Do you want 3 stars to be removed from cavalier crystals?

This is my opinion. I think 3 stars are useless to be in cavalier crystals. They don’t give a lot of iso if dupped and they aren’t useful for high level players!
Do you want 3 stars to be removed from cavalier crystals? 136 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
They should also remove 4 and 5 stars from cavalier crystals, so only 6 stars left. And than when you open the crystal it will give you three choices so you can pick one!
Think of all the money they would make! More people would buy them!!
Of course
Do I want 6* removed from whales cavs?
Also yes
Will either of these things ever happen?
Not a chance
Any Crystal is a gamble in this game. If you got mad iso and shards by duplicating 4*+ it would create a ceiling hard to surpass by growing players.
Do I think they should remove them? No.