SOP Grandmaster really doesn't like to throw SP1

H3neRyH3neRy Member Posts: 309 ★★★
This one's quite different from the Act 6 GM , he really doesn't want to throw special 1.

In my most recent run i was hit my back to back special 2s in the corner.

But anyways now that the run is over and don't have to fight him anymore, i really am confused about the AI being so passive especially in a quest having really high stakes.

Please share your thoughts and opinions about this topic if you've experienced this.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.


  • H3neRyH3neRy Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Seraphion said:

    I agree.
    I don't know if my memory is right but I think he threw them easier in act 6.

    I sometimes even failed to bait the SP2 lol

    Act 6 GM was quite aggressive, this on the other hand sometimes feels is on the passive side.
  • H3neRyH3neRy Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Lordabck said:

    This not throwing specials is in whole game, not just limited to GM. Defenders are playing defensive, i hate to say my reason behind not playing currently is Defensive game play of defenders. It just pisses me of.

    Yeah i can relate, SOP ghost was so stubborn sometimes.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,345 ★★★★★
    One might miss this, but baiting specials highly depend on attackers dash back and combo ending hit-box distance.
    I can't confirm or deny this, but this is how I felt in many interactions.
    Against some you need shallow evades, against others you can bait with normal Dex's.
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 649 ★★★★
    yh especially in the reverse control phase, u get the dash back mission 90 times and u in the corner lol then he stops throwing specials over there
  • Perfect_jabPerfect_jab Member Posts: 109
    AI just keeps moving forward an dashing back over an over, then you miss challenges. But if you dash in to bait them you eat a special. So fun....
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    The GM in Act 6 also didn't really like to throw his sp1 during phase 2. From my experience, he was much less likely to throw it while a challenge was "active", and much more likely to throw it when the challenge was completed and I waited for the next one to pop up.
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    And then he throws it the second inverted controls kick in lol.

  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Very passive on throwing his sp1, then super aggressive in the final phase 🤦‍♂️
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,321 Guardian
    He was actually more aggressive for me in throwing specials. Of course I also had the safeguard of the Emma path, so I didn't have to dex his sp1, I could just block it, made the fight a TON easier lol
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  • Smokely7Smokely7 Member Posts: 175 ★★
    Not only this, but you add on parry and dex issues, this fight is garbage, no where near the fun fight in act 6.
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