP, SL, atk synergies.
Based on your team options you laid out, it is evident you don't have the best understanding of LoL and what it requires.
Unless of course you want to spend 10k units.
I do have almost 2K worth of items saved up and 8.7K in units. I'm coming to the forums to ask for advice and suggestions and you're telling me to look elsewhere?
BP is my only duped rank 4 and his base attack is 1.7K. It will take 18% increase in attack synergies to get the extended timer. People who have gone through LOL with BP have used 4-6K units. Others have gone through with a 4* SL and used a similar amount of units. How about you do your research or give some advice.
Yeah but none of your poll options have a BP+attack synergy team so one would naturally assume you don't know aboutenrage timers
Regarding BP: UC, Colossus (if you take that path), Vision (if you don't take Colossus path), Antman (Glancing) and Maestro (won't bleed because of ability accuracy reduction) would be a pain
Assumptions is what caused the great recession.
It’s been a while since I did easy path, but iirc my 4* Drax did put on some bleeds on Maestro.......
If you’re using a 4*, use SL. If you can keep your streak, you’ll minimize spending units (relatively speaking, will still be a couple k).
Blade angela x23 sl*dupe