[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    I agree with Isaiah! Although I do see a little difference but not much. My champs are are still dashing forward when I hit block or throwing a light or medium attack right into my opponent’s specials. I still don’t feel like I have full control of my champs.

    @Kabam Miike @kabamboo I wish I could show you guys what I mean.
    Ok so here’s how it goes in a fight…. I will dash back at the beginning, dash half way to opponent then dash back again to get them to dash at me so I can intercept. That works fine most of the time. Then after my attack I dash back and hit block. Wait a sec to see if the AI will attack. If they don’t I dash forward with a medium attack and hit block and dash back again. A lot of the time when hit block that’s when my champs will do a medium attack, dash forward or backwards. When they do these unwanted commands it’s right when hit block. I’m not giving my champ any other commands.
    It just happen 2 time in AQ tonight while fight in map 5 against masacre. I hope you guys aren’t serious about this update fixing the control issues. I’m an iPhone 8 Plus user and I’m still experiencing issues. I hope this gets fixed before war starts because this will be unfair in war if my champs are still doing command did not give.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★

    In game name: Razor fin
    IOS : 14.7.1
    Phone : iPhone 7

    Using data

    Phone seems to lagging and heating up at first I thought it was other factors but then I checked this forum

    Evidence of the lag in arena

    How did you post a video? I tried and it would not let me.
  • Razor_fin91Razor_fin91 Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2021
    I posted the video via hyperlink from my twitch feel free to give me a follow @Deder80
  • Razor_fin91Razor_fin91 Member Posts: 13
    The crashing is getting worse I can’t even complete a 3 v 3 without it crashing I gave up on quests as when it crashes I loose either half Health or all Health
  • Razor_fin91Razor_fin91 Member Posts: 13
    Marvel CRASHtest of champions

    I really hope this fix doesn’t cause more bugs and issues
  • Razor_fin91Razor_fin91 Member Posts: 13
    This is starting to effect all aspects of my gameplay can’t do anything game crashes after about 1 minute
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike @kabamboo

    I’m totally disappointed in your developers. You guys said the update was supposed to fix the control issues somewhat and it’s gotten worse! I have strong WiFi and full service bars. Yet the game still lags and what bothers me the most is the that I can control my champs 100%. When I hit block my champs are still dashing forward right into the opponent’s attack. And it like the AI knows it’s going to happen because every time it does happen they throw a special and I die. Parry has gotten a 3% better but that’s it. I have to waist my revives and potions to complete the quest that I would not normally have to! This is getting ridiculous and if the game can’t get their(I really want to say a bad word but I told the mediators I wouldn’t) stuff together cause I’m about to quit this game and that’s one less very good paying customer! With the amount of money I spend along with the rest of the big spenders you would think they get on these faster.

    Please please please get this control issue fix! It’s totally unfair.
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 484 ★★★
    Deder80 said:

    @Kabam Miike @kabamboo

    I’m totally disappointed in your developers. You guys said the update was supposed to fix the control issues somewhat and it’s gotten worse! I have strong WiFi and full service bars. Yet the game still lags and what bothers me the most is the that I can control my champs 100%. When I hit block my champs are still dashing forward right into the opponent’s attack. And it like the AI knows it’s going to happen because every time it does happen they throw a special and I die. Parry has gotten a 3% better but that’s it. I have to waist my revives and potions to complete the quest that I would not normally have to! This is getting ridiculous and if the game can’t get their(I really want to say a bad word but I told the mediators I wouldn’t) stuff together cause I’m about to quit this game and that’s one less very good paying customer! With the amount of money I spend along with the rest of the big spenders you would think they get on these faster.

    Please please please get this control issue fix! It’s totally unfair.

