[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • ReinaReina Member Posts: 280
    iPhone 11
    iOS 14.7.1
    Happens on both Wi-Fi and Cellular
    Version 32.1.1
    There's a lot of weird issues it seems, sometimes the game will lag, making it hard to parry, dodge, and just play in general, I've had the game crash several times upon loading up an arena match (which has sometimes automatically given me a loss.) There's also been this weird issue that when I win or lose a match, the game is stuck on the win pose, I need to restart the app every time to get it to work again.
  • N0toriousRED53N0toriousRED53 Member Posts: 46
    Almost 2 months of bugs... burning through comp as soon as you get it isn't cutting it. I think its about time to hang it up. Nice job kabam
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  • KelloggsnzKelloggsnz Member Posts: 21
    Yep, it's worse than ever since the latest update. Parry may have improved slightly, but is still off so can't be 100% relied upon. But the constant crashing is the real issue. About once every 15 mins I get a crash, usually after winning a fight. It's very frustrating to lose a fight in arena or have to redo a fight in a quest that I've already won. Especially as the game will take off half your champ's health if the game crashes more than once every 90 mins (which it does)
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,511 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: BowTieJohn
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.5.4
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: v 32.1.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Game crashes often during loading, whether in arena, questing, leveling up, etc. This has continued to do so often I lose track of how many.

    Curious if there is any word on why this is doing it? I've on this forum multiple times so just curious as this crashing issue has been going on for months now and is really making the experience enjoyable like it used to be.
  • SmirkyhSmirkyh Member Posts: 20
    In-Game Name: Smirkyh
    Device and Model: iPad Air (4th gen)
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.7.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 32.2.0
    Game Mode: Main screen.
    Description of the Issue: Menu tabs to move between different sections of the game are not consistently responding. It varies from section to section. They all work from the Home Screen but not in moving from that second screen to a different section. (ie. crystals to fighting). In some sections none of the tabs work, in another a couple will work, the rest not. The back button is continuing to function and allows for navigation that way.
  • SlothKiller50SlothKiller50 Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: SlothKiller50
    Device and Model: iPhone 11/iPhone XR/iPad Pro (1st gen)
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.7.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 32.2.0
    Game Mode: Fight screen

    1) The game will randomly crash upon hitting the Fight button to start a fight or lose server connection and need to reestablish connection whereupon you need to navigate back to the appropriate quest/fight and start again. This is particularly frustrating in Alliance Quest and Alliance War fights where champions lose 50% health and in war this counts as a Time Out or KO.

    2) If the fight starts, the game will randomly freeze mid action for 1-3 seconds before restarting. All control actions, e.g. block, dex, parry need to be reinitiated by the player to have any affect on game play, i.e. keeping you finger on the screen doesn't maintain the block, any light/med/heavy attacks are ignored during the freeze. However, the AI seems to be able to react and initiate evasive maneuvers or strike punches during the freeze such that they have the upper hand once the game unfreezes.

    3) Even if 1 & 2 don't happen, the ability to parry attacks and dex out of harms way is not reliable with the current know issues.

    All in all, the game play is atrocious and if I was new to this game and playing it for the first time, then I would have deleted the app and game elsewhere. I certainly wouldn't be inclined to make any in game purchases for this standard of entertainment and there are players in my alliance considering retirement or at least refusing to participate in alliance wars and even alliance quests.

    Kabam, get your act together and fix the bugs!
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  • OwlkitOwlkit Member Posts: 71
    In-Game Name: Owlkit
    Device and Model: iPad Air (4th gen)
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.7.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 32.2.0
    Game Mode: Main screen.
    Description of the Issue:
    - Menu tabs do not work and freeze game.
    - Game frequently will lose connection or restart prior to a fight. Have lost points in arena.
    - Still issues with parry
  • gns21gns21 Member Posts: 2
    ingame name- GnS21
    iphone xs
    version 14.7.1 current one
    wifi, 4g
    connection issues, lag and parry issue not only on alliance but on quests as well.i lost a 5 star crystel opening becuase it just crashed half way throught the spin😒 after i couldnt find it afterwards.
  • Bio_boostedBio_boosted Member Posts: 27
    If the game ain’t down it ought be. AQ is in a sorry state for my team of iOS players. We’re all getting kicked and losing the usual forfeit in health.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Ok I’m just going to comment this hopefully it might help you pinpoint bugs, ios latest, iPhone 8 latest game update always, the last 2 months of dex parry bug also basically have a bug on the 4th hit in your combo, after third hit sometimes it drops and just does nothing then a second later it will try to punch (almost always too late as you are being hit before you complete your punch motion), or charges heavy, but another thing I’ve noticed and tested the last two weeks, specifically if a defender evades the third hit of your combo you can’t stop the 4th hit, it’s like it’s preloaded, there is a problem with the timing between the third and 4th hit of the combo
  • milomikemilomike Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2021
    This is the current state of Alliance Quest and Alliance War. Start a fight, wait about a minute, then YOUR connection icon pops up. Wait another 3-4 minutes before the game finally disconnects. Log back in, lost health and/or death.

