Solve the Mystery and Save The Contest this September!



  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,163 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Qfury said:

    Really disappointed tbh at it being all solo objectives again. I honestly didn't do half of them this month because it's honestly just too much effort.

    Dueling 2/3/4*s or using diff class champs to clear quests that you’d already clear = too much effort compared to running 10 fights 28x a month? What…!?
    Finally. Someone making sense.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    xNig said:

    Qfury said:

    Really disappointed tbh at it being all solo objectives again. I honestly didn't do half of them this month because it's honestly just too much effort.

    Dueling 2/3/4*s or using diff class champs to clear quests that you’d already clear = too much effort compared to running 10 fights 28x a month? What…!?
    It’s not really quests that we would have already cleared since I only complete the Cav Eq once for each quest, and explore uncollected. But this time we had to do a minimum of 10 runs in each difficulty (1+1+1+3+1+3), and Cav EQ is too hard for me right now too. But if it was in the form of SQs, I could have done it since I can easily do that can kind of difficulty. And it’s not like we didn’t complain about last month being tedious, most of the people did in fact. But this month is even more so.
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★

    What the hell is wrong with these dates... Atleast Proofread it before posting. Very disappointing.

    It's the Western style of writing dates. The first one is month, the day the year.

    Very disappointing that you're playing a game by US developers and you don't know their dating convention. At least get your facts straight.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    This is going to be a headache for the next 2 months.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,163 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Qfury said:

    Really disappointed tbh at it being all solo objectives again. I honestly didn't do half of them this month because it's honestly just too much effort.

    Dueling 2/3/4*s or using diff class champs to clear quests that you’d already clear = too much effort compared to running 10 fights 28x a month? What…!?
    It’s not really quests that we would have already cleared since I only complete the Cav Eq once for each quest, and explore uncollected. But this time we had to do a minimum of 10 runs in each difficulty (1+1+1+3+1+3), and Cav EQ is too hard for me right now too. But if it was in the form of SQs, I could have done it since I can easily do that can kind of difficulty. And it’s not like we didn’t complain about last month being tedious, most of the people did in fact. But this month is even more so.
    “i CaN oNlY dO oNe CaVaLiEr PaTh!!!1!”

    Then you miss 600 bugle points for the whole month. And the lower difficulties you typically ignore…you can get autofighting with free energy.

    People who say this stuff is grindy or tedious often can’t wait to claim rewards. They go out of their way and do extra work to get it one or two weeks earlier than they would otherwise, then they’re looking around at the end of the month complaining there’s no content.
  • Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    Qfury said:

    Really disappointed tbh at it being all solo objectives again. I honestly didn't do half of them this month because it's honestly just too much effort.

    I would argue that side quests where you need to do 280 fights (28 days of 10 fights per day) are a lot more effort than objectives where you have the option to pick up the objectives along the way while doing quests you would normally do regardless of the side quest.

    What to you requires more effort about objectives compared to a side quest?

    I ask because I see your argument repeatedly by various forum goers but I don’t understand it at all. Not that I’m required to understand lol, but I think you’re sensible so I’d like to understand.
    Rather better to have a specific quest for it than searching for champs across the battlerealm.
  • Hilbert_unbeatable2Hilbert_unbeatable2 Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    No one else find the irony in "Save the Contest"?

    According to Thanos, u can save universe by killing half the total population. Even these planning same thing?
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,473 ★★★★
    I'm excited for another month of no side question and solo objectives. Hope they start incorporating this morning to break of the side quests of RNG.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,473 ★★★★
    With --> MARAUDER MYSTERY CRYSTAL, is it possible one new champion this year could be one of the marauders?
  • SanjadenSanjaden Member Posts: 1
    Like it
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    TyEdge said:

    xNig said:

    Qfury said:

    Really disappointed tbh at it being all solo objectives again. I honestly didn't do half of them this month because it's honestly just too much effort.

    Dueling 2/3/4*s or using diff class champs to clear quests that you’d already clear = too much effort compared to running 10 fights 28x a month? What…!?
    It’s not really quests that we would have already cleared since I only complete the Cav Eq once for each quest, and explore uncollected. But this time we had to do a minimum of 10 runs in each difficulty (1+1+1+3+1+3), and Cav EQ is too hard for me right now too. But if it was in the form of SQs, I could have done it since I can easily do that can kind of difficulty. And it’s not like we didn’t complain about last month being tedious, most of the people did in fact. But this month is even more so.
    “i CaN oNlY dO oNe CaVaLiEr PaTh!!!1!”