    Totally agree on this ! Same thing happening with extreme game crashing after every 1-2 fights in event quest or story quests !!
    Game is getting out of control
  • Cap366Cap366 Member Posts: 130
    edited August 2021
    Sorry it was for android
  • MarvelSPMAN14MarvelSPMAN14 Member Posts: 175 ★★
    IGName: Märvëł_DDëvil
    iPhone 7
    Up to date
    Game up to date
    WIFI and Cellular
    Mainly in The side Quest and Arena and doing anything on the game as in opening crystals or looking at my champs
    The game crashes after every fight
    I literally was doing the Side Quest on Master difficultly and it was going good till yesterday when after every fight I would not only lose 50% but also I would have to redo the fight and the next fight another game crash until all my champs were on 15% and the quest was easy but the consistency of the crash almost made me use revives AQ is Starting soon and I don’t want to have the boss on 10% just for my game to crash lose 50% and the boss run up to 100%
  • GFactorGFactor Member Posts: 21
    IGN: G Crunck
    Device:iPhone 6
    iOS: 12.5.4
    Game Version: 32.1.0

    For me it crashes while its loading just after you've pressed fight. Then when you re-load the game after you've lost 50% health it loads perfectly! This is for AQ btw. If Kabam can't fix this for now can't they come up with a way to record stats on the current fight and have certain conditions that they can use to determine when to recover fights and when to penalize players. For instance, in my case, if no hits are landed on both defender and attacker, there was surely no reason for a player to quit the game and thus no penalty, or if defender has less health than attacker and there power meter is less than 2 bars, or last one to land a blow was attacker before fight was ended, and they had more health than defender and defender had less than two bars of power. Or just come up with scenarios were there's a high likelihood that the attacker would have won the fight and scenarios/ conditions where defender would have won to determine whether to penalize or not. At least one of these would help make things a bit fair. Please do consider these conditions!
  • GFactorGFactor Member Posts: 21

    In game name: Razor fin
    IOS : 14.7.1
    Phone : iPhone 7

    Using data

    Phone seems to lagging and heating up at first I thought it was other factors but then I checked this forum

    Evidence of the lag in arena

    For the over heating try switching power saver mode on, that helped for me!
  • MephistophelesMephistopheles Member Posts: 2
    IGName: Mephistopheles
    iPhone SE (brand new)
    IOS: 14.7.1
    Game up to date
    WIFI and Cellular

    My home internet is on a Korean SK telecom G5 network. I attempted the Legend's run time event, where I had to clear both Heroic and Master's event quests. I completed both difficulties, although during it, the game crashed a total of 6 times! Restarting the game app and subsequent loading screens reloaded smoothly enough. However, as the fights progressed, so did too the lag and eventual crash. In many cases, I was still experiencing parry, broken blocks, and dexterity issues with the increased lag as well. I'd simply like to bring this to the developers attention. I hope it helps in correcting the situation in the future. Thanks for your time.
  • The_only_leaderThe_only_leader Member Posts: 114
    GFactor said:

    In game name: Razor fin
    IOS : 14.7.1
    Phone : iPhone 7

    Using data

    Phone seems to lagging and heating up at first I thought it was other factors but then I checked this forum

    Evidence of the lag in arena

    For the over heating try switching power saver mode on, that helped for me!
    How did you post a video? It’s not letting me post videos. Only pictures
  • HappyVashHappyVash Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: HappyVash
    Device and Model: iPhone 11
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.6
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: most recent, including hotfix
    Game Mode: literally. every. single. game. mode.
    Description of the Issue: unresponsive controls, “the” parry issue, champions doing whatever they want without regard to my input, opponents hitting through block, inability to throw specials on occasion, lag, stuttering. All in all damn near unplayable (and all on a phone less than a week old!)

    Please, please, please, I’m begging you to fix this before driving me (and many others I’m sure) away for good! Please!

  • KTAHIRIKTAHIRI Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2021
    DEVICE : IPHONE 12 pro max latest version of IOS and the GAME including the fix patch
    DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM: the game feels like delayed between the action and reaction when i parry or dex…
    Yesterday i was trying to clear summoner showdown, i had a really issu with SPs.. i launch it so i won’t get stunned but norhing, i need to click many times…
    And we don’t forget it the AQ and AW, parry amd dex are broken completely…

