Would it be crazy to hold featured crystals until the Starky goes into the basic pool?

Title. I have 5 shots at him now. Would it be crazy just to hold them until January when he is added to the regular 5* crystal? Wouldn't that slightly increase the odds being the featured and a basic option?
Is it? Because the featured crystal has an x percent chance to pull the feature and an x percent champ at a non. Logically you would now have a chance to pull him at both levels. A small chance, yes, but still a small increase that it could be him and not some other junk.
Rag was right, imagine all champs got 1% of obtaining them, while a feature champs will grant u more than 1% for sure...
Well it will still be 20% chance for starky anyway ! Coming into basic pool won't change anything! Since it's a featured starky is already in it so waiting until it will be added to the basic pool it won't change the odds and I don't think anyone is that crazy to hold the feature until February but if you wanna try go ahead