Next Science 6* R3
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to figure out who my next science R3 should be. My current science R3 are Spider Ham, Ibom, and Rulk (I have 11 total R3 so far). It seems like the obvious choice would be She-Hulk, but I am not sure how often I would actually end up using her (seems like her main utility is the slow, poison immunity, and crazy ramp damage when played well). Is she much better than Mr. Negative and Mr. Fantastic or would either of them be a great choice as well? I do play alliance war so if any of them would be great war attackers/defenders that would also be something I take into account. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I am trying to figure out who my next science R3 should be. My current science R3 are Spider Ham, Ibom, and Rulk (I have 11 total R3 so far). It seems like the obvious choice would be She-Hulk, but I am not sure how often I would actually end up using her (seems like her main utility is the slow, poison immunity, and crazy ramp damage when played well). Is she much better than Mr. Negative and Mr. Fantastic or would either of them be a great choice as well? I do play alliance war so if any of them would be great war attackers/defenders that would also be something I take into account. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Next Science 6* R3 31 votes
She-Hulk, however, I do have and absolutely adore. She's one of the better slow champs in the game and her while her ramp-up damage is top-tier, her real utility for me comes from her taunt mechanic. Once you build up 8(?) furies, your opponents will pretty much always throw their specials whenever they fill a bar of power which is great for managing power.
Honestly, I really don't use my She-Hulk often at all, but when I come across a situation where I need her, I'm very happy to have her. I used her for the Venom/Hydra Adaptoid Path in SoP and she soloed both fights with ease.
If you run apoc and cable, Mr fantastic turns cable into an act 7 destroying monster. 400k hit points done in 12 hits at rank 2. His heavy knock back and reach arent great, but he brings do much to a team and in his own right.
But most importantly, Mr fantastic and shulk have a brilliant synergy between them and are arguably both top 5 science. So both to rank 2?!
But my true suggestion is before they go to r3 they first have to be r2 and all your options are at least r2 worthy. So them MrF and She-hulk first to r2 and explore with them. You might pickup a thing or two that may help with your decision.
Thanks for the suggestions and I ended up taking Mr. Fantastic up today. I really enjoy playing him and think he brings something unique to my roster. Part of the reason that also came into play is the next war season and with the updated tactics he will be one of my defenders. Thanks again for all the suggestions and tips!