    The latest and “greatest” update, has caused severe connection issues, lag, crashing, stuttering and choppy graphics during fights.

    Parry and Dex are absolutely terrible. Feels even worse than of has for the last 2 months…

    This is NOT my connection, NOT my phone. This is 100% on YOUR end, Kabam, as no other app or game I use have these issues.

    iPhone 12 Pro Max
    iOS 14.7.1
    Latest MCOC update.

    Edit: reference pictures don’t seem to be attaching
  • milomikemilomike Member Posts: 92
    Here’s a little taste of what we get when we click “fight”
  • milomikemilomike Member Posts: 92

  • milomikemilomike Member Posts: 92

  • McOBGMcOBG Member Posts: 47

    iPhone XR

    Latest everything.

    WiFi: not sure, but Japanese so solid.

    Can’t always dex but instead will parry. That’s IF parry works. If it doesn’t, I get damaged.

    Lag is sporadic/inconsistent

    Affecting other alliance members, according to what they say, significantly worse.

    I cannot finish Cavalier EQ because of it.
  • Chilly_OmeChilly_Ome Member Posts: 43
    In game name: Chilly One
    iPhone 11
    Latest update phone/game

    Consistent lag. Constantly crashes on both WiFi and data. I get that you all working on fixes for the game, but at some point, you are going to stop adding content and fix what you have. It is annoying to play. I can’t even get through war or Aq with crash and losing my champs.

    I have given up on doing regular content because of the input drops. I am not wasting units, revives, or potions on content that is broken.
  • JMORG1111JMORG1111 Member Posts: 195 ★★
    It would be great if we could great weekly updates on what is actually a problem and what is not. What is being worked on? The lack of any communication is beyond frustrating and is seriously going to kill this game.

    I'm experiencing dropped connections, slow loading times, missed parries, bugged nodes like Cornered, AI recovering MUCH faster than the player can react, and the list only grows. This is completely unacceptable and if this is the future state it will either require constant compensation or most of us will leave.
  • JoseCarlosGD17JoseCarlosGD17 Member Posts: 3
    iphone xs Max
    IOS 14.7.1
    Latest version 32.2.0
    When I am about to block an attack he just stand there to take the whole damage, I need to tap like 3 times or swipe left or right to get a response, parry sometimes is not working and is annoying, my brother has an iphone XR and he doesn't have those problems.
  • IsaiahGrandeIsaiahGrande Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: zauh
    Device and Model: iPhone 12
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.6
    Cellular or WiFi: Both WiFi and Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 32.2.0
    Game Mode: Alliance War and Event Quest
    Description of the Issue: Blocking isn’t working. And therefore Parry isn’t working. Dashing back also lags. This has happened with Doom, Nick Fury, updated Miles, Diablo, Tigra and Corvus.
    This has been happening since before you started compensating for this ridiculous issue. It got better a couple weeks ago it seemed and now it’s happening again. How long before you give compensation again?
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  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67
    edited September 2021
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.7.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both WiFi and Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 32.2.0
    Game Mode: All fights
    Description of the Issue: stutters and lags in fights makes game unplayable for last few months. I can’t evade special attacks and can’t counter attack because game running sometimes like 5 fps, and of course I can’t enjoy the game! When I fighting with gross, I paused game to read new mission, and after unpause have a great slideshow and fight is over, that’s works after all unpauses in all modes and lags comes randomly, even if I don’t use pause button. Also crashes, connection problems… can I know, this issue will be fixed? I can’t find any answers from developers about this issue.
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  • edited September 2021
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