Red goblin bug?

So I using him on whats mine is yours path in map 7. For some reason spidergwen keeps evading me while he has 100% chance to stop pass evades vs spiderverse heros. 

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
What is happening here, is that Spider-Gwen has 100% Ability Accuracy, and x% chance to Evade.
Red Goblin removes 100% Ability Accuracy, giving her 0% Ability Accuracy, and thus 0% chance to Evade... right?
The node gives her + 20% Ability Accuracy.
So, she now has (x/5)% chance to Evade, and not zero.
100% - 100% = 0% now the 0% has a 20% chance to trigger.
Because if roblins AAR starts first she insta has 0% and node says they trigger 20% MORE OFTEN so 20% for 0?
I never realised how Ability Accuracy actually works until I had an Enhanced Abilities Spider-man evade my Falcon while under Lock-On and was like "wat" until I saw a topic about it and was like "Oh."
For another example, consider how Longshot has 300% Ability Accuracy.
AA (as a decimal) × base %chance to trigger = actual %chance to to trigger.
Without the enhanced abilities node, the equation is this:
1 × 7% = 7%
With the enhanced abilities node and red goblin's AAR, the equation is this:
0.2 × 7% = 1.4%