You need to resume AQ assistance packages
I've been playing this game since it came out and the block parry evade bug is still very real yet you decided to switch from Alliance quest assistance packages to Alliance war assistance packages and yet the AQ is still going on and the bug is very much still present in the game. As a result two fights into the AQ my team is completely dead on the second day of the AQ. Before this bug it would be rare for me to lose a single champion on the 5th day of the AQ let alone my entire team on the second day two fights into the game.
I can't block I can't evade and I can't parry... The basic defensive mechanics of the game do not work yet you expect us to keep playing 🤷🏻
If Alliance quest assistance packages do not resume then I will have no choice but to stop playing the game and I'm sure a lot of other players are in the same boat as I am. If my rewards from the AQ are not greater than the resources that I'm putting into the AQ then my resources will dwindle and I will find myself unable to complete my path in group content forcing me to leave my alliance and quit the game unless I spend money. I'm sorry I'm not going to spend money to compensate for bugs in order to continue playing this game. It's not sustainable.
I can't block I can't evade and I can't parry... The basic defensive mechanics of the game do not work yet you expect us to keep playing 🤷🏻
If Alliance quest assistance packages do not resume then I will have no choice but to stop playing the game and I'm sure a lot of other players are in the same boat as I am. If my rewards from the AQ are not greater than the resources that I'm putting into the AQ then my resources will dwindle and I will find myself unable to complete my path in group content forcing me to leave my alliance and quit the game unless I spend money. I'm sorry I'm not going to spend money to compensate for bugs in order to continue playing this game. It's not sustainable.
It's just bad and it would be nice of Kabam to continue to compensate until they've actually fixed the game.
Similar issues keeps disconnecting every 3-4 streak in arena.. plus while popping crystals and AQ too..
Please resume the alliance quest assistance packages or you're going to see a huge drop in your player base
For the fourth time this week I'm two fights into the AQ and my team is completely dead. Went to parry gladiator Hulk it said parry on the screen yet I took a medium attack and then a level 2 and died😒
Used white magnetos pre-fight on taskmaster couldn't stun him the entire fight (although according to what the screen said I parried him every time) got hit once by his level one and died even though I dexed it 🤷🏻
Went back into the fight the game crashed lost half my health and now I'm sitting two fights into the AQ with seven items left and had to use over 400 units
If Alliance quest packages don't resume I'm screwed, I've gone through over 2,000 units this week because I don't have any more of the health potions you gave us in the packages. I can't keep doing this, I'm not going to pay to play your game because of your bugs.
Fighting the same boss / same mini bosses and same fights for 9 months steady is not even remotely close to a enjoyable experience….whether it’s Apoc …Doom , or Odin for that matter.
Get creative Kabam , keep it fresh and fun!
Especially when the issues haven’t been resolved. Not only did the last patch try not fix parry but the input issues are even worse. For example my champs auto dash in and I’m not even touching anywhere on the right side of the screen, I’m holding down on the left side to block.
At the same time there haven’t been revives in the loyalty store in more than 3 weeks.
As a player of 6 years I will not throw 180-1000 units per aq at the game. Instead it will force me to move on finally. I really would not prefer that.
They start issuing the packages again