    Then you miss 600 bugle points for the whole month. And the lower difficulties you typically ignore…you can get autofighting with free energy.

    People who say this stuff is grindy or tedious often can’t wait to claim rewards. They go out of their way and do extra work to get it one or two weeks earlier than they would otherwise, then they’re looking around at the end of the month complaining there’s no content.
    Well I'm the person who finds this month tedious and guess what? I barely did the solo objectives. Dropped most of the big Rewads and did stuff I normally would do- complete cav 1 path and explore uncollected, things I would do anyway and got as many 6* shards I could get from them. Dropped the t5cc 2% and 10% as it forces you to grind lot.

    When you put stuff like objectives stating, defeat champion x using champs of class y by end hit being hit z for n number of times or defeat champion a using champ b for m number of times in duels or arena it immediately sucks out the enjoyment of quest.
    The most annoying ones for me are the ones that are like defeat a skill champ with X attack, then its 1/10, Light, medium, heavy, sp1, sp2, sp3, bleed, poison, headbutt etc. And then they only complete one after another.

    Last time that happened, to save myself from going through quests and seeing the next fight is a mutant, ooh which attack do I need to use here, I made an excel spreadsheet to save myself the time. An event should never have to be that finicky. If there are solo objectives like that, please make it so they can all complete at once, layered objectives aren't as fun.

    If there's a month with objectives like this last month, I'm ok with it, it's not my favourite event, but I can deal with it.

    When there's layered events I just sigh and think wow, this is not going to be fun. Like you said, it sucks the fun out of general gameplay.
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,368 ★★★★★
    Total of 6 Marauder Cavs available without spending? 4800 shards from calendar/week for 5 weeks (total 24,000)?

    Dr. Zola
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  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
    I hope the clues for next month's event leads to Onslaught arriving in the Contest.

  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,490 ★★★★★

    with the whole 'complete one week's objectives to unlock next week's', is that separate across the variations? Like does completing the Cavalier Week 1 Objectives unlock only the Cavalier Week 2 Objectives? or does it unlock the Week 2 Objectives for ALL the variations?

    I'm nervously excited for this event; as long as you handle them well the next times they come around, I think I could quite enjoy getting a pretty payout at the end of a 2-month event.

    I hope we only need to clear one difficulty to have access to week 2
  • SpaddictedSpaddicted Member Posts: 222 ★★
    Have anyone received second week's objectives yet?
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Have anyone received second week's objectives yet?

    They will come in 10 hours 39 minutes.
  • SoulcrisherSoulcrisher Member Posts: 44
    To unlock the next week set,we should complete the previous week set.Does that mean we need to complete cavalier, uncollected, conquerer...etc sets.
    I mean if i have completed cavalier set, should i complete remaining sets also?
  • SpaddictedSpaddicted Member Posts: 222 ★★

    To unlock the next week set,we should complete the previous week set.Does that mean we need to complete cavalier, uncollected, conquerer...etc sets.
    I mean if i have completed cavalier set, should i complete remaining sets also?

    I don't think so. I don't think it's strictly required that much.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 868 ★★★★
    318Chubz said:


    4 entries on Special Quest: Legendary & Epic


    10 entries on Quest 4 Legendary
    14 entries on Quest 6 Legendary


    Proof right here that many people don't understand kabam's post.
    The Special Quest with the one-time rewards can only be run ONE time per difficulty. Or at least you only get the rewards one time. You can repeat it as much as you want because the 28 Entry limit does not apply here.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    So if we don’t do the solo objectives goals we don’t get anything for side quests? So two months of solo goals that are extremely redundant and boring. Okay guess I’m not doing them, I haven’t finished one goal 100% yet but I’m done cavalier difficulty. Really stupid
  • artfvlartfvl Member Posts: 77
    i already did one week of the cav objectives. can i stop doing them now or…
  • Pelu1Pelu1 Member Posts: 38
    We do so much hard work in arena to earn units and kabam took all units like that. It has been so much long time since game is broken. I mean really how much time you want to fix basic controls. The worst part is that you give single revives in stead of team revives. The was no units. Even compensation was not good enoughas we are not able to play side quest as there is none.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,037 ★★★★★

    With --> MARAUDER MYSTERY CRYSTAL, is it possible one new champion this year could be one of the marauders?

    I mean... all of them are already on game so.. (besides Pyro, which I find unlikely)
  • Capt_SmasherCapt_Smasher Member Posts: 27
    I don't know why Kabam removed the duel targets, It was very helpful, Are they coming back ?
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