Sp3 attacks dealing no damage in the mutant quest of Cav EQ

Last night I was going through a few lanes of the mutant quest and every once in awhile, my sp3’s would deal zero damage. I can’t recall any specific instance, and I don’t have a video to post, but it happened two or three times using different attackers vs various defenders. Anyone else having this issue?


  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    Sadly, we would have to know who you were against for such a thing to happen

    Also, if there were any notable nodes.
  • SpaddictedSpaddicted Member Posts: 224 ★★
    You deal no damage when your opponents got 20 charges. You need to do a heavy to reset it to 0.
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    edited September 2021

    You deal no damage when your opponents got 20 charges. You need to do a heavy to reset it to 0.

    You are talking about domino, but all this path I bugged. Don try other paths with domino so I don't I enterily quest is bugged.
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    JhonST33 said:

    You deal no damage when your opponents got 20 charges. You need to do a heavy to reset it to 0.

    You are talking of domino, but all this path I bugged. Don try other paths with domino so I don't I enterily quest is bugged.

  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, if you get any footage of this happening or can tell us which specific quests this happened in, who you were fighting, and what nodes were active, I can pass the info along to the rest of the team.
  • John_kaJohn_ka Member Posts: 4
    Eq 3.1. Cav dif.
    Some sp3 work as usual some dond do any dmg.
    I have huawei p20
  • GrumpybonesGrumpybones Member Posts: 8
    Yes. Getting this in many fights. Some work, others get 0 dmg. I have video. Happened with Apoc as well as with Namor. I have an iphone 12.

  • GrumpybonesGrumpybones Member Posts: 8
    First sp3 did dmg. second did 0
  • GrumpybonesGrumpybones Member Posts: 8
    No charges

  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    Ultron sp3 on domino also no damage and yes i made sure she had no flux disperal charges lol
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    I can confirm this too. Apocalypse is doing no damage with his SP3. Had 7 furies at time of activation.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    edited September 2021
    For the second and third time this quest, it’s happened. This time, Apocalypse on DD and AA on Punisher.
  • WokkawokkaWokkawokka Member Posts: 9
    Happened to me as well during domino chaperter of event quest.

    First sp3 fail was against tile 20 fighting Moon Knight Guillotine 2099 should've instant killed bc opponent was < 5% instead did 0 damage.

    Same run tile 25 fighting DD Cosmic Ghost Rider sp3 did 0 damage.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Oh well. Guess we aren’t getting a fix 🤷🏻‍♂️
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