    Note that all my alliance team has the same issue not only me.. so it’s not about me, my device or my network
  • Bio_boostedBio_boosted Member Posts: 27
    iPhone 8+ latest iOS WiFi
    Weird crash tonight. Start of half the fights is like watching a flip book with missing animations. Parry and dex are fine but this thing wanted to crash, it struggled not to. Then just zoned out. Weird
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Ipad mini. Up to date. Both wifi and cell. The game is 10 times worse since the last update. Horrible parry and champs don't respond to controls... just stand there and get wrecked. Probably one of the top 5 worst updates since 12.0
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    In-Game Name: born.to.hula
    Device and Model: iPhone 12, iPad 2020, iPad 2021
    Device Operating System: latest
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: most recent, including hotfix
    Game Mode: literally. every. single. game. mode.
    Description of the Issue: unresponsive controls, parries fail, dexterity likewise (sometimes end up being parries). Also, stutter, AI recovery time seems off (faster), especially after having been knocked down, combos being broken (as if inputs don’t register) by the enemy, sometimes with a special. And more. Final Summer of Pain week is ruined by it. For me, that is. It’s almost impossible to comply with GM’s prompts. How the hell am I supposed to Dex if they miss or turn into parries? Same for parry itself. I personally find it in really bad taste that this fight is the culmination of this timed content, given above issues. Just yuck.
  • KuungingtonKuungington Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Kuungington
    Device and Model: iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Operating System: latest
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 32.1.1 including hot fix
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: For about 2 months now, I’ve been having lag/frame rate issues. The graphics are clunky and when I press the screen, there is maybe half a second delay before it responds. It happens on about 70% of fights. I have tried deleting and reinstalling, clearing space on the phone and running anti virus. Nothing works. No other app on my phone has issues.
  • Liton_27Liton_27 Member Posts: 17
    So today at day 1 of the legends celebration week the lag went up like crazy!!!! I even got timed out in war because of lag without even getting a chance to fight and had to use items to finish the fight later on, on top dash back not working, perry not working, defender ai acting weird this game is about to break, kabam should either surrender to the players that they cant fix these issues and let the game ends here rather then milking players with this stage almost 2 months now
  • Liton_27Liton_27 Member Posts: 17
    iPhone xs max
    Latest ios
    Everywhere in game

    Game lags and boot, perry not working, dex not working, ai behaves weird throws heavy out of nowhere, while trying to perry breaks block and butcher my attacker and so many more issues
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  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67
    iPhone XR
    iOS 14.7.1
    Latest game version
    WiFi 150 mbit

    From yesterday game is more laggy then ever, that’s impossible to play with 10 FPS. Please fix that slideshow, I’m tired play game like this whole summer.
  • BelynarranBelynarran Member Posts: 4
    I have a several lag in all the game, In war is hevy. We cant play season 28 like this, cancel it !!
  • JustinU21JustinU21 Member Posts: 75 ★★
    iPhone 11
    iOS 14.7.1
    Latest game version

    My game times out maybe once every 15 minutes. This is extremely frustrating when I have boosts active and am trying to take down endgame content. I just spent 5 minutes on a fight, won, and the victory animation timed out. Now I have to repeat the fight again. This is unplayable.
  • PajauraPajaura Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Pajaura
    Device and Model: iPhone 12 Mini
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.7.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Last one, 32.1.1
    Game Mode: Summer of pain
    Description of the Issue: In the clash against the grandmaster it is LITERALLY impossible to evade the SP1, I managed to evade it only 2 times, in a totally lucky way, on dozens of attempts and a large number of revives, potions and units spent unnecessarily. We know very well that the easiest part, during the fight against the grandmaster, is to evade the SP1, follow the commands indicated and start the loop again. The grandmaster's SP1, just like the iron man's, is the simplest SP to evade in the whole game. Apparently there is a bug that, as for the pair, does not allow the SP1 in question to be evaded, i.e. there is a delay between the swipe and what, visually, is identified as the radius of the SP1. As a result, one is inexorably hit and the encounter is lost. Now, considering that the SOP event has a limited duration, this bug leads to not being able to complete it in any way and therefore to not being able to obtain any rewards associated with it.
    This is all very frustrating.
  • KuungingtonKuungington Member Posts: 2
    Has anyone even had a response from Kabam? I check this thread frequently and it’s just complaints, no updates.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★

    Has anyone even had a response from Kabam? I check this thread frequently and it’s just complaints, no updates.

    Nope I check everyday and complained about it with no responses. They need to say something before everyone just walks away from this game. We need some kind of update on what’s going on.
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